
Chapter 100 The One that Pulls the Strings

This was one of the reasons why they were currently rioting before the City Hall. People were complaining about how their purchasing power suddenly reduced. Those who were caught unprepared were astonished to find that they could not afford the food that they were able to afford yesterday.

This caused massive panic and even though the members of the City Hall tried their best in pacifying this problem by using the stocks that they collected for the past several years. For some reason, someone has been buying it in bulks and as a result, the stocks meant for the common populace didn\'t really reach them.

Outside the doors of the Town Mayor\'s quarters. His high ranking officials and the staffs of the City Hall itself could be seen pacing back and forth with beaded sweats dotted on their foreheads. The Police Barracks helped in deterring the people that wanted to force themselves in.

But as more people piled up, it became evident that the Police Force would soon crumble.

"Why is it so noisy, outside?" A dignified, yet full of laziness voice echoed behind the doors. The faces of the staff members brightened and they hurriedly fixed their clothes in preparation for greeting the respectful Town Mayor.

With a creaking sound, the door opened. Revealing the expression of the Town Mayor who looked as calm and as tranquil as ever. However, those who served him before he became the Town Mayor felt a chill running down their spines.

Especially the Town Mayor\'s Personal Secretary, Gilmesh, whose face looked pale and ashen.

"Why do you look like you\'ve seen a ghost in broad daylight, Gil?" A young staff member asked Gilmesh turned towards him before calming his nerves with a gulp. Walking inside, he brought with him his entourage of staff members before saying, "Gilmesh reporting to the Town Mayor!" He made a formal salute before continuing, "The City Hall\'s emergency stock has run dry and the urgent orders that we sent towards the other hamlet granaries fell into deaf ears..."

Lifting his head, his eyes flashed in a complicated light, "With this pace, we will completely run out of supplies and a civil war may soon unfold..." His solemn words reverberated in the area. Shaking everyone\'s core. The staff members who thought that they didn\'t have that much role immediately went out and contacted their families.

Soon, only Gilmesh and the Town Mayor remained inside the room. The latter turned towards the former before saying, "Do you still remember the times where we forcefully suppressed our competitors with brute force?" A cold smile lifted on his lips.

Gilmesh had a terrifying premonition in his mind that he didn\'t dare to voice out. As someone who stayed beside the Town Mayor ever since he achieved his position. He understood how an amiable-looking old man like him could transform into a terrifying Asura.

It could be said that he stepped atop mountains of corpses before he was able to solidify his foundation. And now that there were people that dared to maneuver against him. He would never let them go.

The Town Mayor was an easy-going person but that doesn\'t mean that he was a push-over. When the Town Mayor stood up, Gilmesh felt a horrifying pressure emanating from the former\'s body. His figure couldn\'t help but endlessly tremble upon the suppression of cultivation strength. Only until he rotated his own cultivation base did he managed to endure.

The Town Mayor wordlessly walked out of the City Hall with the pale and frightened Gilmesh behind him. Upon arriving at the entrance of the City Hall. The moment the Town Mayor\'s figure revealed itself to the world. All sorts of insults flew towards his figure.

"You bastard! How dare you monopolize all the resources that are meant for us! Return us the food! Stop being so greedy!"

"That\'s right, that\'s right! Step down! Step down!" No one knew who started it but the people before the gates of the City Hall suddenly shouted. Their voices formed a chorus which shook the entire area. Gilmesh\'s expression looked indescribable as he glanced at the Town Mayor\'s indifferent expression.

He knew that the more the Town Mayor looked calm. The horrendous the storm that he would unfold once he erupted. Without any hope of suppressing the brewing storm. Gilmesh could only wish that the incoming disaster wouldn\'t do that much damage as he stood behind the Town Mayor with clenched fists.

The members of the Police Force who held the fort couldn\'t help but shiver as they craned their necks and turned their heads towards the direction of the Town Mayor.

The chanting crowd stopped, and everything descended into complete silence. Only the approaching footsteps of the Town Mayor could be heard as he lifted his right hand towards their direction before saying, "Everyone, listen!" A surge of Spiritual Qi manifested, bringing with it a strange power which charmed everyone into complete silence.

Gilmesh who expected a bloodbath lifted his head as he stared at the Town Mayor, \'He\'s not killing everyone?\' He inwardly thought before sighing in relief. Little did the gathered crowd knew that they managed to avoid a calamity in a hair\'s breadth.

"From now on, to temporarily alleviate the problem of food supplies, those independent merchants inside the Town should open their stocks for public usage. The price will be the same as before! Pass this order town and initiate a lockdown of all gates! Prevent those greedy bastards from escaping!" the Town Mayor dished out his orders as the staff members of the City Hall complied.

