
Chapter 389 - Big Sis

To Angor, this was the first clothed soul he saw in Otherworld.

But she was still a soul.

As something made of energy, her body was glowing slightly, which made her very obvious in this dark cave.

When Angor came, he saw this “glowing girl” sitting among the stalagmites, sobbing. However, her voice wasn’t full of hatred and resentment like those souls out there. There was little negative energy on her—her soul was still pure.

Someone who had not “fallen” like the other undead spirits.

Toby was growing restless. The bird kept trying to reach for the girl.

Angor slowly examined her soul before he finally looked at her hand.

While the girl occasionally wiped her tears, a white, shining sphere was seen on her opened palm.

“Like a pearl, smooth and lustrous. The clearer, the better.”

This was how Beyer, the Grand Priest of Krakoks, described a Soul Orb.

The sphere in the girl’s hand fitted the description, and Toby seemed attracted to it. That was a Soul Orb, no doubt. Judging from the appearance of it, this orb was of high-quality too.

However, Angor would not take it from her by force now... even though she was already dead.

When she sensed the Light cast by Angor, the little girl sobbed again and looked up slowly.

She looked about the age of 8 or 9. She had short blond hair, emerald eyes which looked a little red because of all the crying, a small nose bridge, and pockmarks all around her cheeks, which made her look both funny and adorable.

“She’s...” Angor quickly thought about the skeleton he saw just now. The image of the girl weaved on the silk looked just like her.

The weaving didn’t look very fine, but the creator of it perfectly displayed all of the necessary details on the girl, including her hair, nose, and pimples.

The little girl was now looking at the shining sphere of Light with great curiosity. She then reached out with her chubby hands and tried to touch the light.

“Big sis? Is that you?” She spoke in a timid voice.

Big sis?

Angor considered while looking at the small soul floating in the air and chasing after the light.

So there was someone who should come visit her?

“Where are you, big sis?” The girl looked around and failed to find anyone. “It’s so cold and boring here... Can I go back now?” The girl sobbed again while muttering to herself.

“Big sis, please... I want to go back and get my brother’s present.”

“Big sis...”

While listening to her, Angor assumed that someone had taken this girl here from her coffin. Now the girl was trying to return to her grave where she could find that gift from her brother.

Angor was almost certain that this soul belonged to that skeleton he checked a moment ago.

“Who is ‘big sis’?” Angor decided to ask.

The girl backed away in fear at the sudden voice. She trembled when she saw Angor’s body materializing in front of her.

“You’re not her...” She was going to crying again.

Angor frowned and rubbed his temples. He was never good at dealing with crying kids.

He stepped back a little and lowered his voice. “I won’t hurt you. Can you please tell me something about your big sister?”

Angor was actually more curious about why the girl possessed such a high-quality Soul Orb. There was no way she could keep it when all the other terrible undead souls would hunt such a treasure down like hungry hyenas.

He had a feeling that the little girl just found the orb recently, which probably had something to do with that “big sis” of hers.

The girl stared at Angor and remained silent.

Angor thought she was too scared and prepared to comfort her again when he suddenly felt a trace of weak soul energy reaching out to him.

It seemed the girl chose to “try him out” first.

Without waiting, Angor released his own spirit feeler to contact with the girl’s soul energy.

It seemed the small soul felt safe upon sensing the gentle nature inside Angor’s spirit, and she finally asked, “Who are you, mister?”

Before Angor could answer her, he noticed Toby struggling really hard in his grasp. The bird desperately wanted to reach for the Soul Orb held by the girl.

The girl also noticed Toby’s movement. “Wow, birdy!”

“Do you like birds?” Angor stroke Toby’s feathers and slowly calmed the creature.

“Yes. I had one before, she was called Flo, Flow...” The girl’s smile slowly vanished. “I... forgot her name...”

“But she’s your good friend, right?” Angor swiftly released an illusion based on the small bird he saw on the silk.

The bird had tiny wings, beautiful feather patterns like that of a peacock, and a really cute look. The only problem was that the bird did not have any colors since the simple drawing on the silk didn’t show any.

“Yes! That’s her, my best friend!” The girl approached and tried to reach for the illusion.

Angor let the illusion loose so that the made-up bird could flutter around the girl happily.

When the girl realized that she couldn’t touch the illusion, she put her hands down. But she was still smiling brightly.

“How about you tell me about its color?”

“Green!” The girl answered quickly.

Angor smiled. In the next second, the flying illusion took on a bright new look.

“What about her neck?”


“This part?”

“Her eyes?”


As Angor asked more questions, the bird looked more and more colorful, until it began to look weird. But it was still pretty.

The girl was super happy to see the bird looked exactly as she expected. Her sweet giggles echoed in the cave.

And by this, the girl slowly lowered her cautiousness in front of Angor.

Angor quickly asked his question again using this chance. “So, who is your big sis? Did she give you that orb?”

He felt as if he were trying to take pocket money away from a youngster... but he didn’t have another choice right now.

“She is... big sis!” The girl looked at the item which always provided her warmth and nodded. “And she gave me this thing! She said I will not feel pain again if I hold onto it.”

She held the orb close to her chest and gave him a big grin.

Meanwhile, Angor noticed that the resentment energy lingering around the girl was being expelled slowly. Her soul was looking purer and purer.

It seemed the Soul Orb was left here for this purpose.

Even if she started as an innocent soul, the girl would eventually grow tainted by the negative energy which filled up the entire graveyard outside. She would have ended up as another screaming wraith if she stayed there.

However, “big sis” brought her to the bottom of the well and left a Soul Orb to help her remove negative energy. There was also something around the well’s entrance that stopped the undead souls from approaching. These would definitely help the girl to stay pure.

But Angor wasn’t happy about this conclusion. If the assumptions were true, the Soul Orb was a really important item to this girl. He couldn’t just take it from her.

As he considered, the girl approached him again as if she saw through his mind.

“Do you like it, mister? You can have it! I think my illness is almost gone. I don’t feel the pain anymore.”

Angor was surprised by the unexpected offer. He then smiled and pushed the girl’s hands back.

“Thank you. I do need it, but I’ll visit your big sis first. If she can give me another one, you can keep yours,” Angor said. He blushed a little when speaking.

What those words meant was that, if he failed to obtain any orb from elsewhere, he would come back.

A little shameful, but this was the truth.

Even though he felt bad about his plan to take the Soul Orb from this little girl, he would still do it if he couldn’t find enough from Dark Castle. The girl was only a stranger who deserved sympathy, while Toby was his best friend, his family. The choice was obvious.

The girl, however, didn’t know any of Angor’s thoughts. Confused, she put her Soul Orb away.

“Can you tell me who your big sis is? What’s her name?” Angor asked again.

The girl tilted her head and considered.

“She said she is... Greya?”

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