
Chapter 751: Conclusion (1)

\'How did my grandfather lose to a man like him?\'

She couldn\'t wrap her head around it.

It was always tough to evaluate one\'s grandfather objectively. Even then, when she removed her emotions as much as possible and objectively evaluated her grandfather... She could unhesitantly say Lee Jung-Geol was a big fish. He might not have been a hero of the ages, but no one could deny that he was a titan among mere mortals.

To think someone like that lost everything to Lee Hyeon-Su...! The more Lee Hyeon-Ju learned about this dude, the more her doubt of that story grew.

Even then, she still couldn\'t start believing that her grandfather\'s defeat was all due to Kang Jin-Ho\'s strength. That was because the warning her grandfather gave her some time ago was still vividly engraved in her brain even now.

“Listen, child. Kim Seok-Il, that dunce isn\'t good enough to be my opponent. And I haven\'t left the Yeongnam Group as-is because we lack strength. The truth is, I\'ve already experienced how annoying and energy-consuming it is to unite all the tiny forces and clans to create one larger organization. I don\'t want to go through with that hassle ever again.

“If everything had gone according to my plan, we\'d have swallowed up the Yeongnam Group just as it has become large and profitable enough. But then, that bastard Lee Hyeon-Su, flipped everything on its head at the perfect timing.

“If you find yourself needing to fight the Yeongnam Group when I\'m no longer around to help you... Don\'t get distracted by Kim Seok-Il. As long as you eliminate that weasel-like bastard, Lee Hyeon-Su, everything should work out in your favor.”

Lee Hyeon-Ju sighed softly.

\'Grandfather, I think you were wrong about him.\'

The weasel was roaring angrily right now. No, wait. Lee Hyeon-Ju was wrong. Forget roaring, that weasel had gone bat-sh*t insane instead!

Lee Hyeon-Su\'s legs were nervously quaking. Actually, calling that constant movement \'quaking\' didn\'t seem quite right. His chair was creaking noisily from how visceral his leg quaking was, after all!

His elbow resting on the desk was also thudding insistently on the wooden surface. Meanwhile, his thumb was stuck between his lips, with his uncaring teeth biting and chomping his fingernail off!

His eyes were clearly bloodshot; his previously immaculate hair, slicked back carefully with a generous helping of hair gel, was in utter disarray to prove how much he had been pulling at them until now.

Looking at this pitiful appearance only made Lee Hyeon-Ju resent the heavens instead.

\'Grandpa, why... How did you lose to a guy like that?\'

If only Lee Jung-Geol tasted a clean and unequivocal defeat at Kang Jin-Ho\'s hands! Lee Hyeon-Ju wouldn\'t be so frustrated like this. Unfortunately, she knew only too well that Kang Jin-Ho was acting according to Lee Hyeon-Su\'s plans!

That only made her even more annoyed, though!

When Lee Hyeon-Su began noisily chomping and chewing at his fingernails again, Lee Hyeon-Ju couldn\'t endure anymore and finally said something. “That\'s going to bleed, you know.”


“I said, it\'s gonna bleed, you dummy!”

“Eh?” Lee Hyeon-Su turned his head and stared at Lee Hyeon-Ju, his expression clearly indicating that he didn\'t understand her.

Lee Hyeon-Ju reflexively groaned loudly after noticing how stupefied Lee Hyeon-Su\'s eyes were. “Please, please! Get a grip on yourself already! You\'re supposed to be in control in times like this, you know! Isn\'t that what a Branch Director like you should be doing?”

“Huh? Why?” Lee Hyeon-Su cocked an eyebrow and asked back instead. Even though nodding along in agreement was a bare minimum in this situation! “Why should I calm down?”

“Are you seriously asking me that now?! You need to be calm so you can respond in case something happens! Don\'t you know that someone involved in history-making events must maintain their cool at all times?”

Lee Hyeon-Su readily nodded away this time. “Sure, I know that.”

“Then, why are you behaving this way?”

“Can\'t you see that I can\'t do it? And that\'s why I\'m a mere Branch Director!”

“...Sorry?” Lee Hyeon-Ju blinked her eyes in dumbfoundedness.

Lee Hyeon-Su yelled as if to unload all the resentment and unhappiness accumulated in his heart. “If I could do that, I would\'ve become the boss by now! Why would I be crazy enough to stay under someone else and draw a salary as a bloody branch director?!”

“Heol...” Lee Hyeon-Ju\'s eye blinking intensified.

What kind of a dogsh*t logic was that? Even so... Why were Lee Hyeon-Su\'s arguments so persuasive? He was technically right, though. If a man could walk his own unique path, why would he stay under someone else\'s wings instead of going his way?

Yes, he was technically right and all that, but...

“Mister Lee, you are the adviser, aren\'t you? That\'s why you need to be calm at all times,” said Lee Hyeon-Ju.

