
Chapter 878: Not an enemy

Chapter 878: Not an enemy

Much to Stephen’s surprise, he woke up rather frazzled. 

Rubbing his eyes, he realized that he apparently slept at the floor of the abandoned shack. This of course caused him to feel rather confused as he could’ve sworn he slept somewhere comfortable, not the dusty old floors of this place. 

It took him sometime to adjust to reality. After which, he sighed and said:

“I knew it. I was in fact, dreaming.” 

Saying this left a bitter taste on Stephen’s mouth but there’s nothing he could do anyway. Still, nobody could blame him for feeling rather upset and disappointed about it. 

Just as he thought that maybe something good could happen to him. Just as he thought that maybe, life wasn’t so bad after all, fate was here to tell him that he was just being delusional. 

It’s so cruel. Yet what could a 14 year old boy do about it? What could he possibly do about it? 

If anything, at least he dreamt about something nice. Most of the times, he’d have nightmares about the adults that mistreated him. Even in his dreams, they were following him. He should be thankful that for once, he slept soundly and his dreams were rather good. 

“…at least I don’t feel hungry anymore. It’s probably because I dream about eating something nice.” He mused to himself. 

He then stood up and looked around him. He discovered that the sun was already up and that he unknowingly spent the night here. 

Still, even though he woke up nicely for once in his life, it didn’t change the fact that his situation was slightly unfavorable. 

“What should I do today?” 

Stephen was still out of the Orphanage and he can’t return. Even if he could, he wouldn’t. Yes, living on his own would prove rather difficult but it’s way better than being mistreated by the adults ever again.

“I doubt I’ll ever catch something for breakfast.” He murmured to himself, “Whatever, I’m not used to having breakfast anyways.”

“I remember seeing a jungle nearby. Maybe I should check it out. There should be some berries in there and some fruit trees. If I’m lucky to find some, then I’ll at least have something to eat.”

“How about you come here instead and eat proper breakfast, eh?” 


Stephen’s skin nearly jumped out of his body due to how badly he was startled. He looked around the shack only to find nothing. 

“Who talked just now?” 


“Waaaaahhh!!!!” Stephen cried out and immediately ran through the door. “

He had goosebumps all over his body as he kept looking behind him as he ran. Cold sweat poured down his back as he screamed.

“Help! I’m being haunted by a ghost! Waaahhh!!!” 



The uproarious laughter only scared him more, causing him to trip and fall over. Stephen tried his best to crawl away from the shack but the laughter never went away. 

“Whew. Why is it so fun messing with kids? Ai…” the disembodied voice muttered after calming down from its laughter. “Hey, kid. Quit crying.” 

“Don’t eat me!” Stephen did just the opposite and cried even harder. 

“Yes, I won’t. Even if you want me too, I wouldn’t. You’re all skin and bones, you’re not worth the effort.” 

“Go away then!! Don’t haunt me! I didn’t do anything to you! Are you the owner of that old shack? Are you angry that I slept there? Sorry then! I didn’t mean to! You should’ve said something earlier, I won’t fight you anyways! Just go away!”

“Geez kid, calm down!”

“I won’t! Leave me alone. How can I calm down when a ghost is haunting me!”

“I’m not a ghost though?” 

“Huh?” Stephen froze upon hearing that. 

“I’m not a ghost. Seriously, don’t you recognize my voice?” 

Stephen frowned and thought about it. His eyes then gleamed and understood it all. 

“You’re that guy from my dream.” He exclaimed, but then he frowned and said: “Wait, how could this be? You’re not supposed to be real.”

“Bah kid, who are you to say what’s meant to be real or not! Get your head out of your ass, use that damn brain of yours.”

“Wait so you’re real?” Stephen exclaimed. He then looked around and searched everywhere but he can’t see a shadow of that man. “Where are you? Why can’t I see you if you’re real?”

He then heard the man sigh said: “Close your eyes kid. No matter what you feel, don’t open them unless I told you. Understood?” 

