
Chapter 694 - Rain At The Qing Temple

Chapter 694: Rain At The Qing Temple

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A slight sound of footsteps rang out in the courtyard outside. The sound was very light, particularly as the market at the end of the alley was still noisy and would be so until dusk. Thus, these quiet footsteps had almost been obscured by the sound of bargaining.

However, these gentle footsteps rang out with unusual clarity in Fan Xian’s ears. He narrowed his eyes and focused on the sounds outside. His index finger and middle finger unconsciously moved slightly. Only then did he realize that this black dagger had long fallen in the rain in front of the Royal Palace and was not with him. But, he remained calm, still confident that he would be able to subdue the person outside in one strike.

Hong Yiqing gripped his dagger tightly. He carefully and silently crouched behind the door. He temporarily held his breath and looked at the figure coming closer. Strangely, the person approached the door and gently knocked. Hearing the rhythmic knocking, Hong Yiqing relaxed visibly because this signal was a way to identify the members of the Qinian Unit.

Fan Xian did not relax because he was not confident about whether the Qinian Unit had been infiltrated by the court or if contact had been made. After all, starting from the Dazhou incident and pushing back from the existence of Gao Da, the Emperor’s regard for intelligence reports had far surpassed Fan Xian, as well as Chen Pingping’s deductions. Furthermore, the internal court probably had many loyal officials hidden in the Overwatch Council. Otherwise, it would have been difficult for Yan Bingyun to control the sinister Council within seven days.

“It’s me,” the person said in a raspy voice. He seemed to know there were people inside.

Hearing this voice, Hong Yiqing did not recognize who it was, but Fan Xian’s expression immediately changed. It was somewhat joyful, emotional, and surprised.

The door was pushed open. A middle-aged man with an unfamiliar face and wearing clothing commonly seen on farmers in the outskirts of Jingdou walked in.

“Leader Wang?” Hong Yiqing lowered his voice and looked in disbelief at the person. He deduced the person’s identity from the familiar warm smile in his eyes. After all, he had been personally chosen by Wang Qinian to join the Unit. However, in the heart of most Overwatch Council officials, Wang Qinian had died three years ago in the Dong Mountain incident. How could he be standing alive in front of him now?

The disguised Wang Qinian patted Hong Yiqing’s shoulder. He then intently focused his attention, while forcefully suppressing excitement, and bowed deeply to Fan Xian standing behind the desk.

“We’ll talk another day. We’ll see each other again. Go do what needs to be done.” Fan Xian smiled and threw the little knife in his hand to Hong Yiqing. The expression on Hong Yiqing’s face was one of disbelief and surprise. He knew matters were urgent, so he did not waste time. He bowed to each of them and headed toward the grasslands in to search for Songzhi Xianling.

Fan Xian walked out from behind the desk and stood in front of Wang Qinian. He looked at him silently for a moment. He then hugged him and patted his back with force. He straightened and saw the tiredness that Wang Qinian’s disguise could not hide.

Fan Xian gazed at Wang Qinian, and Wang Qinian also gazed at him. The two did not speak for a long time. Fan Xian eventually sighed and said, “It really has been a long time since we met.”

On the road back to the capital from Dongyi, Wang Qinian had desperately stopped the Overwatch Council carriages and informed Fan Xian of the startling news. At that time, neither of them had time to say anything or sigh about anything. Fan Xian had immediately charged to Jingdou to rescue Chen Pingping.

Calculating carefully, it had been exactly eight days since Fan Xian had returned to the capital. Now, Wang Qinian had returned to Jingdou. Before this, Wang Qinian had traveled rapidly and with great difficulty from Danzhou straight to the northeast. Two such long-distance treks had exhausted the aging Wang Qinian. Even though he was one of the two wings of the Overwatch Council, he had reached the end of his strength.

