
Chapter 123 - Always Remember

"Well, that will be the conclusion of their choices that is why they want us to take the two risky routes, as for our choices" Fang Shirong stated and looked at Jin. "Well, we can say that for least. Alright, time to pack up, and let\'s move and finish this mission as fast as we could" And all of them nodded and grab their bags, and heads out. 

Jin was standing near the APC that was offered to them as a vehicle of transport. Fang Shirong was feeling a bit tensed so he looked at Jin and approached the squad leader calmly and then whispered, "Hey Squad Leader looks like they are really giving this business deal a big offer."

Fang Shirong looked tense when Jin looked at him. Jin replied while looking at Fang Shirong\'s posture "What the heck is wrong with your body, you looked tense" and Fang Shirong replied with "Well, this is the first time once again that we are going to be sent to the outside." And Han Zian gently approached Fang Shirong at his back.

But when it was the last step towards Fang Shirong. Fang Shirong dodges down and unsheathes a small knife from his chest and at the same time, he turns around while twisting his body to stand up and then facing Han Zian who was stunned because there was a pointy object that is placed on his neck.

"What the heck are you doing! You know my senses are a bit sensitive, I almost killed you" Fang Shirong shouted at Han Zian as he put his knife back to its holder at his chest. "Well, now you learned something Han Zian don\'t make Fang Shirong angry when he is tensed" and all three of them were laughing. From afar Qi Meili was watching the group laughing while she was fixing the communication to the Tower of the underground base. 

"Well, I could discuss that arrangement when I get there Mayor. Don\'t worry too much that the deal will be perfect for both cities. I also know that the financial department of the city is really booming so we really need to expand the growth of our city." The business officer was walking down the stairs while talking calmly with the Mayor.

"That it will be a great opportunity to have a cooperation in both cities as a Deal. As my representative for this business travel I want you to succeed in the name of this City" the Mayor smiled, After the Mayor finished that statement the door opened by the Black Armored Knights. 

"Okay, turn on communications, check channel 4 for squad communication. Channel 2 for the whole communication of this convoy." Jin ordered to the others as he taps his neck for the communication radio to activate. After 20 seconds the artificial intelligence voice was activated. 

[Radio Sequence have been establishing]

[Communication link available]

[turning which Channel]

"Channel 4" Jin replied to the artificial intelligence 

[Channel 4 connecting]

[Connected to Channel 4]

[Radio: T1 Check! Communication Check loud and Clear]

[Radio: T2 clear and communication is on]

[Radio: T3 communication are open loud and clear]

[Radio: T4 Checkies!]

"Disconnect to Channel 4" Jin whispered

[Disconnecting to Channel 4]

"Switch Channel Radio to channel 2"

[Channel Switching]

[Radio: Team Leader Check! Communication Check loud and Clear]

[Radio: Alpha Team Clear]

[Radio: Bravo Team Clear]

[Radio: Charlie Team Clear]

[Radio: Delta Team Clear]

"Disconnect to Channel 2" Jin whispered

[Disconnecting to Channel 2]

"Switch Channel Radio to channel 4"

[Channel Switching]

[Radio: let\'s secure the HVT for now let him inside the APC as fast as possible and then we are going to move Qi Meili Signal the squad teams so that they know that we are moving according to the time]

[Radio: Copy that T1, I relay the orders to the squad teams.]

Jin and the others waited for the Business officer. " May I introduce you to the top tier of the security forces as a mercenary officer Jin" the mayor smiled as he looked at Jin who was in full uniform. "Right… I must feel safe right. Then why do they look scarier than the bandits we last encountered" the business officer replied.

"Don\'t worry that is only their facade to let the enemy that they must not mess around with them or it will be their last day." The Mayor grinned as he clasped his hand behind. After that, the mayor left and the only one that was left was the Business officer and Jin.

"Please follow me" with an authoritative voice and an intimidating aura that Jin has been giving out. The Business officer followed Jin inside the APC and Qi Meili nodded.

[Radio: this is T2 to All convoy units we are in green light]

After Qi Meili said that the whole convoy began to move.

