
Chapter 89 - New Development

"You level of endurance sure outstrips mine…"

"That\'s what happens when one has opened the amount of meridians that I have…" Dara added;

"We still have a bit more time till daybreak, do you want to nap?"


Dara responded as they washed themselves and finally left the bathroom for his room where Aunt Lin cuddled him naked till he fell asleep…

Four hours later, it was dawn and the duo woke up full of life, vigor and very much graduated…

They took another bath and didn\'t forget to smooch each-other, but just as they were about to step outside, Dara smacked Aunt Lin in the ass causing it to jiggle and slap against one another whilst a furious blush spread across Aunt Lin\'s face;

"Come on, we are at the entrance… What do you want them to think if they see us stepping out and I am blushing this way?" Aunt Lin chastised lovingly as she smoothened Dara\'s hair;

"I don\'t care, you are mine…" Dara responded nonchalantly, like him claiming Aunt Lin was a forgone conclusion;

"If you think your Uncle Min would simply let you win this challenge, then you have got another thing coming…"

Aunt Lin replied with a smile as she bent slightly to kiss Dara on the forehead, revealing the upper half of her succulent boobs to Dara who coughed slightly before turning towards the entrance and stepping outside;

"Damn, that didn\'t work…"

Aunt Lin grinned mischievously; she had planned to make Dara step out of the house with a blush as well, but he was able to control himself…

Dara was on the ground in no time as he saw Ji Wang and some experts waiting for him at the gate of their residence…

He hurried his steps, opened the gates and locked it behind him whilst they walked towards the tribe\'s gate;

"We have the six marine beasts, of three different species; one male and one female each…" Ji Wang spoke whilst nodding at Aunt Lin who had finally caught up to them;

"We also have the four female beasts of different species also… The fishes are within the river and the beasts are placed with the other two males…" Ji Wang added;

"What would you have me do with them?" Aunt Lin asked obviously realizing what they were conversing about;

"Feed all of them an aphrodisiac flower each and lock them all together…" Dara answered whilst Aunt Lin felt her body heat up for some reasons;

"It seems to be mating season because it didn\'t take us too long to find all these beasts, so I believe they were all gathering together for the mating season…"  Ji Chen and Uncle Min added as they approached the group from up ahead;

"Good… Then add two aphrodisiac flowers into their meals every time and lock them up immediately after for the next three weeks…" Dara upped the stakes;

"But wouldn\'t that be dangerous to their health, we have seen what a single whiff of it can do to humans…" Aunt Lin spoke out with a blush apparent on her face;

"Well they are beasts, so they should be able to handle it…"

"Furthermore, they are all different species and I want some hybrid beasts to result from their coming together, and there is no better natural way to do that than to have them figure it out by themselves…"

"The aphrodisiac is just there to ensure that they are driven by their libido and lust that they become willing to mate with other species…" Dara explained;

"Then that way we would be able to have 12 different adult beast species and 17 different hybrid offspring; eight from the beast and nine from the fishes, right?" Ji Wang asked with a smirk;

"Our thoughts are aligned in this matter, Ji Wang… Very aligned…" Dara praised with a slight smirk…

"Once their offspring have grown to an extent where they can leave their parents, then the parents would be our source of food, and the little ones would be allowed to grow till they can mate…"

"Then when the time comes, we will search for another completely different female and male species for them to breed with…" Dara explained;

"What would your aim of doing that be?" Aunt Lin asked;

"Isn\'t it obvious, he plans on having so many beasts with different bloodlines…"

Uncle Min smirked smugly at the fact that he could comprehend what the seemingly incomprehensible Dara was thinking;

"He he, I have to hand it to you Uncle Min, your experience is indeed unmatched…"

Dara praised as the smug Uncle Min bloated his chest proudly whilst the others also nodded at his intelligence;

"…But you are wrong…" Dara completed his statement;

"Eh?" Everyone was stunned;

"You mean that was not your reason?" Ji Chen was also stumped;

"Then what is it?" Aunt Lin added;

"Crossbreeding all these bloodlines together would mean each generation of these beast would be stronger than their predecessors due to having the genes of more than a single beast within them…" Dara began;

"But what I am aiming for is a beast with the ultimate gene which I can turn into my personal war beast, and who knows, nature might just surprise me with something more monstrous…"

Dara continued with a mischievous grin on his face, and at this point that grin appeared very evil to everyone around;

"When that happens, I will then seek the top ten beasts of this jungle and let my ultimate beast mate with them all until the ultimate monster I seek is finally born…" Dara finished;

"Ahem!" Uncle Min coughed and cleared his throat awkwardly;

"It\'s true, no one can comprehend the scale and depths of your thought process…" Uncle Min helplessly admitted;

"Yeah, we can only understand the surface, or at most the general scope of what you are trying to accomplish…"

Ji Wang added with a smile, whilst the rest of the experts around also looked towards Dara with adoration and deep respect pouring out of their eyes from their hearts…

Aunt Lin also smiled at him before looking at Uncle Min and winking towards him…

Uncle Min understood what the wink was all about and sighed helplessly before mouthing quietly at her;

"How am I gonna defeat this monster?" "Well that\'s the challenge isn\'t it?"

