
Chapter 89 What Do You Mean I'm Leaving 34.2

"Why is it every time I say something you have to do the opposite. I tell you not to go with Brittany and you tell me to be quite and go. When I try to leave at Silverman\'s you get upset and challenge me to keep me from leaving. When you when and I cave, and I just want us to leave together you get pissed and stay. Why can\'t we ever just agree and be on the same damn page.

"Ask yourself that. You where the one who wanted to get close in the first place and kept getting me involved. You made me fall in love with you in the first place then pushed me away then bring me back then do it all over. Forgive me if I\'m not just going to listen to what you say." I poke fun at him as I smirk at his sour face. Mike and Maliki are trying there hardest not to laugh.

"What did you find?" I ask looking around Ren to Maliki who clears his throat.

"Well thing is little sis." Mike is the one who speaks. I look over my shoulder at him. "We didn\'t find what Your friend was talking about. In fact, her house was completely torn apart. Whoever David is working with already got rid of all evidence."

"They acted fast, too fast. That means either someone is watching him or someone\'s watching you or Ren. We don\'t know who the enemy is exactly but it\'s not safe for you to be constantly going out." Maliki explains. I walk over to the bed I rub my chin thinking as I lean against the pole. I get what he means. They need to be with Ren. Ren\'s concerned with me going out without him or Mike or Maliki, but I also don\'t want him unguarded he was already attacked in his own home. I also don\'t want to be forced to follow him around everywhere. I have my own men, but Jack and I are in an awkward situation right now. If I go out, I need to take extra precaution that\'s for sure. Least I won\'t have David gunning for me, but if what Maliki says is true David is the least of my concern now. Seems who ever is responsible for the feud between the Feng clan and the Serpents wants it to stay that way as me and Ren get closer the more aggressive then become.

"There\'s more, your friend Shion was murdered last night." I look up in horror I feel the pile rise in my throat.

"How is that possible? She was supposed to be under surveillance."

"I\'m sorry Anna I don\'t know exactly it happened, yet we are still investigating how they slipped in without being seen and heard and slipped out after killing her. Us non the wiser.

"That\'s why you should go back home Anna, we can\'t even guarantee your friends protection I don\'t want to chance it." Before Ren could finish the door burst open.

"My Lady, bad news!" David bursts in panicked. Everyone turns to him I feel a knot in my stomach from how pale his face is.

"What is it Jack?"

"Your father lord Silverman is in intensive care ward in Saint Mathews Hospital." I feel completely numb unable to reply.


Ren had gotten his wish; the plane had been called and prepared to leave within the hour by time we landed Daniel had gone in and out of surgery. Ren explained later as I had tuned out Jack that apparently my father had been visiting the cemetery this morning. Upon leaving he was shot from far off by a sniper. No one saw who or where it came from. Thankfully it could have been worse still he had a collapsed lung and was bleeding a lot and was rushed to the emergency room where they operated immediately unable to wait to family consent. Honestly it had never occurred to me that something could happen to Daniel hell never crossed my mind how I would feel if something happened to him, so I wasn\'t prepared for the mix of emotions the floored my feet to the ground like heavy cement weighing them down. When Ren drove me to the airport, I was dumb founded but also at ease when he didn\'t say goodbye. He walked me onto the plan and took the seat next to me.

"Anna sweetie." Ren\'s voice called for me. I could feel his hand brush a hair out of my face. I feel the plane bounce a little as it touches down. I open my eyes seeing Ren smiling softly at me. "Rest well?" I nod sitting up noticing I was laying curled up on Ren\'s chest and shoulder.

\'Thanks, for letting me use you as a pillow." I say blushing and looking away.

"Whenever you need." I glace over catching a smile and then stretches his arms.

"You sure everyone else will be okay being left behind?" I was concerned. Only Mike, and Jack came along with me and Ren.

"You need to trust in them, just like they trust in you to let them know how your father is doing we all have our jobs." He reassures me petting my hair. Honestly considering how much he hates Silverman I can\'t believe he even came with me. Two cars where waiting in the hanger when the plane door was opened, and we exited still Mike and Jack took the lead inspecting our surroundings and the vehicles first before we exited the plan cabin.

"Your father is conscious, but he shouldn\'t do a lot of talking he is still in a critical state." The nurse was telling me as she led me to his room. "Sorry only Family can go in." She says looking at Ren.

"It\'s okay he\'s my Fiancé." I say without hesitation. I don\'t miss the smile on his face and the disappointed look on hers.

"Oh well then please go in." she quickly leaves.

I tap on the door then enter. I had never seen Daniel look so small and defenseless. I walk up to his bed tubes and machines helping him breath. I can\'t help thinking it much be hard to rest with. Iv\'s giving him fluids in one arm a pressure cuff on the other. I lean over taking his hand. I had always fought to call him what he was but seeing him like this. I whispered in his ear.

"Daddy." His eye flickered open as he turned to look at me then at Ren which I don\'t miss the shock I almost want to laugh because he\'s probably thinking the same thing I did. I watch as he uses his free hand to pull down his oxygen mask a little to speak.

"Ren, did you come," he gasps putting the mask back on for a second taking a few breaths and pulls it down again. "to make sure I was dead?" the question is unpleasant, but he smiles, and Ren chuckles.

"Not today old man I came to make sure you got better. I need you to survive so we can have your blessing Lord Silverman. I watch as my father\'s smile grows as he looks at us both nods. Then his eyes close. "Come, he\'s sleeping again let\'s let him rest now. Mean time you need to eat to keep up your strength." Ren leads me out I look back over at my father. I had never had a dad before I had never thought I needed or wanted one once he came into my life. I was wrong.

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