Fan Xian helped him sit down in a chair. After a moment of silence, he said, “Where have you been these years?” This question was asked lightly, but it was very emotional. Fan Xian knew he had not died and that with Chen Pingping’s arrangements, Wang Qinian, as well as his entire family, had changed their identities and gone into hiding. For the sake of Lao Wang’s family’s safety, Fan Xian had only investigated briefly before giving up. During these three years, Fan Xian often thought of the lovable Lao Wang, his closest subordinate, who knew more of his secrets than anyone.

“I never actually left the capital. I was by the Director’s side the entire time. I always watched you. It was enough to know that you were doing well,” Wang Qinian said in a raspy voice. They had not seen each other in three years, but there was no sense of distance between them.

Fan Xian was silent for a long time and then said, “I got back too late.”

Wang Qinian lowered his head and was silent for a long time. In a low voice, he said, “It was me who got the message to you too late.”

Both of them had actually done their best. However, they were still unable to change what had happened. A faint sense of sorrow and self-criticism filled the room.

“Is your family alright?” Fan Xian asked.

“Yes, the court shouldn’t be able to find them,” Wang Qinian said.

“That’s good. Come back to my side,” Fan Xian replied.


After this natural back and forth, Fan Xian’s long icy heart felt a rare glimmer of warmth. Quietly, he asked, “I told you to follow the main group to Dongyi. How come you are back?”

“Around 4,500 Black Knights have entered Dongyi territory. Among them, one group should have headed toward Ten Family Village by now. I had completed the task the Director gave me, so I hurried back. I was delayed for two days, so I am a bit late,” Wang Qinian said. “Jing Ge, the old man of the Seventh Bureau, and Zong Zhui were all in that group. The most powerful forces the Director left behind are all going to be gathered in Ten Family Village.”

Fan Xian was silent for a moment. He then smiled with a complicated expression. “Who would have thought that the matter of the Ten Family Village also wouldn’t be able to escape his notice?”

“The Director will always find out what he wants to know,” Wang Qinian said.

“Let’s not talk of this anymore.” Fan Xian sighed. “With you at my side, many things will be much easier. At least for things like today, I would not have needed to waste seven days to worm out of that net.”

After talking a little, Wang Qinian understood more of what had recently happened in Jingdou. He couldn’t help but sigh. “If the Overwatch Council was still in our hands, it would be much easier to do things.”

The only people Fan Xian could truly trust and use, other than the Qinian Unit, were his confidants and subordinates scattered all under heaven. However, the Overwatch Council headquarters was already beginning to gradually crack and split off, particularly the Fourth Bureau that the Yan father and son controlled. If this went on, Fan Xian’s influence, as well as the influence of the older officials, inside the Overwatch Council would probably become weaker and weaker.

“In the end, this world is the Emperor’s. Even if the officials of the Council sympathized with the Director’s fate initially, after enough time, they had to accept this reality. After all, one has to be patriotic and loyal to the Emperor...” The corners of Fan Xian’s lips twitched slightly. He only showed his contempt and disdain of imperial power in front of very few people. “How many people would openly oppose the throne?”

“Sir Yan is not that kind of person,” Wang Qinian said in his raspy voice. Naturally, the Sir Yan in his words pointed to Yan Ruohai. “I don’t understand what Yan Bingyun is thinking.”

“The Director left instructions for him,” Fan Xian said as he closed his eyes slightly. “The Director does not want the world to bleed because of him. He had exhausted all means to ensure that the power in my hands continued to exist, so he severed me from him. If I can perform as well as he imagined, in just a few years, I will climb up again. At that time, the Emperor may have grown old.”

This was Chen Pingping’s wish. The outward appearance of this wish perfectly aligned with Yan Bingyun’s attitude of putting the world first. Thus, Yan Bingyun had steadily and firmly continued as Chen Pingping had planned. Afterward, it would just depend on Fan Xian’s attitude.

