
Chapter 472 - Breaking The Limits

Chapter 472 - Breaking The Limits

The players around the dome all watched with horror in their eyes, this was one of the most brutal ways one could die with. Decapitated by two gods in one single attack, the two; lighting god and wind god began laughing hysterically. They turned to see the headless corpse of Kis’Shtiengbrah falling to its knees. While his head rolled in the sand. Motionless.

"Damn, there goes Skelly, I guess we’ll be taking it from here, no one is objecting, right?" White Ghost was the first to speak, this way he confirmed his position as the one to lead the attack on the two brothers.

Wan Yi agreed and twirled both his war axes, preparing for an incoming battle.

The players form the Heaven Dawn were ready, some even began powering up and applying buffs. Then a group of them charged ahead, toward the dome. These were of course not players belonging to either of the guilds, but rogue powerful guild-less players. They were not close enough to inspect the damage that Dave had done to the two gods. And so most of them believed that Dave had probably brought them to the critical levels before he died.

"Hurry! We can get the loot before the Super Guilds move!" the leader of the charge a Black Knight shouted. The rest of the players behind him, with even more vigor charged and increased their pace.

Yet the moment they were at the dome’s arm’s reach, Raijin glared at them, "MUSHI DOMO, KIERRO!" he shouted, and lightning as wide as a building struck down upon a group of them, turning them to cinders and mots of light. It was one of Raijin’s Execution skill. None had anticipated it, and any touched by it was sent to limbo.

The rest of the players that were lucky enough not to be in the blast radius all retreated in utter panic.

"Oh, that’s pretty good, we should be thankful to those small fries, they just put an execution skill on a high cooldown for us," White Ghost said.

"Yeah, we should get going now," Wan Yi said.

The two’s exchanged caused Warlord to tense, they were right and now was the best chance to join the fight.

But, before Warlord could even move, Valentine’s hand touched on his pauldron, "I don’t think Skelly will die that easy, we didn’t even get the death notification of a world boss." Valentine uttered.

Warlord then took note of the kneeling corpse of Skelly, and the no longer laughing lords of storm.

The head on the sand melted into a puddle of sludge then slowly crawled toward the main body where it fused back. Tendrils of black slime turned to muscles as it grew into a new neck, then the structure of bone. It gathered and morphed rapidly into a crowned head.

Kis’Shtiengbrah cracked his head sideways, "Much better," then he stood up.

"If I weren’t in this form, I’d probably be dead by now. Good, very, very good." He spoke while standing up.

"Now, I’ve had enough fun, and I’ve been saying this a lot, but now, let’s get real serious." Dave said then dove forward at Raijin.

Raijin was still surprised by the ’revival’ of the Undead that had his head ripped out and was poorly positioned to block the next incoming attack, especially with one arm broken.

Dave punched the lightning god in the chest then took a hold of his still functional arm, twisting it in the process and forcing the god to his knee while one hand dangled uselessly to his side, and the other twisted awkwardly and painfully behind his back.

"There goes your other arm!" Dave shouted then tugged with all his might.

A loud explosion echoed in the desert, it was not the sound of a spell breaking, but the bone disjointing and the shoulder of a god dislocating from its socket. He then kicked him in the back sending the mass of muscles tumbling on the sand.

The lightning god grunted in pain, pain that should have made any man faint or cry out, it only forced a minor reaction from such a beast.

Yet with both arms useless Raijin firepower has decreased massively. Fujin roared at the maltreatment suffered by his brother and charged Dave, wind pushed him to incredible speed as he flew like a torpedo.

Dave crouched slightly, both arms covering his face and while his legs poised to take on the incoming impact.

Fujin’s fist struck in the small space between Dave’s arms, Fujin’s fist cracked Dave’s face open, and sent him sprawling on the ground. The martial artist was not a joke, and he knew much more than what Dave’s meager martial arts skill allowed.

It was the same as Dismond if not more, Fujin was a master of fist fighting. And he was about to pile on to Dave a shit load of it.

Fujin’s speed increased to massive degrees, he charged after Dave, sending punches and jabs, far faster than ever before, even with Dave’s [Doomsday] active, it was nigh impossible to predict the attacks as they came at a speed far faster than he was used to.

Dave took damage without the ability to retaliate, and then and there, Dave’s muscles deflated slightly.