“What? You think my job is that high and mighty?” Lee Hyeon-Su snorted derisively. “Go play Janggi or Go. Even an amateur ranked 9-kyu at Go can offer tips to a master at 10-dan, see? When you\'re not directly involved, it\'s easier to look at things more objectively and figure out what\'s wrong. You know what I mean?”[1]


“You think I can handle my sh*t like a pro just because I\'m an expert at yapping my mouth for other people? Obviously not!” Lee Hyeon-Su viscerally voiced his pent-up emotions.

He briefly paused to suck some air in before resuming his rant.

“Without someone to pull me up from the top, I\'m no better than a neighborhood thug, okay? Or a con man. Mister Jin-Ho is the only reason why I\'m sitting here as a director of the Assembly, you know? Without him around, what do you think would have happened to me? But now, what were you saying to me just now? Calm down? How the hell can I calm down!”

“Holy moly...” Lee Hyeon-Ju covered her mouth after the shock got the better of her.

Where on God\'s Green Earth would anyone find a person willing to shout about their uselessness with such conviction and emotion? In a twisted sense, Lee Hyeon-Su should be commended for his... bravery.

Lee Hyeon-Ju quickly snapped out of her stupor caused by getting sucked into Lee Hyeon-Su\'s twisted logic. To think she\'d get swayed by such nonsense!

“Even then, is there a reason to fidget around like this?” Lee Hyeon-Ju testily asked.

Lee Hyeon-Su snapped back at her. “That\'s because no one\'s boarded the ship yet!”

“I\'m sure they need more time that side.”

Lee Hyeon-Su\'s expression crumpled.

\'They need more time?!\'

What a stupid thing to say that was! Kang Jin-Ho and his people had far exceeded the scheduled time of arrival. Even if something minor happened on the way, and that unfortunately delayed Kang Jin-Ho & Co, they shouldn\'t take that long to resume their trek.

Which meant something far worse, like a deadly variable, had occurred. A variable that even Kang Jin-Ho couldn\'t immediately resolve!

How could Lee Hyeon-Ju not understand how horrifying this situation was?!

\'Well, I never expected it from her, to begin with...\'

Indeed, he wouldn\'t demand such a thing from Lee Hyeon-Ju. He didn\'t pick her as his subordinate for such reasons, anyway. This problem was something Lee Hyeon-Su had to shoulder on his own.

Lee Hyeon-Su anxiously glared at the office clock for a while before shaking his head. He then suddenly got up to leave.

Lee Hyeon-Ju tilted her head. “Are you going somewhere?”

“Yeah. I\'m going to speak to someone.”

“Right now? In our current situation?” Lee Hyeon-Ju asked incredulously.

Lee Hyeon-Su\'s eyes grew cold and withdrawn just then. “Yes. Because of our situation, I must.”

Lee Hyeon-Ju could only furrow her brow when Lee Hyeon-Su didn\'t elaborate further and unhesitantly walked out of the office.


This spectacle was like watching the heavenly deity punishing the world itself.

From the sky, a ray of blinding light slammed down on the ground. It was as if a titan carrying the sky on its head had thrust its spear of light on the earth below.

Everyone watching this sight was overwhelmed by awe and shock.

Those with lower cultivation realms couldn\'t comprehend what their eyes saw or what this event signified. Even so, they were still overwhelmed by this sight. As for those who could comprehend, all they could do was clench their fists tightly at the Crimson King\'s demonstration of his incredible power.

Despite witnessing it with their eyes, they couldn\'t see. Despite listening with their ears, they couldn\'t hear it!

Chang Min could confidently say he had seen and experienced the most out of everyone here, yet even he could only watch this scene unfold with his jaw falling to the ground.

Someone who saw an incoming storm in the distance would try to run. However, how would a person react when the storm rapidly approached while swallowing up houses and cars right before their nose? They would watch in awe at Mother Nature at her most violent, destructive mood.

Chang Min witnessed the collapse of the world he knew and people eventually rising up again from the rubble. He wasn\'t sure if anything in this world would surprise him ever again, but the sight unfolding right now certainly managed to shock and freak him out.

\'How... How can a human do that...!\'

The absolute peak realm of martial arts allowed the expert to become one with nature itself.

Humans were incapable of stopping the winds from blowing around. They also couldn\'t push the incoming waves back, either. Humans couldn\'t move mountains or dodge every drop of a sudden deluge.

To humans, nature was a \'power\' that could never be resisted or fought against. Those who revered this power all wished to become a part of nature.

The ultimate goal all cultivators pursued was the Realm of Nature Enlightenment. They wanted to reach a realm where they became one with nature itself and freely used its awesome powers.

However, demonic cultivation was different. Despite treading a different path to achieve power, however, the demonic cultivators didn\'t belittle or reject the orthodox cultivation and its goal. What they detested and resented were the orthodox martial artists, not their cultivation methods.

As a matter of fact, the demonic cultivators respected the other path to power. And they even believed that the other path was not wrong, either.

Considering all that... What was Chang Min supposed to call that now?

The Crimson King\'s power could not have belonged to humanity. His power could redirect the blowing winds. He could push back the incoming waves, turn mountains into dust clouds, and even force the sudden deluge to miss him!

