
Chapter 137 - Battle Hardened

"Go Ill cover you from here," Jin shouted, as Qi Meili rushed towards the door of the APC. Jin quickly aimed his FXR raven at the archer that was about to release an arrow to Qi Meili. Jin pulled the trigger, and the compacted bullet that was injected with added buff from Jin.

*PrftPhew* and the bullet travelled fast, and as expected from JIn accuracy and precision, it was a clean head shot. But the arrow then fired, but because of the wrong trajectory of it, it only hits a few meters away from Qi Meili. Jin sigh in relief as he saw it did not hit Qi Meili.

After that Qi Meili rushed to get to the communication box that was inside the APC. And from the inside of the APC she could hear the gunfire that was still hitting the APC. *CLING* *CLING* *CLING* *CLING* After that Qi Meili opened the communication box. She immediately put her thumb onto the scanner and an artificial intelligence voice suddenly voiced out.

[Communication Box Access Granted]

[Loading and Scanning Data base]

[T2, communication with the UG Base slowly forming link]

[Processing communication channel]

[Gathering further information]

[Full Authorization Granted]

After that last message, Qi Meili checks her left pocket to get the key. After getting the key, she immediately opened the locked that was covering the button for the distress signal.

Then she sigh and then pushed the button. ``This will be a good fight but because of this we are also losing quite some ammo, and materials to further counter this kind of opponent.`` Qi Meili reflected as he grips her bow and quickly rushed out to help the others that were still fighting with the enemies that were still firing at them.

"I need to destroy the buildings if it\'s the only way to reduce their forces that is still increasing." JIn raised his FXR raven, but before he put his finger at the trigger, she first checked the ammo in his magazine that was being shown at the magazine.

And he looked at the magazine count he saw [64/70] ``I can still manage`` he thought as his mind is slowly overthinking and to add to the pressure that they are surrounded by increasing rebel cell soldiers.

"Damm- If only I know Jelkala is a rebel cell city I should have declined the offer." Jin mildly punches the side of the APC. After that he saw that Qi Meili just got out from the APC. Like always Jin put his finger at the trigger and then whispered

"Burst Fire" Jin smirked and [Triggering Skill usage chosen] {Registered Skill] [Firing Skill: Rapid Fire ] Jin pulled the trigger and the barrel changes to a soft orange color a blaster like bullet came out from the barrel. *PrffttPheww* *PrffttPheww* *PrffttPheww*

And from that burst of fire it took 4 rebel cell archers down as each one of them received 5 bullets, and the precision and accuracy of Jin bullets were amazing enough that it can pierce a hole in a hole. After that Qi Meili goes back towards Jin and then she said, as she was panting. Because there were bullets flying everywhere in all directions. "Sir, the Underground base has secured our communication with them and I have also sent a message. They should notice it by now."

[Underground base communication office]

"Sir, the Business convoy is sending a distress signal inside Jelkala city." One of the communication officer looked back as his commanding officer is idly sitting on his chair and while looking at the stats at the monitor. "What did you say, communication officer?" the Commanding officer replied with a gaze. "Sir, the mercenary group that was with the Business officer has been sending us a distress signal."

And the commanding officer stood up from his chair immediately as he heard that. "Tell me some details." The commanding officer rushingly said with a deep voice, "Sir, the communication box has no operator I think they just clicked the distress signal to get our attention there and check on them on why did they press the button check their status report."

And the commanding officer nodded,and then he ordered as his voice deep and low "Well then send an Eagle bird and two Vector Attack helicopters," and the communications officer saluted and replied "it will be done sir!" and then turns around looking at his monitor. He then quickly contacted the Air wing commander of the Vectors and the Eagle Bird pilots.

[Radio: Wing 4 this is Tower 1 do you copy over?]

[Radio: this is Wing 4 to Tower 1 we copy you over]

[Radio: Wing 4 we have received a distress signal from one of our convoy we need air support fire power over]

[Radio: Request is being check before being granted can we check which support air power we are going to raise from the sands?]