Soon, the entire Merchant Town of Kalur became enveloped in a state of lockdown. Those who wanted to escape found it hard to do so because of the Spirit Tempering Realm Cultivators from the Police Force that barred them entrance nor exit.

The rioting people before the City Hall became elated and started dispersing. The commotion across the entire Town disintegrated, but those who perpetrated these events in the first place wore a small smirk on their faces. Such as the Leader of the Tetsui Clan, Galleon Tetsui.

"Does he really think that the plan that we started doing for the past several years could easily be destroyed with a flick of his wrist?" He sipped a cup of tea as a stream of information struck his ears. Hearing the words contained within the sound transmission, his expression twisted into a vicious one.

Meanwhile, inside the cave where the Tetsui Clan, the Triass Clan, and the Night Ranger Association held their meeting. Dan could be seen entering the area with silenced footsteps. Despite the fact that he was in Stealth. He still minimized his movements. Since all sorts of mysteries existed under the heavens, who knows if there\'s someone that could spot him through the darkness.

"What happened with the order that I gave to you, Junior One?" A coarse voice echoed and Dan perked his senses.

"I successfully completed it, boss! Now, I bet the two clans would definitely rush to this place. After all, they need their rewards..." The voice replied with a chuckle.

"Stop saying nonsense, make sure that everything goes right..."

"I understand, don\'t be so serious, boss..."


"Okay, okay!"

Dan who hid deep in the shadows fell into deep contemplation, just now. He activated the Authority Token that he got from the Town Mayor and sent him the coordinates of this location. However, he didn\'t expect that he would walk in and see such a scene.

"Damn these bastards really are as vicious as the rumors said, they\'re not even gonna spare their comrades..." Judging from the killing intent that the voices emanated. Dan understood that they should be planning on eliminating the leaders of the two clans.

"However, this also works to my advantage. The only mission that I received from Senior George is to erase all traces of the Night Ranger Association\'s Branch in this Merchant Town...Since the Town Mayor and the Association has an irreconcilable conflict, I could use him to destroy the Association..."

He cupped his chin in contemplation and long enough, a vicious smile lifted on his lips.

"People stake their lives for benefits and relationships only lasts as long as benefits exist. This world is vastly different from Earth and I should definitely change my mindset. Only by being vicious could I achieve the most benefits that will help me acquire greater strength..." Opening the System Menu, Dan used at least a third of his ASP in buying Frag Grenades.

With the help of the System\'s Simulation, Dan planted those Grenades beside the walls, under the soil and even around the stalactites before simultaneously infusing them with his Qi. Now, with his will, he could easily ignite the Grenade\'s activation sequence.

"Now that everything is completed, it is now time to wait..."

Back at the Merchant Town of Kalur, a bearded figure could be seen sitting before a desk. Atop the desk were numerous stockpiled documents. Suddenly, the figure\'s expression flickered as a stream of information struck his ears.

"Good, good, good lad! He actually found the elusive base of the Night Ranger Association in such a short time!" A wide grin filled with utmost killing intent and raging fury surfaced on his face. Standing up, he walked towards a cabinet and took a rusted sword.

The rusted sword looked average and if one placed it among scraps. No one would take any particular notice about it. But when the figure\'s hands gripped the sword. A faint humming could be heard as the air itself trembled.

"It\'s been a long time since I unsheathed this baby of mine... " Placing it on his waist, the Town Mayor\'s figure blurred before shortly reappearing above the Merchant Town of Kalur. Scanning the location where the signal from Dan came from.

He descended on the ground and assumed the identity of a Bronze-Ranked Adventurer as he rapidly closed in towards that cave.

Inside the cave, the two leaders, Galleon and the Triass Clan Chief, Ivan Triass arrived. Galleon brought with him his daughter Leona, while Ivan brought with him his sole heir, Edward Triass. Dan also stood beside Leona with his left arm around the latter.

"I suppose that boss already has our rewards prepared, right?" Galleon cupped his fists together, an indiscernible light flashed within his eyes. The ghastly apparition who talked with them earlier gave a crackle as he said, "Of course I already have it prepared beforehand, after all, I have to complete the deal on my end..."

He walked towards the two clan leaders and offered two Spatial Rings. After scanning the Spatial Rings, the two leaders nodded their heads and promptly retreated. But before they could exit the cave. A wave of Spiritual Qi that came from a Formation surrounded them.

[Warning: The host\'s surroundings has been placed in a Spatial Lockdown, Escape through Spatial means is currently unavailable]

A system notification that told him about what just happened flickered before the eyes of Dan as his expression turned solemn. Peeking behind a slab of rock, Dan secretly reinforced the rock so that it wouldn\'t crumble in the upcoming clash.

"What\'s the meaning of this?" Galleon turned around. His expression frosty and icy. Ivan also looked the same and there was even an air of killing intent surrounding his body.

