
Chapter 470: Driven White Gown-III

Chapter 470: Driven White Gown-III

If there was words Elise would like to use to describe Lucifer, he was similar to a wind. At a time he could be an utter storm like the time she had first seen him, another mischievous wind when his eyes gleamed with a crafty idea he love to keep to himself, and during the time he spoke about Lady Lucy, he was similar to a wind before rain.

At once, Lucifer disappeared from the hut once he received the three books which Elise wanted to return. Having nothing else to do, the group went back. The carriage Ian had used to the village was a small one which can only carry two people at most. Therefore, Beelzebub went back with Esther inside the carriage while Ian offered Elise to fly with his wings.

By the time they arrived to White Mansion\'s ground, Elise stepped down first on the ground before followed by Ian whose wings disappeared without a trace then. He looked at Elise who had stared silently, "How does it feel? It had been a long time since we shared a fly together."

"It was refreshing," Elise smiled in return. In the midst of the coldness, her smile had Ian to do the same. She took a step when she noticed the black feather that had fallen from his back. Taking it, Ian noticed her action. "I remember you told me that your feather would turn to ash in time."

Ian knew how Elise always kept his words to her heart an it warmed him that she remembered it deep to her heart every second they shared together. "I think I might did. I also remembered how you sneakily took my feather, thinking you could preserve it."

Elise blinked her brigh blue eyes, "You knew?" She then recalled what happened that day and had a small frown on her head, "You knew and you purposely told me about how your wings could disappear in a fixed amount of time."

"I wouldn\'t want my dear puppy get saddened when she saw my feather turn to ashes all of a sudden and begin to blame herself," Ian replied, his smile slowly spreading wide with a mischievous smile she had rarely seen. Elise pouted her lips in response to sulk but she thought of how true his words were. "I didn\'t lie about it, didn\'t I?"

Elise nodded her head. After their little trip that day, Elise remembered dashing to her room, quickly pulling out his feathers which had turned to deep black ashes. The ashes had been so smooth that with a little wind, it scattered away to leave no single trace. Thinking back at it, the curiosity she had came back to her mind, "Why did it happen? I mean, they are your feathers."

"But they aren\'t real," answered Ian. His gaze went straight to look deep at her eyes and he held her hand, ushering her, "Walk with me," and Elise followed. She listened to his words, "Remember how I was punished? At that time my wings had not only been ripped away but burn to a fire. In Hell, there are many types of fire which held different colors. One can even burn a person until their souls."

Elise knew less about the Hell where her father came from and as much as she was titled as Princess of Hell, there was very less amount of knowledge that could help her to understand this place which everyone called as Hell, the pit of enternity torture for sinners. "Is that fire used for punishment?"

"Yes. My wings however was burned in a green fire," and while Elise questioned what it might be, Ian explained, "The green fire reduced everything to fire and stopped the regeneration. As Diablo position landed on my hand, my wings can resurrect after a few days and they thought it is too easy of a punishment for me. Hence, the placed my torn wings to the green fire which caused my wings to disappear forever."

Elise\'s hand tightened upon hearing the punishment Ian had to go through. Though she hadn\'t seen it happened before her, she could see how devastating and painful Ian had suffered from the punishment. It add to her more question why Lucifer had initiate such heavy punishment when he must have noticed Ian was his nephew. The past interaction they had, Elise knew she didn\'t see it trough glasses of naivety and she was certain of the care and concern Lucifer had, but then she didn\'t forget how they were Demons and perhaps Demons had their own way to nurture their children.

"It must have been painful," she whispered.

"Not anymore," Ian assured her, his eyes softening while gazing at the frown adorning her small forehead. "They didn\'t know though that wings held a part of my soul and I turned it to a crow that could shape shift to my wings. So what you see is actually a fragment of my true wings\' form."

Elise rubbed her nose that had turned cold, "Are your wings looked different than it is now?"

"Very," Ian closed her eyes, remembering the first wings he had gotten after he turned into a demon. "My wings were magnificent. It was much larger and heavier. As I walk it dragged to my feet and there were four of them in total. Two on the upper part of my back and the other two below them. We parted too quickly but for a short moment it became my pride."

Elise could see the fondness he had to his wings and she smiled, "Do you think there isn\'t a way for you to get back your wings? There must be a way to extinguish the green fire\'s effect."

"There must be a way in Hell, usually your grandfather kept all the secrets," Ian answered, noticing Elise pursing his lips, he added, "But I don\'t really need them, I mean, I am very happy with my current wings."

But Elise thought that it was a shame. Ian\'s description of his wings made it certain to Elise of how beautiful it must have been. She didn\'t get to see it and hope she can bring his wings back but then there were too many things on her palate. She thought about asking her father if she was ever to meet him.

Ian then tugged her hand, placing her slender arm to his shoulders and his hands enclasped together after rounding her waist, "How is my future bride? Any dissatisfaction?"

To talk about the wedding was quick to get Elise excited, "Nothing. I had said this earlier but I don\'t need any magnificent gown or beautiful place for the wedding. Neither rings. I only wish to be with you, our vows together, and nothing else matter."

A boyish smile appeared on Ian, the Demon who was know for once to be the most emotionless amongst all. "Wonderful, we share the same thought don\'t we?" and he closed his eyes after his whisper. Descending down, he kissed her lips. The kiss they shared until today taste the same as Elise had remembered, it was sweet and every time their lips touches, her feet landed on soft pink clouds. An overwhelming joy filled her to the brim.

