
Chapter 542: Attitude Problem

Chapter 542 - Attitude Problem

"Rip him apart!" Wan Yi called and the four beasts came at Dave as if seeking vengeance.

The eagle was the first to reach Dave, it bared its sharp talons at Dave aiming to rip off his eyes.

The Draugr moved to the side and swatted the creature away, "Don’t tell PITA on me man, but these little creatures of yours are gonna get the Skelly treatment."

Dave moved forward and came face to face with the bear, the bear was twice Dave’s size. And definitely packed a punch as it struck down with claws aiming to split Dave’s body to bloody pieces. Yet the Draugr was not to be trifled with, a man who killed dragons would hardly be fazed by a bear. Dave momentarily released his sword and shield, and as the claws came down, he grabbed the bear by the wrists, though Dave’s hands were far smaller than the bear’s arms, the grip on his bony hands were stronger than clamps.

Dave heaved and pivoted with his upper body, fully pulling the bear along with him as he began to spin around himself.

After a few turns, "UP YOU GO!" Dave called and threw the bear with enough force that he flew out of the arena to its doom.

Dave charged Wan Yi, there was no need for him to chase after the two beasts, Wan Yi was the summoner and with his death, the beasts will also die.

But the Berserker had one more ace up his sleeves.

"CHAOS!" Wan Yi called. The armor around Wan Yi cracked up in several places, causing the power of chaos to seep out as it empowered him.

The berserker charged ahead, springing forward like a runaway train. The golden and orange flamboyant aura around him made him look like a meteor that was coming at Dave at full speed.

"Chaos!" Dave called, and instead of the flamboyant red flames and magmatic veins popping on his armor, Dave’s body was covered in a cool blue color. A flame sedated, yet not less deadly than the original chaos power he held before. It was only chaos but on a balanced scale even if this balance was precariously held.

Dave activated another skill, [Stampede] one of the skills that accompanied him from his noob days, and has seen many usages and now, Dave was about to compete with Wan Yi at his own game.

The two charged at each other, a blue and a reddish meteor carving through the ground they stepped on, aiming to crash against each other and only one would be left standing.

Dave activated another ability while he was moving, [Herculean Strength]. It was the only way for him to match Wan Yi’s base strength that was far stronger than Dave’s.

Once the two met, a loud explosion sounded above the arena, and from the point of impact, the platform cracked and threatened to turn to falling rocks if it received one more similar attack.

The aftermath of the clash was Dave and Wan Yi clashed together in a sword lock, Dave’s Durandal was holding both of Zhang Shi’s Battle axes at bay, yet none of them could move.

"I’m surprised you’re matching me in strength," Wan Yi said.

"Yeah, berserkers do have an innate strength bonus. Yet, do remember this Wan Yi, Never pit your strength against an undead, [Herculean Strenght] Triple Fold!" Dave shouted and his muscles pumped like the beating of a hear, thrice they did, and every time, every muscle on Dave’s body surged with Undeathly power, bloating out of human proportion, and then with a heave, Dave forcefully swatted Wan Yi with Durandal and outside of the platform.

The wolf and the cheetah, seeing their master being thrown charged at Dave. But a single sword strike broke the wolf in half, while the cheetah, a far faster creature, Dave didn’t even bother with attacking, he just waited for the creature to try and bite at him, as he freely offered the creature his neck.

The moment the cheetah jumped aiming to rip out Dave’s gorge, it instinctively believed that it had made a great blunder. Yet so close to Dave, it wanted nothing but revenge and bit at his neck.

"Good, I didn’t want to chase after you anyway," Dave casually said while the cheetah was trying to suffocate him.

"Also, what is dead don’t need to breathe," Dave’s last words were a mockery of the failed effort of the beast, as he grabbed the feline by the neck and with a twist, the whole creature turned limp.

"Seeing that these guys aren’t dead yet, Wan Yi, just come out," Dave called.

A roc like creature emerged from under the platform, the eagle was now the size of Onixya.

