
Chapter 378: Teaching Lesson-III

Chapter 378: Teaching Lesson-III

Elise frowned when she wasn\'t able to find Hallow. Where did he go?

"He must be following that man from earlier," Ian pointed out after a while. She followed his gaze to look around the place, finding the man had indeed disappear, and at time she also saw Lady Ellen\'s eyes blazing while staring at her, the gaze was sharp and dangerous, beside her was her maid who whispered her something for her lips to widened into a smile.

"The pistol," Ian\'s voice came beside Elise\'s ears when she moved away from looking at the lady. She saw his smile quirking higher, "One shot to the head if you wish to. We can arrange her a coffin then."

"I won\'t kill her," Elise answered, having him to shrug his shoulders.

"Well, it\'s up to you, but don\'t worry I will be there if you ever need me to erase the traces," When Ian smiled, his eyes curved. As the hunt begin, most ladies went to take seats on the open ground, waiting for the men to hunt while they enjoy themselves in discussions of what was currently in fame to their class. The most interest being Elise, the lady who married the Lord.

Some ladies, including Lady Monica and Ellen thought of when they could use the chance of Elise being alone to mock her in a group. Public embarrassment was difficult to do when one has friends but easy when the target was alone and a person who wasn\'t born from the high society. What they didn\'t expect was that Elise didn\'t come to watch the hint but to learn and hunt.

Ian mounted on his stallion. Elise knew how to ride a horse but as it been a long time she had ride one and considering how easier if they were together, she shared the same horse with him. He offered her his hand and without hesitation, Elise put her hand on his, having Ian to pull her body and settle her to sit in front of him.

"Easy there," Ian whispered when the horse neighed on the added weigh.

Elise was startled when the horse begin to pick his two front legs, clutching her hand tightly on Ian\'s arm that she found near. "Don\'t worry, Elise, horse is a mirror to our feeling. They know what we feel, similar to most animals and sometimes even better than other humans. You need to show them who is the leader here, and it\'s us," Ian\'s breaths fell to the shell of her ears tickling her that caused Elise to close her eyes. Heat crept to her body from her ears and Ian who noticed it can\'t help but tease her more by whisking his lips next to her ears, leaning more forward to kiss the side of her face.

"How is it?" He asked. "Comfortable enough?" Elise\'s throat dried and she shyly nod. It was hard for her not to be overwhelmed with Ian\'s action that brimmed with sultriness. With his growing action, she asked herself if this was a way for Ian to tease her and drive her to the edge of her cliff so she would feel all hot and bothered.

"It\'s comfortable," and to mention, Ian\'s arm around her were strong around her side, making her feel secure.

"I never thought you would be participating as well, Lady Elise," said Elijah who made his way with his horse toward the Lord and her. "My sister prefer to stay under the shade."

"Everyone has their own interest," Elise answered and the man smiled stalely, something which Elise had noticed since he came toward them.

"Of course and I find it unique, most wome-"

"That\'s the answer Elise is not like other women. Perfect for me who are not similar like other man who is mundane, which why her interest fall to me and my interest fall to her. Each person will find their own people who interest them, and when they don\'t find the person interesting," Ian\'s eyes glowered with a hidden evilness crawling over his cold gaze, "It\'s often that we ignore them," and saying this, he pulled the rein of the horse, moving his leg to have the horse move.

Elijah clenched his hands at the not-so-subtle warning that the Lord gave him. He then shifted his gaze to his sister, and Monica who met his gaze nodded to implicate that what they have planned succeeded.

When they left, Elise wondered what was it about that had Ian to hum, hearing him then speaks, "He seems to be interested in you. For bad reasons."

"I am not interested in him," Elise answered. In the past she would have been meek and it was hard for her to express herself but changes had been made in her since she spent more time with Ian, and now she finds it better to say what she thinks similar to how Ian had always been, confident with every action he takes and the words he states.

Ian\'s smile widened. He could tell Elise was still the innocent girl with a pure heart, it might be her angel lineage in her that helped her to be such a kind and compassionate girl; but if so, her demon lineage would also have a knack in her, making her evil. But Elise had not shown the evil side of hers and he wondered if one\'s characters were made from their lineage or themselves. Seeing Elise, he began to think of the latter being the one closest to the right answer.

"Do you have your pistol on your hands now?" Ian asked and Elise pulled out her pistol. "The bullets on the left side contain no holy water, which mean you can use it to kill the living."

A little startled, Elise stared at the bullet. She hoped that the future where she would need to kill a human would never come. "It\'s just in case, we don\'t know what future would bring, being careful is better than in danger," said Ian as if reading her mind like an open scripture.

"What about you?" Elise then asked when she noticed how Ian wasn\'t bringing bow and arrows like others who were participating on the hunt.

"I often hunt with my hands, but today I want to spend all my time teaching you for the future exam," Ian said before pressing his chest deeper to the back to each the horse rein, Elise tried to resist the urge to gulp but did it nonetheless. "What will we hunt first?"

"You can choose," Elise said, she didn\'t want to hunt in fact, and only come to learn.

With the given opportunity Ian said, "I would like you to hunt some humans, like those who have been irritating us," He saw them the adorable creature in front of him looked at her with her dewy blue eyes widening, "But that\'s is still too difficult for you, we can start by hunting deer or stags."

"You are joking about hunting people, right?" Elise questioned when the horse begin to March near the forest.

Ian smiled meaningfully, letting his expression to be still that would cause Elise a difficult time to notice what he was thinking. "Who knows," he hummed, Elise couldn\'t speak as with one move of his leg, the stallion begin to gallop, sending them to the forest.

Hallow as a dog stealthily moved toward the forest, following the man whose eyes were green similar to him. The reason for his green eyes to be very familiar to Hallow was due to how both of them were of the same being.

Hallow was following the man when he took a sudden turn on the left side in haste. Quickly, with his new gained four feet, Hallow chased for the man only to find him no where when a voice came beside him,

"Dog," said the man who appeared behind the tree, expecting Hallow to appear with his ambush. "I cannot imagine the reaper whom death angels have been searching for has become a dog now."

"Willow," Hallow named when the man had turned his face, allowing for him to see his entire face.

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