
Chapter 629

“Hello. Sorry for intrusion.” Ethan murmured softly, bowing his head a little to show respect.

“It’s fine. I’m happy to have you here.” Cayenne replied to the young man. She already met him several times but it was the first time she’d be having conversation with him this close.

“Auntie Yen, this is for you.” Jade gave her a glass Jar with chocolate cookies and another jar with brownies.

“Wow! Thank you. You really know I love these.” Cayenne kissed her on the cheek as her sign of gratitude.

“How about me?” Luiz interrupted from the second floor. He was holding a book while leaning on the railings. “You don’t have anything for me?”

“Why are you here?” Jade questioned with her hands on her hips. She looked like someone who saw her boyfriend in someone else’s home.


“Uh. This is our house?” Luiz chuckled as he replied to her.

“I know but you said that you have work today. Why are you not working?”

“Oh! It got rescheduled for some reasons.”

“Too bad. I didn’t bring anything for you because I thought you would be working. Just ask from Auntie Yen.” Jade retorted casually, not shy and meek at all. She was used being around them and has completely put her guard down. She likes Cayenne’s family as well because she could feel that they really care for each other.

“I wonder where she gets all her energy?” Jenny mumbled as she sat on the couch. “I’ve never seen her get tired.”

“I don’t know if she ever gets tired.” Riley added in wonder.

“She does.” Ethan answered to their queries. “She just doesn’t show it all the time but she feels tired, too.”

Since they have arrived, they decided to watch a movie together instead. In that way, they can relax from the long drive. Luiz looked for movies suitable for children and Cayenne asked Lucia to make snacks for them. Finally, Jade and Ethan successfully distracted her from thinking about Stefan.

Riley and Jenny became baby sitters for today but they weren’t against it. They didn’t have anything to do at home anyway.

Jenny’s phone buzzed in the middle of the movie and followed by Riley’s phone. The two of them simultaneously opened their phone and saw the post that their friends sent them. Jenny got the news from her university senior and Riley got it from a friend in entertainment industry. A lot of them sent the same message to her.

Both of them looked towards Cayenne and saw that she wasn’t bringing her phone. They were about to sigh in relief when Luiz opened his phone and looked at his sister.

“I can feel you guys looking at me.” Cayenne expressed while keeping her eyes on the huge screen in front of her. Then, she turned around and looked at them one after another. “What’s the matter?”

“No. Nothing.” Riley replied automatically while waving her hand to dismiss the matter.

“I just thought you look really beautiful today.” Jenny quickly retorted. “Are you pregnant? You are blooming.”

“I just had my period.” Cayenne declared which shut them up.

Luiz wanted to laugh for their unbelievable excuses but given the situation, he’d rather think logically for his sister. “Sis, did brother-in-law tell you where he was going?”

“No, he did not.”

“You don’t have any clue? How about you call the secretary? I have her number for emergency purpose.”

“Why do I have to do that? I trust him.”

“Trusting him blindly will only hurt you in the end.”

Jade was listening to their conversation because she could not concentrate on the movie anymore. Ethan heard their statements and it was easy to infer that Stefan has done something which made the three adults uneasy. However, he wasn’t in any position to tell them that.

Luiz was sitting beside Jade and when he was turning his head to look at his sister, Jade caught sight of the post and pouted.

“Dad said that Uncle Stefan will be visiting mom’s uncle today. At the same time, he will be dropping by somewhere to see the child. It’s Amir family. The child is mom’s cousin.”

“What are you talking about sweetie?” Cayenne asked Jade. She couldn’t keep up with the statements of four people already. She felt a headache just thinking of the things they could be talking about.

“Let me borrow.” Jade told Luiz and he gave it to her. “Look at this Auntie Yen.” Jade showed the whole post to Cayenne.

On the post, there was a picture of Stefan holding a little girl’s hand. She was wearing a cap so they weren’t able to see her face. On the other hand, Stefan’s face was clear for everyone else to see as well as Elena. The caption was well-written that anyone would believe the person who wrote it.

-I’ve always lived in this area but I have never seen the father of that little girl. The last time I saw her mother was about two years ago. Today, they came back to get her. I just didn’t expect that the father would be Stefan Dumrique. He was so sweet to his wife recently but this time, they’re not together. I heard that they’re always together but now, I can say that it’s all a lie. I feel bad for his wife. I hope she’d be able to see this and that this would make her open her eyes to the reality on how her husband cheated on her. –

Cayenne raised her eyebrow and looked towards Jade. “Alright. I get it now.”

“Good. So, don’t get too worked up about it.”