"Damn, that’s unexpected," Dave said.

"You know what else is unexpected?" Wan Yi said. a rhetorical question that he replied to immediately. "Your demonic Ascension should be up right now, and I have the high ground."

And it was true, Dave’s demonic ascension deactivated and he no longer had his wings, this was bad because Wan Yi’s next attack was him summoning the spirit of the Bear above the giant bird and was aiming it not at Dave but the platform.

"Oh, cheap shot," Dave acted as if he was surprised.

The palm landed and the platform broke.

"Sorry man, this was the only way for me to win." Wan Yi said sorrowfully, he knew he couldn’t defeat Dave on the ground, but with the platform broken, Dave would not survive the fall, he didn’t have his dragon, nor did he have any of his minions to save him from that fall.

"No need to apologize," Wan Yi heard a sound behind him, turning, he saw Dave in another form.

"Ah, I forgot about that one," Wan Yi made a rueful smile.

"Yep, I rarely use it anyway, but you kind of brought it on yourself." Dave came at the flying creature.


Congratulations, you have managed to win the semifinal and qualified for the finals of the Clash of Gods. Your next opponent will be Warlord.

Also, the battle will be held in a public area, not in limbo but on the world of Conquest, an arena will be prepared for all to see.


"Oh, nice" Dave said as he turned off the notification.

Victory was not that difficult once Dave killed Wan Yi’s bird; the latter just fell to his doom.

"Now then, I wonder how warlord will feel about this haha," Dave laughed to himself.

"As much as I want to congratulate you on your victory, you do remember that you need to find the next person to take Balaam’s place." Nicholas came out of nowhere and stated.

"Yeah, no rest for the wicked. Still, the only clue I have is that it’s someone I have met before. Trust me, I’ve met a lot of people."

"I have no idea what or who that might be, only you can figure that out. And please hurry."

"Damn man, I’ll have to go around all of Conquest, well it’s gotta be an NPC that’s for sure. And the memory of a lost one could help me. Lost one..." Dave’s gears began turning.

"Oh, OHHH, Damn...this is gonna be awkward," Dave said.

"You know who it is?"

"Yeah, damn. This will really suck man." Dave added.

"Well, tell me, I’m kinda curious."


"Emm, who that?" Nick asked.

"Drahma’s Ex, she is a witch, cursed into a mermaid. I bet she is the only one who can help us. But."

"Yeah, Drahma is gone. Well, let’s go and ask, then see what we can do."

"Right then, it’s gonna be a long run, we’ll have to go to the underworld, and through a mountain.

"If it’s the underworld, it’s my domain, I can take you anywhere, just focus on the place aaaand voila, look around you," Nick said.

They were on what appeared to be an opening at the end of a tunnel and stepped out onto a wide ledge that overlooked a wide canyon. A river of magma flowed through the canyon just below the ledge, and a natural stone bridge reached across the magma river to the other side, where another tunnel opening was visible in the canyon wall.

The magma bubbled and eddied unnaturally as it flowed past the bridge. There was something underneath the flaming surface of molten rock.

"Hey Zola, long time no see," Dave said.

A beautiful woman emerged from the magma. She had red scales all over her body except her belly. Her red hair was dr.a.p.ed conveniently over her chest.

Golden horns grew from her temples curving gracefully into dangerous points.

She had the upper body of a beautiful woman, but the rest, still under the surface of the magma-river, was not.

The look on her face, however, was far different from when Dave first met her. She had an uncaring yet doting look when she saw Drahma before, but now, even in this blistering heat, her cold expressions were too chilly for Dave.

"She is pissed," Nick said the obvious.

"Yeah, I guess so, and I believe we’re to blame. Still, I gotta ask, Zola, we need your help." Dave said.

"No!" she replied and dived back into the pool.

"Women, what you gonna do man," Nick said.

"You’re not helping!" Dave snapped back at Nick and sighed. His following action was going to have a lot of begging and apologizing, he had to prep up.

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