Ian pulled away and he stared at Elise. "You know, I might hold grudge against God. For he had stolen the only person whom I hold dear. I thought it would be fine for me to steal what others had as well and to become a Demon was one of my way to spite him. However, I am thankful for him as he had given you to me."

Elise couldn\'t express how much the words he said sent her further above the clouds. "Once in my life, I thought I would be alone. There were people who told me of that— that I was destined to be alone."

"I as well, we seemed to share a lot of things together but then they say the same attract as much as those who had different colored fur," Ian said with his breathy chuckles. "There are things I haven\'t told you about me, things that are so dark. I won\'t lie to you as I have promised you to stay true to my words but you accepted me and for that I am thankful."

Elise smiled and she shared her worries, "I am honestly nervous and anxious about the future. They said I am going to lose people who I treasure and I don\'t want to lose you." Her fear of losing people close to her stemmed from her childhood. Her memories had been locked away from her but it appears that her body remembered it by fiber of how it feel to have her loved one dying before her. The dreams that she had perhaps manifest from all of those fear she had.

"My lovely silly Elise," Ian formed his lips to a gentle smile, "I am Demon and God had given you to me a Demon. I am yours and you are mine. The mortal realms, Hell or Heaven, trust my words, no one will ever separate us. No matter where you will go I will be beside you and you don\'t have to worry of finding me if I am gone."

Ian then pulled out his fist before her and her blue eyes curiously watched what he held. When his fingers opened, her eyes widened at the small flower rings which settled on his gloves. The snowflakes slowly fell over the flower that didn\'t age despite the time that had passed.

"After all, I am one petty bastard." Ian added.

"This is...." Elise was surprised to see this flower rings which she had made when she was young. She had forgotten it until now. "The one that I made for you. Why do you still have it with you?"

"A little silly goose proposed me without knowing what it meant," Elise closed her eyes, her cheeks blushed and she scolded her little self who was indeed as silly as Ian had stated. "That time I didn\'t think of it much but you know when seeing this flower rings I thought a part of me felt more like a human. It is a shame to let the flower die. I placed it on my desk where I can see and added a little of my magic to preserve it. Who knows your proposal would be a telling of the future."

"I caught a good husband," Elise chuckled to herself, her teeth gleaming from her pink lips.

"Only good? I thought I deserve some more words. I had restrained all my sexual urges well too you know. No one had ever teased me for this long," Ian let her know and she shook her head for the words he said that was unfiltered.

As they both entered the foyer, in time Mila who had seen their arrival bowed. She took the coat Ian handed out and when meeting Elise\'s eyes, her words came polite to convey, "This afternoon, the tailor had came to drop the wedding gown, milady. They are placed in the viewing room."

Elise was happy with the news as she had been excited to see how the wedding gown look now that it was complete. When the tailor came by before, it was still lacking in many places and she couldn\'t wait to see it done with her eyes. But as happy as she was, she felt sad when seeing Mila\'s rigid gaze on her when their eyes met. The housekeeper was quick to bow and left the place, and Elise knew she wasn\'t imagining how Mila was avoiding her. But she thought they had made peace after the elder woman presented her the cross. Maybe there was something Mila was satisfied with?

Mila had been one of the few people who had been close to her and she didn\'t want their relationship to drift apart.

Ian watched her eyes that lingered on the maid and his voice came, "Do you want to see the gown? As the groom I am not able to see it until the wedding gown according to the human\'s beliefs. You don\'t have to hold back and go."

"I will take a look at it," announced Elise and she left the place with her smile blooming on her lips again. She decided to call Mila tonight and resolved what is need to be talk before the wedding. When Elise came to the viewing room, her eyes had been blinded by the white driven gown which was similar to the color of snow that had filled Warine for months.

Maroon stopped the carriage he rode once they arrived in the White Mansion. His expression came passive as he opened the carriage door. The two people on the carriage was in their own action. Esther was standing and she held to Beelzebub\'s shirt collar while the other had a wide wicked grin as his hand settled on the back of her head and the other one on her waist.

Esther\'s eyes snapped to the butler, feeling a sudden embarrassment but as if he had chanted prayers of God in his mind, no expression pass through Maroon\'s demeanor. "We have arrived. Once you are done, please leave the carriage. I will now go and resume my work," and with that, he closed the door walking away while turning a deaf ear to the words shouted by the lesser demoness.

Maroon had not stepped away when he saw another bickering couple. What is with people these days? Was it a trend to bicker? But then he knew not all bicker between couple is a heated one that can cause a fight, sometimes it had turned endearing.

Austin was the first one to notice, "Oh! Maroon! Come here and helped me please. A new guest will be staying with us."

Maroon\'s brownish red eyebrows were raised together in unison as he did not know this news. "A new guest? Who is it?"

"This woman. Her name is Harriet, a human girl who had just escaped the clutches of dark sorcerers."

His dull gray eyes slowly fixed to the young woman who stood behind Austin as the man stepped away, her face became clearer to his eyes and he stared at her, staring deep to her eyes. Lilith did the same action he did. She stared at him and her hand clenched together firmly as she wanted to stop herself from going over her action that beckoned her after finding him. She wanted to pulled the man who had almost became her husband to her arms, hugging him, telling him who she was.

Instead, Lilith smiled warmly, "My name is Harriet Wether. It is nice to meet you."

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