“Yan Bingyun won’t watch the Overwatch Council become my weapon for revenge. Public tools cannot be used like that. This is probably a very new thought,” Fan Xian said calmly. “However, he forgets that this world belongs to the Emperor. All of the officials and military powers are the Emperor’s private tools.”

With slight mockery, he said, “Unfortunately, our Sir Yan junior cannot understand this. It is not so easy to be a faithful official and filial son. I hope that he will be able to continue steadily in the Overwatch Council.”

Wang Qinian could tell that Fan Xian did not have any great hate toward Yan Bingyun. He narrowed his eyes and said, “What do we do next?”

“You should rest. We can’t just fight all the time.” Fan Xian stood beside Wang Qinian and gently pressed down on his slightly slumped shoulders. Evenly, he said, “You’re worn out from these few days. Find a place to stay in the capital. I expect that not many people would be able to find you. Then, I have something for you to do.”

Given Wang Qinian’s skill in following trails and going into hiding, even if the court’s net was still spread out outside the Fan manor, it probably couldn’t stop and Fan Xian meeting up. With him, although Fan Xian’s body was kept in Jingdou, his voice could finally get out. It would not be as difficult as it had been these past seven days.

Wang Qinian already knew about the messages Fan Xian had sent to various places through the Qinian Unit. He did not make any suggestions for the plan. He just didn’t know if Fan Xian was showing his cards or passively carrying out a defense and hiding these powers outside Jingdou to be called upon at an appropriate opportunity.

“I hope Zi Yue can come out of Xiliang alive.” Fan Xian furrowed his brows in slight worry. “I had originally planned to have him go back to Northern Qi to do this, but I was never at ease. After all, even if they are willing to follow me, I am, after all, a subject of the Qing Kingdom. Perhaps in their eyes I have always been a part of the royal family. Even when facing the Emperor, they can be righteous. If it’s Northern Qi...”

He raised his head and looked Wang Qinian. “If I am leading you to betray the country, would you follow me?”

Wang Qinian smiled bitterly and stood. “Have we not done such things in previous years? Even if you are taking me into the earth, I can only go with you.”

Fan Xian smiled and said, “Thus, I only feel assured with you carrying out this matter.”



One after the other, the two people left the small courtyard. It was destined that no one would come again to this little courtyard that had cost 120 liang silver for a long time. Only the lonely raindrops and silent spider webs would accompany the smooth paper and icy cold inkstone.

A large hat lay on Fan Xian’s head and hid him from view. Following the muddy paths inside the market, he watched from a distance as Wang Qinian’s figure disappeared into the crowd. It was not until he lost sight of him that he felt relieved. It confirmed that there wasn’t an ambush outside the little courtyard.

Fan Xian’s mood relaxed slightly, just like the sky once the autumn rains stopped. Although it was not clear and there were some faintly heavy clouds, in the end, they floated with the wind and let the clear sunlight into the world. At least the atmosphere was no longer heavy and sinister.

The affairs under heaven had to conclude under heaven. Acting before the Emperor did, Fan Xian had to protect the power in his hands as best as he could. When he eventually revealed his cards, only then could he have enough power and weapons. For some reason, he felt that he had made a mistake somewhere. A faint warning floated back and forth in his mind like a cloud, but he could never see its shape clearly.

Leaving the lively and common sounds of the market behind, Fan Xian went by a number of city gates that led to the Royal Palace like the spoke of a wheel and headed toward the south side of the city. Everything was done. The members of the Qinian Unit had all pulled out of Jingdou. He didn’t have to worry anymore. Even being under house arrest was not something that was difficult to endure.

However, he had to pass the Royal Palace on his way. As he passed it from a distance, Fan Xian could not hold back the pain. He forced himself to not think about what had happened a few days ago. He could not help but wonder how his sister was doing in the Royal Palace. Although Eunuch Dai had said the Emperor treated her like his child, Ruoruo’s present status was that of a hostage. She knew this herself. Presumably, her days in the Palace were somewhat unhappy.