Riley looked towards Jade and Cayenne in disbelief. She blinked her eyes several times and checked the post again but when she refreshed it, the post was no longer there. ‘It was probably deleted by Tristan or by Shein.’ She thought to herself and everyone else thought

the smmmame wb,lklll;hen they couldn’t see it anymore.

Unfortunately, many people have taken screenshots of the post and many people gave their bad opinion against Stefan already. Media have dispatched some of their reporters already. And since they knew that Cayenne wasn’t with Stefan, it only means one thing – she’s at home.

Half an hour later, before they could even finish the movie, someone pressed the doorbell to the theater room. Since the place was soundproof, you can’t really hear anything from the outside which was the reason for the doorbell. Jenny opened the door and found Lucia standing there with snacks.

“Ma’am Yen, there are a lot of reporters outside requesting to see you. The guards are dismissing them but they wouldn’t leave.” Lucia stated as she placed the snacks on the table at the side.

“It’s fine. I can answer their questions. Tell them to give me a minute.”

“Okay ma’am.”

“No. You can’t go out. Stefan will kill us.” Luiz told his sister while grabbing the hem of her shirt to stop her from walking out. “Sis, let’s wait for your husband to come back.”

Cayenne smiled at his brother and pried his hand to let go of her shirt. “My husband is busy solving our problem. I should at least do something so little as answering an interview. I promise nothing would happen to me.”

“I’ll come with you.”

The two of them was about to go out when Kyle came running from his room. “Sis! What was that? What happened? Kath told me the latest news about brother-in-law.”

“I’ll explain it to you along with the reporters.” Cayenne said before turning to Riley and the rest of the people inside the theater room. “Just stay here. I’ll be back soon.”

Riley and everyone else nodded. They knew that the news wasn’t true which made them sighed in relief. “Thank goodness Jade is here.”

Cayenne remembered what Stefan said earlier about Jade coming over. It seems like Travis already anticipated this from happening especially that many people paid attention to their lives. Therefore, he deliberately allowed Jade to listen to his conversation with Jillyanna and allowed her to come over. ‘What a nice plan.’ Cayenne smiled at the silly yet kind gesture.

When Cayenne came out of the gate, the reporters rushed towards her but the bodyguards immediately formed a tight human shield in front of her. It was their job to keep her safe.

“There’s no need to push or rush.” Luiz said with obvious irritation. “My sister is not running away. Put some distance and ask your questions.”

“How about I just explain what I know. Then, you can ask me later if there’s anything else you want to know.”

“That would be the best Mrs. Dumrique.” one of the female reporters responded as she readied her recorder and microphone. Some were having live reports and many were waiting for Cayenne’s response. They wanted to know what kind of excuse she would make to keep up her pretense.

“Actually, my husband went to help Jillyanna. Her sister just delivered a baby and she has to visit her. Travis has to work and babysit at the same time. Therefore, they had to depend on someone they trust. The child is Jill’s cousin. In fact, their daughter came to tell me the news about the child before I could even read the post. She’s currently playing inside the house. At the same time, I couldn’t come with Stefan to meet the little girl because I just came back from our trip. I didn’t get much sleep from our mini-honeymoon so, he asked me to rest at home. Ah! If I had known this would happen, I wouldn’t have allowed him to go past one in the morning. He exhausted me and I didn’t have enough energy to even accompany him with this matter.”

The reporters, the people watching across the screen of their TV and computers and those who wanted to see her miserable expression; they were all speechless with her narration. Not only did she explain what Stefan was doing and why she couldn’t come but she even took this chance to display their affection. Another dog food!

“Any question?” Cayenne asked but the reporters couldn’t seem to find anything in response.

Stefan’s employees who watched the live show were laughing so much they had to bend their body and clutched their stomach. Others who were eating their food spilled their dishes and some choked on her words.

“There’s none? Well, thank you for listening. Also, please stop trying to get me and my husband to break up. If your relationships aren’t working and it’s messy, don’t drag us down with you. I trust my husband. He trusts me. That’s it.”

“The madam has expressed her part. Please leave her alone.”

Kyle smirked at the reporters and Luiz laughed as they escorted their sister back to the house.

“That was unexpected. I really thought that something has gone wrong. I was worried for her.” Faith commented after watching the live report from her phone. Noah also watched her with her.

“I wasn’t really worried and I knew it was misconception of the person whoever posted it. When I saw Stefan during the first moment I visited their home, I knew he’s a man who treasures his wife.”

Meanwhile, Magnus, who received the news and the result of interview from his secretary, burst out in a series of laughter. Thankfully, Ferdinand didn’t know about it. His father would probably faint in anger before hearing the result of the interview.

Reuben also heard the news but he didn’t even bother feeling the slightest bit of worry. Why waste on something which is impossible to happen? Cheating? That’s something Stefan would never do.

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