Dave’s [Herculean Strength] effect has finished and now he entered a weakened state that will last five seconds.

The ability should have ended ages ago, but it was thanks to Tiny that the entirety of the strain had been absorbed by the slime and not Dave, thus giving him a massive increase in power with little regard to damage taken or strain on his muscles. But even Tiny had his limit, and from the signs of it, the giant was hitting them hard.

"I guess it’s time," Dave sighed then uttered, [Phantasmal Edge].

All too sudden, all too abrupt, a wind colder than ice, swept by and tore open a portal where the hand of a being, far too small than any of the three warriors in the dome emerged. It simply pointed at Fujin, then at Raijin. Then disappeared into the portal it came through.

In that single action, both Raijin and Fujin stopped moving, the dark patch on their chests disappeared as if it was never there, but with it, came their strength. Their inflated muscles husked away, as if they were being turned to Undeath whilst they lived. The power around them dissipated into nothingness, lightning waned, and wind died, causing the two empowered lords to fall to their knees. The darkened atmosphere from Dave’s [Final Phantasm] ended and with it the power of his legacy.

Yet at the same time, the power that brought all three of them to the surface had also been affected, proven so by the next following event.

Sand on the side of the dome began sinking. It was as if the desert had opened up, rifting around the dome, opening a pathway to an abyss unknown.

Two giant arms, made of flesh and stone emerged from around the Dome. And if the giant gods of lighting and wind made a man look like an ant compared to them. The hands that came from withing the desert’s rift dwarfed those two to the same size. Ants compared to the size of a normal hand.

The hands grabbed at the dome from both sides and pulled the entire thing under. With enough speed that everything disappeared an instant later, leaving behind a hole that sand began funneling through and covered in moments.

"The f.u.c.k just happened?" A player asked, and the answer was at White Ghost.

"That was the Underworld’s guardian...Ramsha," he said.

"The f.u.c.k are we supposed to kill something like that?" the same player asked.

"You don’t, there are things on this world that you just don’t want to fight. Let’s move, it’s useless to keep loitering around here. We have a temple to protect and an incoming invasion to prepare for."

"You think Skelly’s gonna win?"

"Don’t know, Don’t care. Skelly’s already strong, even if he wins and grows stronger, it wont change the fact that we also have to grow stronger. That man is a monster, and we’ll be sure to face him in the upcoming battle." White Ghost looked at Warlord and said, "You sure you don’t wish to help us in the next invasion? We won’t charge you for much if your players want the chalice."

"No, don’t need it, don’t care about the Ash King. We’ll get stronger our own way," Warlord said.

White Ghost shrugged and followed behind nudged Wan Yi to move, they were done here.


Dave, Raijin and Fujin were once again back in the Underworld right at the room where the battle first started. The two brothers of Storm were deprived of their power, and Dave was losing his.

Yet their battle spirit was still raging on.

"Lord! You have cured them?!" asked the Tengu who Dave finally realized that he was not taken to the overworld with them.

"I don’t know, it must be nick."

"They’re no longer of malicious spirit, I can speak to them, south them and turn them back to what they were. Let me help!"

"Nah, don’t you see it?" Dave said with a wide grin on his face.


"Their thirst for battle, they are loving this, look, at how battered they are, and how the smile on their face hadn’t changed. They want to fight.

"I can say the same about you," the tengu said.

"You’re right, my blood is boiling! COME!" Dave shouted and charged at the two.

The two brothers, with glee in their gazes charged back and the three began a slugfest in the middle of the room.

Dave’s undead passive kept regenerating His HP every now and then, granting him a good sustainable advantage HP wise. While the Two Lords had an enormous HP pool, and they were two, so sustainability wise, Dave believed that this battle was going to take lot of time, yet he was not on the losing side.

On the other hand, facing two against one means that he will need to be extra attentive, as a single mistake will cost him his life and losing this battle was not an option, he felt it, that this fight, he had to go all out, and all out he was going to go.

Dave smashed his fists left and right, matching the two lords, they were fast and powerful, even if Raijin had lost both arms, his kicks were not to be underestimated. Fujin on the other hand took the most out of Dave’s concentration, the martial artist was powerful beyond belief. And every attack would shatter and break a part of tiny, forcing the Grave Lord to constantly regenerate limbs and bones. And soon, the toll became apparent.