This had been a very light stroke of the Emperor’s brush, yet it completely destroyed the painting Fan Xian had worked hard to create. Because of this, it was impossible for Fan Xian to leave Jingdou.

It started to rain. Fan Xian lowered his head slightly and allowed the hat to cover the fine droplets of rain. Slightly, he left under the gaze of the Royal Palace. It was strictly guarded. There were not many people on the streets, yet he could still hear people cursing the weather. Presumably, the arrival of the misty autumn rain just a few days after it stopped made many people in Jingdou unhappy.

It was possible for one to become numb to unhappiness. The rain was not heavy as Fan Xian walked silently toward his manor. Like a prisoner being forced toward a jail, he really had no choice. As he walked he thought. He made a comprehensive comparison between himself and the person in the Royal Palace. He then focused his thoughts on the hemp-clothed Ascetic Monks.

Starting from when Chen Pingping returned to the capital to when he entered prison, all the way until Fan Xian charged the execution field, the hemp-clothed Ascetic Monks wearing straw hats had suddenly appeared in the Royal Palace, the Overwatch Council, and on the execution field. Although these Ascetic Monks were powerful, they were not enough to make Fan Xian overly fearful. He was just slightly confused. Because of these Ascetic Monks, he thought of the illusory Temple Fan Xian knew for certain existed.

The Qing Kingdom had always maintained a distant but respectful attitude toward mysticism. Particularly after the appearance of the powerful Emperor, the status of the Qing Temple in the Qing Kingdom took a turn downward and completely became an accessory and decorative object. The few Qing Temple Ascetic Monks scattered under heaven became forgotten by the people.

Why had these forgotten people suddenly appeared in Jingdou by the Emperor’s side? Did the Emperor already have complete control over the Qing Temple? But, the Qing Temple High Priest had died under suspicious circumstances, the Second Priest Great Master San Shi had died stupidly, and most of the Qing Temple Priests on Dong Mountain had died under the Emperor’s rage. Why would these Ascetic Monks of the Qing Temple lean completely toward the Emperor?

Was it truly as Chen Pingping had said and faintly guessed? Did the Emperor truly come in contact with the will of the Temple? Was that why these Ascetic Monks had forgotten their many years of hatred and stood by his side to help him radiate light in the world?

The rain did not grow heavier. The heaven and earth possessed their own destiny. When Fan Xian shook off his thoughts in the misty rain and unconsciously raised his head, he saw a Qing Temple not far in front of him.

The black Qing Temple had vague green eaves, a long wall around it, and a round tower standing silently inside. It stood on a desolate and quiet street, receiving the rain from above and not disturbing the dust.

Fan Xian stared in a daze at the delicate and pretty building. He was unsure what he was feeling. In this temple, he had once passed by the Emperor shoulder to shoulder, seen a girl who liked to eat chicken legs beneath that banner, and carefully studied the strange art on the walls under the eaves. However, he had not understood anything he truly wanted to understand.

He should return to the manor, but he unconsciously raised his feet and climbed the stairs. Passing through the rarely closed doors of the temple, he walked straight in. Accompanied by the misty rain, he walked slowly through the Temple. The tiredness and hatred of these few days miraculously lessened. He didn’t know if this Temple had some kind of magical atmosphere or if it was because it was very quiet, so quiet that it made one not want to think.

He walked to the back of the temple. Fan Xian’s figure suddenly paused when he saw a hemp-clothed Ascetic Monk in a straw hat look at him with a frown from the door of the small building behind the temple.

Fan Xian wanted to retreat, but the Ascetic Monk opened his mouth. The moment he opened his mouth, it was filled with sighs of admiration. He put his hands together and sighed toward raindrops in the sky, saying, “The Will of Heaven plans its own encounters. Master Fan, we have wanted to look for you for a long time. Who would have thought that you would come yourself?”