Stephen nodded and closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he then felt himself being pulled to somewhere. He fought the urge to open his eyes out of curiosity. 

“Alright, now open them.” 

Stephen did what he said and to his surprise, he found himself standing in front of a door. The same door of the big concrete house he dreamt about. 

He gaped at the sight. Finding all of this mildly fascinating and a little unbelievable. 

“Enter, kid. Don’t just stand there. Food’s getting cold.” 

Stephen jolted out from his reverie, he twisted the doorknob open and entered the same house he had dreamt about not too long ago. 

When he arrived at the dining area, he found himself staring at the same man he had met in his dreams, yet knowing that this is indeed real, caused him to gape even more. 


“Magic, I guess.” The man shrugged. He then gestured towards the table and said: “Sit down and eat kid. Food’s not’s going to consume itself.” 

“Wait, you’re feeding me? For free? Why?” 

“Damn it kid.” The man looked annoyed, “Just sit the fuck down and eat. By the time I finish answering all of your damn questions the food will be spoiled.” 

Stephen scratched his head and sat down. He looked at the man hesitantly but the man just gestured him to eat. In the end, Stephen could only obey him and eat. 

Once again, Stephen indulged himself with a delicious meal. The man prepared fried rice, scrambled eggs, bacon, apple slices and a glass of warm milk for him. All of which were devoured cleanly by Stephen. 

By the time he was done eating, Stephen could only sigh and pat his stomach in satisfaction. 

The man then stood up and gathered the plates to clean them. It was then that Stephen started asking questions again.

“Who are you?”

“Nobody important. I told you yesterday, call me Old Man or something, I don’t care.” 

“But you don’t look like an old man though.” 

“Then call me Uncle, I guess. I don’t really care.” 

“Alright, Uncle.” Stephen frowned, “Where am I? What’s this place?” 

“Hmm…” The man went silent for a bit before answering, “Just know that for now, only you and I know of this place. This place is everywhere but also nowhere. Don’t ask too much, you’re not ready to know just yet.”

“That wasn’t helpful at all.” Stephen pointed out. 

To which, the man replied: “I know.” 

“Okay, so…” Stephen’s frown remained. “Why are we here?”

“Hmm, it depends. What do you want to do here?” The man asks him. 

“I don’t know.” Stephen replied, “That’s why I’m asking you that question.” 

“Well, for me I don’t need to be here. I won’t always be here anyways. If anything, I am here because you’re here.”

“Huh?” Stephen was confused. 

“Stephen, this is your name right?” 

“Yes, but how did you…”

“Now, now. You’ll understand how I was able to know you in the future. Don’t ask too much.” 

Stephen then saw the man coming out of the kitchen and walking towards him. He sat down and looked intently at Stephen. 

“For starters, I could tell you how you’re able to get access to this place but it is way too early for you to know that. You’re still too naive after all. All I could tell you is that, it all started when you touched that ball inside the abandoned shack.” 

Stephen’s eyes widened upon hearing that. 

“This place can be your new home.” The man stated, “There’s no need for you to return back to that filthy orphanage. Unfortunately though, you are too weak to stay here permanently so you’ll need to return back to the real world from time to time.” 

“While you are here, you don’t have to be afraid or skeptical. I’m not your enemy. Nobody will hurt you here aside from yourself.”

“Since I can’t stay here forever and have to leave eventually, I’ll teach you the basics on how to survive on your own, starting by how to start a fire, hunt for food and many more. I’ll also teach you how to enter this place when you need to. Of course, that’s under the premise that you’d want to learn from me.” 

Stephen was silent for the most part. He looked at the man felt his sincerity. Unfortunately though, the damage left by adults were still there and still haven’t been cured yet so he still feel hesitant. 

“Why are you helping me, really?” 

“I’ve already told you that, didn’t I?” The man raised a brow and rested his back against the chair. “Child, I’m not your enemy.” 

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