Chang Min shuddered like a victim of electrocution as awe washed over him.

Of course, he still hadn\'t forgotten his situation. He was a servant of the demon emperor, after all. A man destined to die as a loyal member of the demon cult! He chose to offer his body and soul to the cult regardless of whether it made sense or benefited him in some way.

Someone like that was now trembling in awe at the Crimson King\'s mighty display!

Chang Min hadn\'t been overwhelmed and suppressed by that display of power. And he wasn\'t trembling in fear, either. No, he was left awestruck after confirming with his own two eyes the lofty realm beyond the reach of mere mortals! Even if they cast their bodies into a field of venomous thorns and crawled with all their might, they would never, ever, reach this lofty peak of cultivation!

“Kkuuh-huuk!” Vator twisted and turned after sensing the ripples coming from this incredible attack and forced his eyes to open.

He didn\'t even bother to check the status of his body and hurriedly scanned the situation of the battlefield first. His huge head turned instantly, only for his eyebrows to shoot up high in alarm. “M-Master?!”

Vator could instantly tell despite missing the before-and-after.

Then again, who could be the target of such an extraordinary attack in this place, anyway? Since a powerful attack had been unleashed, it could only mean someone worthy of such an attack was also present.

No one would wield a treasure sword to squash a mere bug, after all!

Vator realized Kang Jin-Ho was currently facing off against that truly incredible attack.

What an ironic situation this was. The oldest demonic cultivator alive, who had been diligently waiting for the demon emperor\'s descent, became utterly entranced by the powerful light emitted by the Crimson King. He had forgotten about his situation, his desire to revive the demon cult, and even his loathing of the orthodox cultivators thanks to the Crimson King and lost himself to admiration.

However, the proud Warrior of the Wild Plains, a man who pursued strength all his life, was thinking about Kang Jin-Ho\'s wellbeing instead of how awesome the Crimson King was. Even though the power he dreamed of and thirsted after all these years was right there, Vator didn\'t even bother with the Crimson King!

Something like that should be enough to fluster everyone involved.

Chang Min immediately realized his blunder when Vator cried out the word \'master\'.

\'What have I been staring at?!\'


Chang Min\'s front teeth dug into his lower lip. Blood instantly trickled down his chin.

\'That attack is trying to kill our demon emperor, you stupid fool!\'

In the blink of an eye, disgust washed over Chang Min. Why was he impressed by what he saw? Wasn\'t this the same as watching a bomb drop in his allies\' base and applauding at how spectacular the resulting scene was?

Chang Min was nearly overcome with an urge to dig his eyes out but managed to suppress his emotions for now. Getting punished for his sins should come later. Besides, his real sin was failing to protect the demon emperor after letting his emotions get the better of his judgment.

Chang Min grimly muttered, “Vator?”

Vator didn\'t turn his head to look back. Even then, he should be listening.

“Vator, what must I do to stop the Crimson King?”

“Stop who now?” Vator muttered back as a hollow chuckle leaked out of his mouth.

How could Chang Min yap on about stopping the Crimson King after witnessing that attack? Only a madman with too many screws loose in his brain would think about doing that!

“I\'m not stupid enough to think we can kill the Crimson King, Vator. Even so... Can we buy at least a little bit of time if I and all the other elders attack the Crimson King?”

Vator narrowed his eyes. “...What will you do with that time?”

“We will save the demon emperor,” Chang Min painfully chewed his words out. “I\'ve finally realized the truth. We had to come this far for me to see the light. Even though I\'ve kept running my mouth about how the demon emperor was the rightful master of the demon cult, I\'ve never truly understood what those words meant.”

Chang Min stopped there before his expression distorted even more.

“Elders? Cult believers? None of those matter. The demon emperor is the cult itself. The cult is him! As long as the demon emperor can preserve his imperial self, the cult can be revived at any time. The demon emperor must live, not us useless old farts!”

When his words reached that far, Chang Min was practically shouting away.

“Now, tell me the truth, Vator! Can it be done?!”

“Definitely not,” Vator immediately replied. He didn\'t even pause for a second to ponder his answer.

Chang Min grimaced. “Are we that weak?”

“No. It\'s not that,” Vator grunted while reaching down toward the ground. Then, he pushed his unsteady body back to his feet. His glare remained locked on the mythical battle in the distance. “Even though you\'ve witnessed so much, you still have no idea, do you? See, the man I call my master is…”

A strange smirk formed on Vator\'s face.

“...He\'s not the type to turn tail and flee, Chang Min. Even if that means his entire being will get shredded apart!”

That was when...!

Right in the middle of the rays of light threatening to pierce straight through the planet... Something pitch-black suddenly ascended like a dragon!

1. Janggi is a Korean board game, often referred to as Korean chess. As for these ‘9-kyu’ and ‘10-dan’ things, they are \'ranks\' assigned to Go players. Please refer to Wikipedia for more in-depth info. ☜

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