Although his true identity had been discovered, Fan Xian’s expression did not change. Calmly, he looked at the Ascetic Monk and quietly said, “You? Why are you looking for me?”

The Ascetic Monk held a bell in his right hand. He rung it gently, .The crisp sound of the bell immediately pierced the fine rain and spread throughout the temple. Just like the first time Fan Xian had come to the Qing Temple, there was not much incense. Other than tourists from various provinces, probably no one wanted to come here. Thus, the Qing Temple was quiet as usual. The ringing of the bell did not attract any unusual movements. It only drew over a dozen Ascetic Monks.

They were wearing the same style of hemp robes and similar ancient straw hats. They came out from every direction in the Qing Temple and surrounded Fan Xian in the center, right below the round tower.

Fan Xian took a deep breath and slowly began to increase the speed of the two circulations of zhenqi in his body that never stopped moving. Coldly, he looked at the first Ascetic Monk and calmly said, “This temple has always been quiet. Why are you not out imparting the Way instead of being here and disturbing the peace?”

“Master Fan is kind and generous, deeply experiencing the virtue of heaven. You created the Hangzhou conference in Jiangnan and put the wealth of the world into river works. Us useless people have traveled the provinces and often heard of your good name and seen much of your kindness. We anticipated our meeting with great eagerness.”

The Ascetic Monk lowered his head in a bow. He repeatedly referred to Fan Xian as Master Fan rather than the Sir Fan. Everyone in Jingdou knew that all the positions Fan Xian held had been stripped from him by the Emperor.

“I don’t think you are just here to praise me.” Fan Xian lowered his head slightly and furrowed his brows a little. He had not thought that he would meet such a strange group of people on his whim to enter the temple to have a look around. Was it as the Ascetic Monk said that there was the Will of Heaven in the unseen world of spirits?

However, these strange Ascetic Monks seemed like they had come just to praise Fan Xian. They took off their straw hats and respectfully knelt down and kowtowed to Fan Xian in the center, sincerely praising and praying for blessings. Fan Xian’s expression was indifferent, but he was very shocked in his heart. The sound of the fine rain mixed with the sound of prayers. The atmosphere was very strange.

The Ascetic Monks were not in the habit of wearing shoes. Their rough feet turned slightly white in the water as they knelt tidily on the wet ground. They looked as funny as frogs, but the powerful aura emanating from their body and the words they were speaking were not funny.

This powerful aura was the aura of these dozen Ascetic Monks after they had harmonized. It was pure and right, making one not dare to underestimate it. Sincere words like the chanting of a curse rang out in the rain, accompanied by the dozen bald heads shining in the rain. It made one irritated.

“We work for all life under heaven. We sincerely ask that Master Fan enters the Palace to beg forgiveness for his crimes to soothe the Emperor’s heart.”

Fan Xian’s face paled slightly. In just a moment, he knew what these Ascetic Monks wanted to do. The separation and battle between the Qing Emperor and Fan Xian had already continued for seven days. Neither side had shown any signs of retreating.

Work for all life under heaven? Someone had to admit their wrongs and retreat. The Qing Kingdom would only allow one dazzling leader. In the eyes of these Ascetic Monks, this person was the powerful Emperor.

The Ascetic Monks had acutely sensed the greatest danger in the Qing Kingdom. For some reason, they had decided to persuade Fan Xian on behalf of the Emperor. In their hearts, and in the hearts of the tens of thousands of common people, as long as Fan Xian returned to the Emperor’s dazzling light, the Qing Kingdom and the world would have a better future.

“And, if I don’t want to?” Fan Xian asked quietly, looking at these monks he hadn’t had much contact with.

There was a death-like silence. Only the fine rain continued to fall, landing on the bald heads of the Ascetic Monks. The rainwater on the eaves dripped onto the stone boards of the Qing Temple. After a long time, a dozen rough or fine, loud or small, but all firm and holy voices rang out.

“For the sake of all life under heaven, please, rest your anger.”

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