
Chapter 522 Useless Ability

Chapter 522 Useless Ability

The party continued hacking away at the monster with far too little of success, his ability to fold space made almost all attacks useless.

"It has two seconds cooldown to use his space folding ability. Bait him into using it then attack at once." Dave said.

Dave dodged an incoming claw by diving into the shadow underneath him and appeared on the shadow from the Nian’s hind legs, Dave swung Durandal with bone-breaking might that cracked the leg of the beast and caused it to roar out in rage.

The beast limed as it turned to Dave, it jumped at him, the latter tried to dodge only to find his footing no longer on shadow, it wasn’t a fault of Dave, but the Nian was able not to move just himself but also his enemies.

Kalel charged the Nian, trying to shoulder bash it to cause it’s attack on Dave to stop, but he was met with empty air. Singund on the other hand was already prepared to assault the Nian the moment Kalel’s attack failed.

The high orc swung his cleaver with both meaty arms and into the face of the leaping Nian, causing the later to wince and screech, it reared back, stood on both hind legs that appeared to have fully healed, then slammed both paws down on Dave and Kalel.

The two rolled to the side evading the creature’s blows.

"This isn’t working," Dave mumbled.

"Let’s pull him out of the city. We can’t have it wreak havoc here." Kalel advised.

"Good idea, leech it out," Dave said and the group began kiting the monster away from the city gates.

The group easily managed to pull the Calamity out of the city perimeters. So far, the monster hasn’t been that difficult to handle, it was strong, it was immortal, but it was not bright. It was easily goaded and guided into doing what Dave wanted it to do. But this was no solution for the current problem.

"Looks like you’re having trouble." A familiar voice sounded near Dave.

"Yep, and this is just getting uglier, how was your legacy quest?" Dave replied.

"Annoying hassle for a stupid ability to be honest." Ralph replied and came to Dave’s help.

"Just keep your head’s up, this guy can control space," Dave said and pulled back.

The doom knights around Dave made the Nian quite busy. It was not smart enough to take them on and slay them, but it was not weak enough to be taken down, not by a whole army.

"What’s up with this guy?" Ralph said.

"Your usual calamity, annoying, pretty strong, and immortal."

"Not much different than the Skinwalker, couldn’t you use your life cleaver on it?" Ralph asked and sliced horizontally at the creature. The Nian took note of the incoming wind blade and made it’s body temporarily unavailable in reality, causing the blow to go past it instantly.

"Damn, space rule," Ralph said.

"You know this?" Dave asked.

"Yeah, had to fight many Tengus that had that ability," Ralph said.

"Don’t tell me, you finished your legacy?��

"Not quite yet, still have a couple of steps left."

Dave lunged in the direction of the Nian slashed at the beast using Durandal, the creature dodged again but Kalel and Singund were waiting for it to use hi Space Rule, once he fully materialized back into reality, the two struck it in the head and shoulder, causing it to screech loudly.

Dave and Ralph backed off.

"I can’t use Life cleaver on this guy, he’s more than level 450," Dave said.

"Ah, I forgot about that condition."

"Also, it’s on cooldown."

"Yeah, totally forgot about that, even my new ability can’t help with it."

"You’ve been talking about this ability for a while. What did you get?" Dave asked.

"It’s nothing much, I mean, I don’t even understand how to use it," Ralph said and shared a screen with Dave.



Space and Time go hand to hand. Rewind, the ability to turn back time for one second, the skill is limited by many factors and can only rewind a person’s time, not the whole world.

Can be used on self and others.

Cooldown 1 hour

Condition: Cannot rewind itself.


"See, crappy ability man, what the heck would I rewind myself for one second."

"Ralph, you big doofus! You just won us the fight!" Dave said.


"That ability of yours is pretty damned broken."

"The heck are you talking about?"

"The condition, that’s a pretty big hint."

"I still don’t follow man," Ralph replied.

"Well, I better show you. [Final Phantasm]." Dave used his legacy skill. The skies opened and Nick’s Skull Guitar slammed into the ground, making it revibrate with the sound of death.

The skies above Qin turned blacker than they were. The moon was soon covered by a deathly presence, as the Undeath God took to the world and claimed a portion of it for himself.