"What do you mean? Didn\'t I just give you the rewards that you deserved?" The ghastly apparition spoke in a sarcastic tone, "Since I gave you the rewards, I completed the end of my deal, but that doesn\'t mean that I cannot steal it back!" The apparition roared as numerous shadowy figures surrounded the two leaders.

Ivan turned towards Galleon and said, "There are too many of them, we have no choice but to join hands if we want to defeat him..." The latter grimly nodded his head as the two leaders rotated their cultivation base.

"Leona, Dan! Both of you take care of these bastards around us, we\'ll take care of their leader!" Galleon shouted as his figure sped towards the ghastly apparition along with Ivan who wielded a greatsword.

Leona turned towards Dan and along with Edward, they rotated their cultivation bases and started their fierce battle with the members of the Night Ranger Association. Constant sounds of metal clashing against metal could be heard inside the cave as it intensely trembled upon the might of the three leaders.

Leona clicked her tongue, the members of the Night Ranger Association possessed numerous means which enabled them to escape certain death. Their movements were erratic and each of their attacks was fatal. Giving her no chance to rest as wounds started appearing on her body.

Ivan and Dan looked the same. At first, they held the upper hand because of their brute strength but when these bastards started showcasing their cooperation. The inexperienced two crumbled before the decades of experience that these bastards accumulated.

Galleon and Ivan looked at each other before saying, "Galleon! I\'ll go and forcefully destroy the Spatial Lock, hold him down for ten breaths!" Ivan roared and dashed towards the invisible wall that floated in the air. Galleon gritted his teeth, though he didn\'t want to comply, he didn\'t have any other choice or all of them will die inside this cave.

Viciously staring at the ghastly apparition, he bit the tip of his tongue as his body started glowing in a crimson light. The Lifeforce Devouring Method contained numerous secret arts which allowed the user to burn their existing lifespan in exchange for temporary power.

In just a few breaths, Galleon reached the peak of the Divine Soul Realm. His body that shone like a crimson sun illuminated the entire cave and when he attacked, the rocks around them would crumble.

"This is the end!" He howled as his figure blurred and launched a flurry of attacks.

Their exchanges created numerous sonic booms which destroyed the eardrums of everyone including Dan who became disoriented. Leona turned towards Dan and found that the latter looked wobbly and beside him, a member of the Night Ranger Association could be seen raising his sword in a downward slash!

"No!" Leona screamed and activated the might of her entire cultivation base despite the suppression that she felt from her father\'s cultivation base. She barely managed to push Dan away from the assailant as an attack grazed her hair.

Strands of her hair fell on the ground as she forcefully twisted her body in mid-air and launched a horizontal slash towards that attacker. Instantly killing him as his head rolled on the ground.

"Dan! Are you okay?" Leona\'s expression looked tragic and teary as Dan stared at her with a wry expression before ruffling her hair with his hand. His smile looked somewhat melancholic and it pierced the young woman\'s heart.


A flash of bright light formed a line in the air and struck the lying Dan right in his heart. A blood arrow surged from that Dan\'s mouth. Drenching Leona\'s visage who twisted in anguish and terror.

"Nooo!!!" She screamed, her expression looked murderous and her eyes shone in a crimson light of killing intent and the desire to destroy everything around her. Biting the tip of her tongue, she utilized the lifespan that she recently collected in an effort to activate the strongest Secret Art that she could use.

Blood continuously dripped from her mouth. Her blood formed a crimson ball which eventually formed a tangible asura which pounced towards her enemies and continuously reaped their lives.

Under the effects of the Secret Art and because of the fact that the members of the Night Ranger Association didn\'t have the skillsets suitable for close quarter combats. They succumbed under the attacks of the asura.

Tears mixed with blood continuously streamed from her eyes down her cheeks. She disregarded everything around her and focused her efforts on resuscitating Dan to no avail.

"No, it can\'t be, not like this, not like this, Dan!" She overlapped her mouth with his mouth and tried sending air. But her efforts would never bore fruit. After all, the mysterious attack completely disintegrated the latter\'s heart.

"Leona, what are you doing there?! Assist us here!" Edward whose expression looked pale from exhaustion fiercely cursed at Leona. His words fell on deaf ears as Leona continued her efforts. Galleon\'s expression looked heartbroken and sour, his attacks became even more frenzied as the ghastly apparition viciously laughed.

"Edward! Come here, fly out with me!" Ivan who finally cracked the Spatial Lockdown screamed towards his son as the former sped towards the opposite direction with all of his might, leaving Galleon and Leona behind.

Galleon realized what Ivan was about to do and fiercely cursed, "You bastard! What the hell are you doing?!"