[Radio: the order will come from the commanding officer of Operations. We are requesting 2 Vector helicopters and 1 Eagle bird over]

[Radio: Copy that, all the requested Aero Wings are all clear to take the mission over]

[RadiO: I will send the coordinates. Please relay it to the pilots that will fly over]

[Radio: Copy that Tower 1 we are going to proceed as planned]

And after that it alarmed the whole Hangar 4 of the distress signal. "So we are finally having a mission, this will be good right, Templar?"

Templar was running towards the locker room so that he can change but then he looked at void, he tried to hold back to what have voice has to say but he still needs to answer and so he replied quickly "For someone like you this kind of mission will be the end of you or tour debut to other forces on the ground."

After that, they could now go into their suits.

[Radio: Templar this is Wing 4 do you copy over]

[Radio: This is Templar all clear Wing 4]

[Radio: We are sending the location and coordinates of the place we hope you can finish this mission easily]

[Radio: Got it Wing 4 we are heading towards the runway over.]

[Radio: Wing 4 to Templar take it easy and good luck flying may the wishes and mission be successful]

And then Templar change its channel of the radio so that he could connect with the Tower 1 for further communications.

[Radio: This is Templar to Tower 1 may I proceed with the runway over]

[Radio: this is Tower 1 to Templar, the Eagle bird will be the first one to fly over please wait patiently as you are the second]

[Radio: Copy that, Tower 1]

After the Eagle bird flies off, Templar followed it and then Void.

[Ambush Site]

Fang Shirong smiled as his red eyes made him like a bad ass killer. "Hey who-" Fang Shirong did not give the rebel cell minion a chance to speak for, as he quickly slits the throat of the Rebel cell minion that was guarding the door. But then 4 more Rebel cell minion appear.

With that Fang Shirong whispered "Paranoia" and from that moment every rebel cell that was within his range is under the skill ability stun and dropped on the ground. And then a 6 minute timer appeared, after that he walked towards their stunned bodies. They could still Fang Shirong but they cannot attack or raise a finger against him.

Fang Shirong whispered "Ghost Dagger" and from that moment Fang Shirong killed the 4 rebel cell minion in a sadistic way, which he stabbed them the places that most assassin won\'t stab them for, the blood was all over, stains was even on his uniform. Fang Shirong was now slowly going berserk. And soon enough he reached to the door, where he heard some kind of radio broadcast. "Well… Well… so this is the communication office you guys are guarding, huh"

The rebel cell minion did not hesitate to raise his gun and fired a couple of shots, but because of the buff that Fang Shirong have he could not get hit easily.

"You need a lot of practice to kill me" and Fang Shirong kicks the Rebel cell minion that was firing at him and then he kicks the chest of the rebel cell and because the door was behind the rebel cell Fang Shirong entered with a surprising discovery. "Wow, a room full of monitors that almost surveyed all the places at the ambush site."

"Oh Boy!" Fang Shirong exclaimed, and all the rebel cell minions and Lion pride officer, raised their weapons. There is also one black hooded swordsman that was ready. ``I should have not used my paranoia earlier this is worrisome indeed`` Fang Shirong thoughts as he saw that all the enemies in front of him are all armed.

But he made is easy because he will re summon his clones, "Deceive" and then suddenly 2 of his clones materialize in front of him and they too were also covered in blood.

"Well, shall we play friends!" Fang Shirong shouted, as he was the first to charge that he wants to face the black hooded figure. And then while he was dashing the other rebel cell pulled their trigger, and like what happened earlier. Fang Shirong easily dodged the bullet because of the buff he has.

And when Fang Shirong was so near to the Black hooded figure, the swordsman swings his sword and like always the assassin was no match with a bulk of power that a swordsman has but Fang Shirong use tactics, "We need to make this fast clones!" and the 2 clones suddenly appeared behind Jin.

As the Swordsman did not see that while Fang Shirong was dashing forward, the 2 clones were already taking out the other rebel cell minions, as they also could use the Multiple bleeding which was the ultimate skill of an Assassin.

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