
Chapter 525: Let’s End This

Chapter 525: Let’s End This

As Yuna and Madara’s fight continued, its scope started increasing at a rapid pace. While the duo started out with just hand-to-hand combat, mountain-sized ice blocks were now flying through the air and which were countered by hundreds of building-size trees. What started out as hand-to-hand combat turned into a scene of apocalyptic proportions.

Amid the monstrous attacks, two people were zooming through the air, dodging everything that was flung at them with crazed expressions on their faces.



Despite looking like he was lost in the joy of battle, Madara never entirely lost his concentration. So, he noticed that something was off. Well, he noticed Yuna’s sexual innuendo, but that wasn’t what he felt was off. Something about the current situation didn’t feel right to him.

Madara flicked his wrist, causing another 100 trees to burst out of the ground to deflect another ice mountain that appeared out of nowhere. A frown appeared on Madara’s face as he noticed that he had used significantly too much strength in that block, resulting in some wasted chakra. Frankly, it couldn’t be helped that he didn’t have perfect control over his body yet, since he just went through a massive power-up.

As he fought using his newfound power, he slowly refined himself to use it optimally, improving his combat effectiveness.

He finally realized what felt weird to him as he thought about these things.

‘While I’m slowly getting used to my new power, my combat strength is steadily increasing, but how come it isn’t the same for Yuna? She went through a tremendous powers spike as well, should she slowly getting used to that kind of power, making her stronger.’

Meanwhile, Yuna could more or less guess what Madara was thinking about, causing her to smirk.

“You want to know why I’m not steadily getting stronger due to mastering my nef-found strength, huh?”

Although Madara was shocked that Yuna somehow managed to read his thought, he still nodded his head.

“Yes, this is weird. At the start, we were about equal in power, but now I feel like I’m slightly overpowering you. Something is wrong.”

Yuna chuckled in amusement while shrugging her shoulders.

“In that case, let me lift that mystery for you. The reason why I’m not improving by mastering this new level of strength, is because I already mastered it.”

“What?! Nonsense, there is no way you could do something like that instantly!”

Yuna sighed deeply as she held her head, making her look like she was in deep pain due to her own inadequacy.

“*Sigh* Instantly? Obviously, I couldn’t do something like that instantly. *Sigh* It took me almost five seconds to do it. Truly, my talent can at best be described as average.”

Madara’s eyebrows twitched in irritation when he heard Yuna’s words and instantly dismissed all of it as nonsense.

‘Whatever, she is just trying to irritate me, so I should ignore her.’

While Yuna’s words sounded like a lie, there was actually quite a bit of the truth mixed in as well. She truly got used to her power after around five seconds, but the only reason why she could do it was that she had mastered her current power level before, in her previous life.

She might be in a different body now, but since she was still far from her past life’s peak, she had no problem controlling her strength.

“Well, putting aside how great I am…”


“… it’s time to end this.”

Naturally, Madara was taken aback by Yuna’s words.

‘End this? We are clearly at a stalemate. Or rather than calling it a statement, I’m slowly but surely getting the upper hand.’

Yuna chuckled in amusement as she could almost see the question marks hovering above Madara’s head.

“Hehe, aren’t you overseeing something rather important, Madara?”

Madara became even more confused and started looking around him. He could subtly feel that there was really something wrong. Something… felt unnatural.

After a few short seconds, Madara squinted his eyes as he had detected something rather weird.

‘Weird, am I just imagining it, or are there eight ice mountains around me that have around the same distance from each other and myself.’

Yuna carefully inspected Madara’s facial expression, and as soon as she noticed that Madara found out what she was talking about, a smirk appeared on her face.

“What is my name, Madara.”

Madara became even more confused. He really wondered where Yuna was going with this.

‘Her name? Isn’t it Yuna Uzum…’

As soon as that last name appeared in his mind, he paled.

‘Seals! Since she has so many different powers and never used any seals, I didn’t even make the connection to the Uzumaki clan’s specialty. Since she is so monstrous in everything else, surely it can’t be like this with seals as well… right?’

Madara would rather not find out whether that was true or not, so he quickly flew upward to get out of whatever Yuna was planning with these eight mountains. Unfortunately, it was too late, and Yuna activated her seal arrangement just before Madara could get out of it.

“[Divine Uzumaki Sealing Style: Eight Heavenly Frozen Mountains Divine Suppression Domain]”

A white beam of light shot out of the peaks of the eight artificially created mountains, which swiftly created a vast dome around Yuna and Madara.

As soon as the sphere was closed, Madara staggered a little as he felt his power weaken a little.

However, a sneer appeared on Madara’s face as he felt the seal’s suppression.

“Oh? So you weakened me a little? So what? Even when I’m slightly weakened, I can still defeat you. Did you honestly bet everything on something that has such little effect?”

Yuna shook her head as she looked at Madara in pity.

“This was a lot of fun, Madara. However, preventing the final battle any longer might cause some trouble. So, let me end this with words of wisdom every shinobi should keep close to his heart.”

Naturally, Madara wondered what final battle Yuna was talking about, but as she said those words, she lifted her arm as a ferocious grin appeared on her face. Her fingers moved into a snapping position before she resumed talking.

“A shinobi must see underneath the underneath.”



A cake hit Madara in the face…

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