Tiny’s ability to reconstruct itself dulled, and Dave felt it with every hit he took. Cuts and bruises took longer to close. The punches that would break his bones took dozens of seconds to heal instead of being instantaneous, and the more the fight kept on, the more Tiny struggled.

An hour went by, then another, Raijin had managed to fix his dislocated arm, yet it was dull and heavy, every hit would take a lot of energy out of him. Fujin, though a god, being emaciated by Nick’s attack caused him to lose a lot of his humongous energy, signs of fatigue and tiredness were visible, he barely was able to hold his skinny arms up anymore.

Dave on the other hand was still in perfect shape, stamina wise, yet his body, was not. Tiny was barely able to keep Dave in massive size form, he even gave up on regenerating some of Dave’s fingers, chest ribs, and even the bones on the head.

Dave was honestly surprised and proud that Tiny was able to keep up with him thus far. But this battle had to finish.

"Tiny," Dave spoke solemnly, "One last time. One last effort, we’ll finish this now," he said.

[Herculean Strength!] Dave cast once again, and his already strained, battered broken body gave one more push, growing in size and inflating his muscles with inhuman power.

Dave switched his gauntlets to Durandal and Ajax and dashed forward striking at Fujin with the blunt side of the sword, smashing the whole being into the room’s walls. He then charged at Fujin. The latter kicked at Dave but he dodged and pointed Ajax at him.


The power of Fujin’s attack that he absorbed when the battle first started shot out of Ajax and into the lightning god. Now emaciated, feeble and weak, the saved attack from a perfectly healthy Fujin struck like a sledgehammer and smashed him into the ground.


Dave instantly went behind Fujin, and placed Durandal right under his neck while he held the Lightning god’s body firmly against the edge of the blade.

The wind God, enraged by the transgression his brother was suffering roared out and charged at Dave.

"STAND DOWN!" Dave shouted, his sword digging slightly into Raijin’s neck causing some blue blood to spill.

Fujin stopped unable to act, at loss from what is happening and unable to do anything, moving would mean that Durandal was going to feast upon the neck of his brother. And as a god, he had noticed that the weapon Dave was holding was a god slaying weapon. Death by that sword was not going to be pretty.

"FUJIN! Kofukushiro! Lord what are you trying to do?!"

Fujin looked distracted then confused. Unable to decide.

"Tell him to give up, they have lost. This is checkmate." Dave said.

The Tengu must have replied in what Dave had spoken, as Fujin knelt down on both knees and removed the cestuses from his hands.


Conquest Server Announcement!

Player Kis’Shtiengbrah had successfully bested Raijin and Fujin Brothers of The Storm and currently the Highest Tier, Level Monsters of the Game.

May his name forever be remembered!

Player Kis’Shtiengbrah has gained the Title: God’s Fist

Additional reward is only privy to Player Kis’Shtiengbrah.


Dave smiled then removed himself from on top of Raijin.

He then gave the lighting God his hand, "C’mon, stand up," Dave said.

The lighting god hesitated for a moment then grabbed at the undead’s hand. Dave pulled him back to his feet and said. "Good fight!"

Almost instantly Tiny has decided to give up, he had reached his complete and total limit and deflated dropping Dave to the ground in a pile of sludge.

Tiny gathered back into his slime form, only he looked less viscous and was barely able to sustain his form.

"Thank you, a lot buddy, I’ll make sure to give you plenty of food to recover."

The Slime wheezed and made itself comfortable in Dave’s side bag.

Dave read through the notifications and grinned, "Well this is going to be pretty helpful," he said.

"Lord, what now?" the tengu said, he had apparently released himself from the binding he was in.

"Well, this has been sorted out, we’ll be preparing for tomorrow’s invasion now. I’ll need to check up on the boyz, we need to be fully ready."

"Right, as you wish." The Tengu then turned to the two lords, "You two, you have been beaten, and you have lost, now, go and recuperate, thanks to our lord, you are no longer bound to this prison. Leave,"

The two lords looked at each other, then around the place, happiness clear in their eyes, as if they had obtained something they have been looking and wishing for, for ages. Suddenly the two of them dissipated from where they stood and off the dungeon.

"Right I guess it’s time to leave," Dave said.

"I’ll be following you, lord."

Dave tore a teleportation scroll out of the dungeon, closing yet another chapter that has plagued him in his noob days.

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