Ivan\'s expression turned frosty and condescending as he said, "Thank you for stalling some time for us, my brother Galleon. Don\'t worry, I will light some incense for you and your daughter every year..." At the end of his sentence, he laughed out loud as his figure disappeared.

With his disappearance, the Spatial Lockdown Formation repaired itself, trapping Galleon along with his daughter Leona inside this den of tigers.

"Hahaha," The ghastly apparition retreated with a laugh, "To think that I would witness such a show of betrayal between two close comrades, both of you really didn\'t disappoint me..."

Galleon\'s expression turned somber, filled with hopelessness and despair. His enemy possessed a cultivation of the Peak Divine Soul Realm without any augmentation. Compared to him who had to rely on a Secret Art to match his enemy\'s cultivation, the difference was staggering.

However, he was a demonic cultivator, and his heart wouldn\'t let him go down without a fight!

Tightly clenching his fists, he lifted his head and stared at his enemy\'s figure with a blazing light within his eyes. Taking a jadeslip from his Spatial Ring, he crushed it and sent the powders towards his daughter\'s body. The unique fluctuation of Spatial Transfer surrounded his daughter and Leona who realized what happened stared at her father in shock.

"Father, what are you doing?! Stop this! Stop this!" She protested and tried to stand up. But the strong fluctuation of the Spatial Transfer intensified. The technique that Galleon used to transfer his daughter involved a strand of a Divine Ascendance Realm Elder\'s Qi.

Only a Divine Ascendance Realm Cultivator could possibly pierce through the effects of a Spatial Lockdown. Back then, he paid a heavy price for that life-saving jadeslip. And now that he thought about it, he was thankful that he paid that price.

"As long as you can survive, everything will be fine...If I die today, take revenge for me and your husband, my dear daughter, Leona!" Galleon left his wishes as Leona\'s expression turned even more tragic. The fluctuations of Spatial Transfer intensified before swallowing Leona, along with Dan\'s corpse and transferring them somewhere far away from this place.

"I didn\'t expect that such a measly cultivator like you would actually have some connections with a Divine Ascendance Realm cultivator..." The ghastly apparition shook his head and spoke in praise. "Though your daughter has escaped, she\'s just a mere ant, she couldn\'t possibly rise against us..."

Unsheathing a sword filled with the darkness of the abyss, the ghastly apparition said, "Thank you for the efforts until now, Galleon Tetsui..." He lifted his sword and stabbed.

Galleon didn\'t even resist. Why would he struggle when escape is futile anyways...


The sound feedback of his sword piercing deep within Galleon\'s flesh echoed throughout the silenced cave. The ghastly apparition chuckled in excitement as a burst of white light suddenly exploded behind Galleon. Disintegrating the latter\'s body along with the apparition who screamed in pain.

"It\'s been several decades since I started my search..." A familiar voice echoed throughout the entire cave followed by a cracking sound as the light from the outside world descended towards the cave, revealing the corpses that littered the ground and the blood that decorated the walls.

"I thought that the Emperor itself arrived, it looks like it\'s just you, our true target..." The ghastly apparition gave a small chuckle, as the Town Mayor, whose expression looked indifferent and frosty walked inside.

His two hands held the lifeless bodies of Edward and Ivan. Throwing them on the ground, he said, "So these are the people who were foolish enough to trust you?" He spat, "Pathetic,"

"Hey, hey, don\'t be like that, old man...Even though they betrayed you, they\'re still your comrades, you know? Don\'t disrespect them and spit on their corpses..." The ghastly apparition commented and the Town Mayor replied, "Ever since they had the notion of betraying me. They have long since disappeared from my list of comrades..."

The ghastly apparition snickered upon hearing his words, "Really, you\'re so cold...So this is the true attitude of someone that once held the title of the Executioner?" the apparition\'s words laced with mocking and sarcasm pierced through the ears of the Town Mayor who gave a cold smile.

"There\'s no need to think deeply about it. After all, you\'re gonna die anyways..." He unsheathed the rusted sword and miraculously, the rust that enveloped the sword transformed into blood, which constantly enveloped its blade.

The ghastly apparition gave a small sigh before mumbling, "You had the talent and the ruthlessness that we\'re looking for. Why are you so stubborn as to repeatedly refuse our invitation..." the apparition\'s expression became filled with regret, "We could\'ve been friends..."

"You have your own path and I have my own. I prefer freedom than being shackled, let\'s stop the nonsense and get over this as soon as possible..." The Town Mayor replied before dashing towards the apparition. The latter saw his approach as a smile of excitement and glee lifted on its lips.

"If that\'s the case, then let me witness the might of the renowned Executioner!"

With the clash of their weapons, a deafening roar ensued inside the cave, blasting everything around them as the walls of the cave threatened to crumble.

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