
Chapter 584 - Visit


\'Unit-17 is monitored by War God Henry. The event of these said people being able to communicate with lower-tiered devils reached his ears and thus he decided hear it straight from them.\'

\'According to what the War God reported, Unit-17 once participated in an Expedition Mission where they have to clear the entire 1st Floor of the Devil Emperor\'s Pagoda. During the trip, the unit managed to get their hands on a strange device that could covert the language of the devils to Elven Language.\'

\'War God Henry got his hands on the device and confirmed that it was working as intended. The device could indeed convert the mindless ramblings of the lower-tiered devils to Elven, which makes it a very useful tool. Still, this event remains suspicious.\'

\'Some speculated that this tool was a creation of a deceased/converted disciple who fell during the expedition, and that the unit was fortunate enough to get their hands on it. Such speculation however, was openly criticized since had it really been the case, then why is it that the sect has no records of such device?\'

\'It wouldn\'t make sense for such a potentially useful tool to not be registered by the disciple who created it since - once proven, he/she could received loads of Merit Points. Assuming that the creator was an Outer Disciples, there\'s little to no reason at all why they wouldn\'t do it this way.\'

\'There was an open discussion about this matter however, since the council\'s decision was split and thus, can\'t reach a conclusion, they decided to monitor this two people very closely instead.\'

Raven released a long sigh after reading the records pertaining to his previous teammates. His brows relaxed yet his eyes were still gleaming slightly. 

It\'s safe to say that Raven truly wasn\'t expecting for such thing to happen. Although he didn\'t get to spend much time with his previous Unit, he still developed some kind of camaraderie with them. Which is why this information shaken him for a bit. 

Edward and Felix never struck him as a bad people. They have their own idiosyncrasies, yes. But Raven never really thought them as schemers or spies. He\'s pretty sure that they\'ve inspected them closely enough to be confident about that but now, he wasn\'t so sure anymore. 

\'Coincidence?\' Raven thought to himself. \'It\'d be good if that\'s all there is to it. But what if it\'s deliberate?\'

\'These two came from the Twin Star Academy in the Azure Sun Great World. If they were proven to be real traitors, then this will mean that the academy - or at least someone from there, are in cahoots with the devils. It could only be the Exiles then...\'

\'Still, we can\'t be too sure...\' Raven pursed his lips as he continued with his train of thought. \'What if these two were just being used as pawns? What if this event was all just a ruse to distract us and hide something crucial?\'

\'Heck, we can\'t even be sure if the actual culprit is still on the Azure Sun Great World still. Knowing how slippery and cunning the Exiles were, I wouldn\'t be surprised to learn that the real culprit has long since fled to some other place. Eradicating the Twin Star Academy just because of this wouldn\'t be wise. For all we know, that might be what the Exiles want us to do.\'

Raven gazed at the document in front of him once more and frowned.

\'And here they were, asking for my opinion about it. They pulling my leg already, gosh I don\'t like this. Hmm...\' 

Raven thought for a bit, deciding on what to write in response to this accusations. After quite sometime, he eventually had an idea and started writing it down. 

Just like this, Raven went from one document to another. He became a bit immersed to his work that he didn\'t even noticed that the sun was already down. Well, it\'s not like the sun here in this pocket world was real but still, it indicates that he\'s been at this for a while. 

If it weren\'t for Kyrie coming over and telling him to have his meal, he would\'ve still be sitting down in front of his desk, going over these thick stacks of documents. 

By the end of the day, Raven only managed to finish a mere fraction of all the papers on his desk. Raven experience some headache but it wasn\'t so bad. He slept through the night and when he woke up the day after, he returned to his work. 

Days passed in this manner and by the fourth day, Raven managed to finish all the documents piled up on his desk. Now that he\'s done, his desk was cleaner and tidier compared before. Thankfully, the next batch of paperwork will arrive next month. And since he\'s already done with this month\'s worth of paperwork, his schedule had become lighter. 

Raven returned to his previous routine, he would seclude himself whenever he can and do some light training during regular days. His progress remained steady and solid, his techniques are getting more and more polished each day, his breakthrough is nearly there too, he\'s only missing a few sparks of inspirations. 

One day during his idle days, some visitors arrived at his residence. 

"Young Lord, you have some visitors." Kyrie informed him via transmission, causing Raven to halt his practice. 


"The War Gods Henry, Logan, Theo and Charles." Kyrie stated. 

"Have them wait at the garden while I clean myself up for a bit." Raven ordered. 

"As you wish Young Lord." Kyrie replied before cutting off the connection. 

As for Raven, entered through the back entrance and went back to his room, closing it shut before taking a quick bath and dressing-up. After that, he went towards the garden where his visitors were waiting for him. 

The War Gods who saw him approaching all felt a strange sensation on their bodies. This kind of sensation was something that they never felt before when they met Raven. Just this sensation alone was enough for them to believe that their hunch were correct. 

"See? I told you it\'s him." Henry stated smugly at his colleagues. 

"Shut your trap. Why are acting all smug for? You didn\'t do shit!" Logan glared at Henry, to which the latter did the same. 

"Alright, kids. Settle down." Theo commented on the side, earning a chuckle from Charles. 

"Geez, these people are way past their youths yet they still act like little children." Charles commented. 

Both Henry and Logan glared hatefully at him when they heard his comment, not that it had any effect on Charles though. 

Eventually, Raven arrived at the table when they were at, and to say that Raven felt vastly different from the last time they met him - which was like, a week ago, would be an understatement. 

"Hello. Thanks for paying little me a visit." Raven greeted as he sat down with them.

"Well, thanks for receiving us, Little Chronos." Logan said while cackling. 

"Hey, be respectful. He\'s our Young Master from now on." Theo reprimanded.

"Oh please, don\'t be like that." Raven raised his hands in front of him and shook his head. "I\'m still that Little Brat from before. You don\'t need go through such lengths about the formalities."

"See that? That\'s what you call Humility. Watch and learn Henry." Logan snorted.

"Wha-! You son-of-a-!"

"Okay, why don\'t we stop there, yeah?" Charles interrupted before the two argued once more. "Let\'s not embarrass ourselves in front of the Heir, yeah?" 

Logan and Henry both snorted and looked away from each other. Theo rolled his eyes and looked at Raven. He smiled and said: "Congratulations on your promotion. Though to be honest, this is a bit unexpected."

"Well, I wasn\'t planning on becoming the Heir of Chronos. Senior Brother - I mean, the Sect Master suddenly offered it to me since apparently, I got the acknowledgement of Ancestors Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades during my Baptism. I thought I only got one."

Raven then told them the story about how he eventually decided to become the Heir of Chronos. By the end of his story, the War Gods were left sighing on how fate works it\'s wonders. 

Not even too long ago, this very person in front of them was basically a nobody, yet in a short span of time - which might as well be a blink of an eye for people like them, he\'s already at the stage where their status were more or less on equal footing. Once all inheritors appears, Raven would officially be hailed as the next Sect Master and his position will be much higher compared to them. 

Truly, fate works in mysterious ways...

"...anyways, how have you been? Is there any reason for this visit?" Raven asked as he calmly sipped his tea. 

"Well, aside from congratulating you for your promotion as the new Heir of Chronos. There is indeed another reason for our visit." Henry stated. 

Raven didn\'t say anything and just waited for them to actually reveal their purpose. 

The four of them looked at each other before nodding. Eventually, it was Henry who decided to speak...

"Join us on climbing the mountain....please?"

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