"Use the ability on me on my mark, not a second later, not a second sooner. We only have one chance." Dave said.

"Okay," Ralph replied.

"Bud, can you bind the Nian?" Dave asked.

"I can, but it will teleport away the moment I’m gonna try to do it."

"That’s what I’m hoping for. Wait for my cue, then do it." Dave said.

"Dog, come!" Dave stomped his foot on the ground and called the Dullahan. The Dullahan as summoned from inside the territory of Qin and appeared right next to Dave.

"Give that Nian a taste of your god’s fist," Dave asked.

The Dullahan nodded and dropped to his knee he struck down the ground, causing a massive half physical golden gauntlet to appear in the skies of Qin.

"Ralph, are you ready?"

"Yeah, even if I have no idea what the heck are you doing."

"Good, Bud! Bind it!"

Bud appeared under the Nian’s feet and grabbed it by the legs, the shadows met shadows at the Nian was momentarily trapped.

The God’s gauntlet was about to drop on the Nian, but it used its rule of space to teleport away from the gauntlet.

"Phantasmal Edge!" the skies opened up, and nick tiny hand appeared out of it, he pointed it at the Nian. "Now Ralph!"

"Right, Rewind!" Ralph used his ability on Dave.

Dave who had the deathly aura around him rapidly dissipating due to the condition of Phantasmal Edge that once used it would force him out of [Final phantasm].

Dave’s eyes shone bright and a wide grin appeared on his face, "It worked! Phantasmal Edge!"

Soon deathlier aura gathered around Dave and another tiny hand appeared right next to the first one.

A loud "Hmm," sound echoed in the skies but the skill still dropped.

Two points, one Nian that couldn’t use his rule of space...

Once the two fingers focused themselves on the Nian, the latter husked over, turned skin on bone, then shattered into ashes.


Player Kis’Shtiengbrah, and Player Blaster have successfully defeated the second Calamity of Sacrifice. The Nian.

For having slain another Calamity before their time, the people of Conquest can feel safer, and are more hopeful to a better tomorrow. Productivity in the lands of the East will increase by 20%.


"What the heck? That’s not right," Ralph said.

"I told you, that’s an amazing ability you have."

"No, but you used your legacy skill twice! The same one!"

"I know."

"How is that fair?"

"It isn’t!" Nick shouted.

A moment later Nick appeared right next to Dave and Ralph.

"That was Cheating Kid, you forced my hand!"

"Sorry about that, but that not against the rules to use the legacy twice."

"It kinda is! That’s the reason why you’re only allowed to use it once, it’s already dangerous. Heck, do you know how grave it is to rewind time on a deity? I could have become two persons!"

"What are you talking about?" Ralph said.

"We’re not bound by time, thanks to the Timelord, I was able to retain my persona. He broke the spell, don’t ever use it again!"

"I still have no idea what happened, heck why did the Nian even die? Isn’t your skill supposed to take down just half of it’s HP? And there is a condition that the monster needs to have more than 60% hp for it to activate? How did you do it?"

"Simple, Nick’s skill takes a little bit of time to work, so when the two of them landed on the monster, the skills still considered it to have more than 50% HP. So... both of them added to each other and 100% minus infinity is 0."

"My head hurts."

"Still, I don’t really care how creative that was, you’re not allowed to use that on legacy skills anymore," Nick said.

"That’s freedom limiting."

"No, it’s not, the fact that you created another persona of me is violating my personal... stuff, I don’t want to have to deal with another me."

"Kay man, I’ll keep it in mind..." Dave said.

"Not just keep it in mind man, this is serious stuff, honestly... how could you be so uughh! Damn it, whatever just don’t do it again. Anyway, good job on killing that guy, but nasty as it was, my power turned it to nothingness...you’re not getting any loot."

"Wait, again, man-killing these calamities isn’t rewarding enough."

"Well, you should have thought about that before using godly power to kill it. Anyway, good job I’ll be leaving."

"Cya later Nick," Dave said.

The small god disappeared from the area leaving the group in the dark nights at the perimeters of Qin.

"He didn’t look happy."

"Yeah, I guess we kinda overdid it. Using a legacy skill twice wasn’t in his setup. So tell me how did your legacy quest go?" Dave asked.

"Yeah, about that, I have a tiny problem," Ralph said.

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