Aunt Lin mouthed back, and Uncle Min frowned in thought a little, before snapping his finger in enlightenment, as everyone gazed at him, but he simply laughed awkwardly…

Then when they took their attention away from him, he mouthed at Aunt Lin;

"Thanks love…"

"Call me that after you have defeated him…" Aunt Lin mouthed back… Uncle Min smiled as he began to ruminate his thoughts…

He had always been thinking Dara himself was the challenge and all he had to do was to find a way to better his achievement which was why he was initially happy when he was able to capture the six aquatic beasts they brought back whilst Dara could only fulfil half the mission he set out to accomplish; but that was before he heard about Dara\'s parents…

But now, Aunt Lin had just revealed to him that he had been thinking about the challenge the wrong was, and that was why he would always be a step behind, because, letting Dara make an achievement before bettering it means Dara would most likely win the challenge whilst he was still busy trying to better his results…

But if he used Aunt Lin\'s idea and instead figure out what he could do that Dara couldn\'t and channel all his energy into that, he might end up becoming much more important than Dara within the tribe even if Dara ended up being stronger than he was, and with that, he would have won the challenge…

The challenge wasn\'t about cultivation base power; that was the path Dara chose to show his level of value, and he had blindly followed this insurmountable challenge without trying to figure out his own path to becoming very valuable, and that was what Aunt Li had just made him realize;

The challenge was like a race with between two cars, and he had jumped on the same track as Dara which means his car would forever be behind Dara\'s…

But the point was, no one said he could create his own track, and that was the only way he could have a chance at catching up or even beating Dara…

Now Uncle Min was very happy and now he had more confidence at giving Dara a run for his value, and the thought of having a mentally matured lady like Aunt Lin beside him was like a nitro boost to Uncle Min\'s car…

Just a single sentence from her could put him off his wrong path onto the right one; if she could give him such idea in less than a heartbeat, then how better of a man would he be if he had such a woman by his side forever?

All these thoughts began to fall into Uncle Min\'s mind like back to back avalanches…

"Alright, Ji Wang take your group and begin the constructions… Make sure Elder Smith is also with you so he can tell you the most suitable Forge to build…"

Dara ordered as Ji Wang took the entire Troop 1 and 2 to begin the development of the tribe…

Uncle Min, Ji Chen and the Second Obun Elder also joined in the work, whilst Dara and the First Obun Elder gathered troop 3 and prepared begin the mission of finding a good cultivation energy source…

"If they are going to be doing a lot of construction, then wouldn\'t they need the two beasts in the den?"

Aunt Lin asked referring to the two beasts of burden which Dara had now decided to use for breeding;

"They have enough manpower, so they don\'t need those two… Just go on with the plan, and if you have any other ideas that can make my plans better, then do it…"

Dara advised as Aunt Lin called onto the kids to go prepare food for the beasts whilst she headed over to the farm to harvest some potent aphrodisiac leaves…

He then looked to the First Obun Elder and added;

"It\'s time for us to begin our mission also and you will be leading the way… We will be heading for the Qi Stone Farm you were all enslaved;"

"It\'s time to figure out what is truly going on in there and setting your people free…" Dara promised the Obun Elder who slammed his fist onto his chest and gave a curt bowed;

"On behalf of all my people both here and still in captivity, I thank you Leader!" The First Obun Elder showed some emotions;

"It\'s alright… Since freeing your people happens to be achievable whilst undergoing our missions, then it is only normal that we kill two birds with one stone…"

Min Hong spoke like it was simply what anyone would do, but the Obun Elder obviously knew that wasn\'t the case;

"Alright, let\'s move out!" Dara ordered as the entire troop began to march out of the open gates;

"Godspeed, Leader!"

"May mother nature guide you, Leader!"

The human tribesmen who were guarding the gates pumped the morale of the troop as they marched out of the tribe straight into the jungle…

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