"We are taking the first route" Jin exclaimed as he grips his FXR-Raven. And Qi Meili as she relied on the coordinates to the driver. Which replied back, meanwhile the business officer was looking on the floor and was smiling, ``they are taking the first route this will be a good fight. And I will my commission from the rebel cell this is so good`` the business officer clasped his hands.

"I am scoping a convoy heading to our trap. Alert the pride we are going to take some food today!" one of the Lion Soldiers shouted, and soon followed the other Lion Soldiers to assemble and prepare for an ambush. Their weapons are hot and they are aiming in the direction of the road. "Move! Move!" the Lion Pride officer raised his hand to order the positions of the Lion Soldiers.

"Aren\'t we calling the Black Lion Hooded?" one of the Lion Soldiers stated as he looked a the Lion Pride officer. And the Lion Pride officer replied with "We don\'t need those people they only going to make us look weak and will take the credits from us and that will not be good!" 

After that the convoy began to move, soon it was nearing the slope of the route where on the left side is a mountain and on the right side was plain. And then bullets came raining down on the convoy. *Prffffftt* *Brrrrrrrttttt* *Prffffftt* *Brrrrrrrttttt*

The guns started blazing as the Lion soldiers opened fire on the convoy. "Alright, how many enemies do we have Fang Shirong?" Jin asked as he was holding the business officer. "Tell the Delta and Charlie to retaliate fire on the enemy that is firing and stop the convoy," Jin ordered Qi Meili. Qi Meili nodded and taps her neck to turn on the communication device that was placed on his neck.

[Communication link opened]

[Radio: This is T2 to Delta team and Charlie Team units deploy and engage over.]

[Radio: Delta Team copy that orders over.]

"Alright boys, we are going to fight swordsman at the front use shield to form a defensive formation, rifles at the back and aim at the enemies that are firing towards the APC." The Delta Team squad leader ordered and each of his squad members began to equip themselves. After that, they opened the door and upon opening the door an explosion erupted in front of them.

*KABOOM* "Hol-" the White armored Knight sowrdsman that was supposed to get out first with his shields was backed after the explosion. The debris of the launcher exploded and because of that, the back of their armored car was holed into many parts. "Take it easy!"

[Radio: Charlie Team copy that orders over.]

"Let\'s move!" and the Charlie team squad leader did the same they opened the door and once they opened the door a launcher missile was directed at the place where they were about to step foot. And an explosion occurred as the launcher hits the ground *KABOOM* the squad leader lunches back as the explosion of the launcher was too strong to handle.

The squad leader\'s body slammed on the wall of the armored car. Meanwhile, the other squad members were now too afraid to get out of their Armored vehicle. And because of this, the bullets keep raining down on them.

"What is happening? Give me a status report on the two teams that were deployed." Jin looked at Qi Meili as he was a bit rushed as his adrenaline was pumping because of the continuous barrage of bullets. And then a loud explosion made the whole armored car shake. And inside the explosion was quite heard *BOOM*. 

"What the heck!" Fang Shirong exclaimed as he tried to look at the small window hole of the armored car but he failed as another explosion erupted on their right side. *KABOOM* the armored car shakes and the bullet fire was still continuing. "We need a plan," Han Zian looked at Jin who was with the business officer.

"I guess we are the ones that are to be deployed outside, Well that will one heck of ride shall we." Jin grinned and grip the FXR-Raven. And suddenly a green tab appeared in front of Jin [Awarded Title are permanently activated in case of certain situations. The Bullet Throne has favored you Blood Bullet Heir]

``This is one of the good things that I want!`` after that all of the squad members suddenly felt a bit of a strange feeling as if their stats went up. After that Jin started discussing the plan.

"Alright, once we get out, Han Zian use your skill to drop a divine totem for our buffs. After using that skill make sure that no one will be injured. Qi Meili uses the volley arrow to stop the incoming bullet that is coming above the slope we need to make them stop so our team will be able to move. While Qi Meili is doing that Fang Shirong takes care of the rear enemies are mostly under the tall grass. After that, each one of you controls a specific team and neutralizes the enemy. Clean as dead."

All of them nodded, after that Jin opened the door, and upon opening the door.

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