
Chapter 39: First Mission

Chapter 39: First Mission

[ Name: Ren Arken

Age: 14

Race: Human

Strength: 500

Agility: 10, 000

Vitality: 2, 000

Mana: ~~~

Spiritual: ~~~

Intellect: 1, 000

Unique Skills:

-magic cards -appraisal -evil gaze -strengthen -leap -basic magics -fire magic -Fire Archmagic -illusion magic -water magic -light magic -nature magic -Grimoire of death -Real Clone [Heavenly Slime] -Eye of Wisdom -Sword God]


Magic Weapon

A magic weapon is a weapon that infused by a dense amount of mana that helps the wielder to uses a skill that they didn’t possess. A great quality magic weapon could only be made by a highly-skilled blacksmith like dwarves.

A magic weapon could boost someone status and power spontaneously by multiple folds, and according to its rank, a magic weapon could grant the wielder a skill, there are 8 ranks in terms of magic weapons:

-Low Class: 1 Skill

-Medium Class: 2 Skill

-High Class: 3 Skill

-Top Class: 4 Skill

-Legacy Class: 5 Skill

-Relic Class: 6 Skill

-Legendary Class: 7 Skill

-Divine Class: 10 Skill

There are only a few legendary class magic weapons in the world, The Endless cold sword, the One light bow, and the Holy light shield. There is still none of the divine class magic weapons ever found in the world.

-Magic Engineering -Grandaria Library -Grandaria Capital


The sun had switched its shift with the moon, together with the enveloping darkness and the sparkling stars, a shadow is stealthily wandering around.

“Duke Baldwin’s residence is a mansion, but it could actually be called as a fortress. About three hundred guards are patrolling it and on each side of the walls held an alarm bell that used to inform of danger, you need to proceed cautiously and ensure that the bell won’t ring,”

“Duke Baldwin’s chamber is on the top floor, the fourth floor. As long as you sneak in silently, you could consider yourself safe, because there are only a few guards patrolling inside of the mansion,”

Oz could still remember clearly old man Kyron’s instructions to him. Oz jumped to a huge tree near the wall to sneak in and get into the mansion’s rooftop. The guards patrolling on the rooftop is weak, Oz just knocked them down with his fist and hide them at the sides.

Oz entered the mansion from the rooftop and scans his surroundings, only to found out that no guards are patrolling at the stairs to the rooftop.

(That damned old man actually right, there are only a few guards patrolling inside of this freaky huge mansion)

Oz never let his free time to get wasted, when he’s free, he’ll use it to whether train his qi cultivation or mana cultivation. His mana cultivation is currently at the Master Swordsman rank, and his qi cultivation is at the Core transformation realm, his stats had become far higher than before.

(The mana cultivation really does helps me recover my body, I could feel that I almost reached my former body state! Ah! It’s been a while since I checked my status, I wonder what it had become)

When Oz chant the word “Appraisal”, the prompts that he hadn’t heard for a long time finally appeared once more.

<Irregular energy detected>

<Scanning through the host’s memories





<Energies called [Qi] and [Mana] would be saved at the system>

[ Name: Ren Arken

Age: 14

Race: Human

Strength: 50,000 (+3000,000 [Qi] +700,000 [Mana])

Agility: 80,000 (+4000,000 [Qi] +800,000 [Mana])

Vitality: 100,000 (+7000,000 [Qi] + 900,000 [Mana])

Mana: ~~~

Spiritual: ~~~

Intellect: 300, 000

Unique Skills:

-magic cards -appraisal -evil gaze -strengthen -leap -basic magics -fire magic -Fire Archmagic -illusion magic -water magic -light magic -nature magic -Grimoire of death -Real Clone [Heavenly Slime] -Eye of Wisdom -Sword God]

(Wha- Finally! I could see the stats of the mana and qi together! Does it because I’m currently checking my stats while using both of them together?)

Oz contemplates a while but immediately dispel his thoughts.

(Let’s focus with what in front of us first)

Oz starts to sort out his strategy once more. There are two options to enter the duke’s chamber, the first one is to enter right from the chamber’s room main door, but after Oz entered the fourth floor, and took a peek of the frontside passage, there are eight guards with a minimal of master swordsman rank guarding the chamber door.

The second option is to enter the chamber from its balcony, Oz could get into the balcony from the rooftop, and only three guards are guarding the balcony.

(Let’s just enter from the balcony, I can’t afford to fail this mission after all)

Oz went back to the rooftop and jump down to the balcony, stunning all of the low-ranked guards with his bare hands. The balcony’s door and window’s curtain are shut closed so Oz couldn’t see anything inside, but he could still hear a conversation from outside with his keen hearings.

“The queen had lost her vigor, even though she tried to hid her fear and hesitation, but I still notice her wavering eyes, the plan should proceed as we planned,” A deep and calm voice belongs to aged men could be heard by Oz.

“Splendid plans, Duke Baldwin. It’s an honor for the Gracefields to aid you, you’ll be a splendid king of Grandaria,” Another voice sounded out.

(Four… No, five… And all of them have the cultivation of master swordsman rank or above)

Oz tracked the aura of the people inside with his Qi and measure their power, if the curtains are opened, Oz would be able to appraise their status with his appraisal card.

Oz prepares his throwing knives and envelope it with his qi and mana, five knives, he’s planning to kill all of them in one strike and finish the ones that manage to survive with his swords quickly and flee.

But when Oz’s about to open the door, a sound that he didn’t want to hear, sounded out.

Ding! Ding!

The sound of the alarm bell rang out and screams from the guards cover the duke’s chamber with tension. Oz could hear the sounds of swords colliding and the groans of the guards, sensing the abnormality, Oz camouflage himself with the dark balcony walls with his illusion magic and covered his presence with the ‘Stealth Soul’ qi technique.

*Sound of a door being opened*

The balcony door opened and five people, fully armed, came out from the chamber with a grim face, they scanned the resident state from the balcony calmly. Oz immediately recognizes his target as old man Kyron had to describe duke Baldwin’s appearance.

(What a shiny head)


The main door of the chamber opened with loud crashed sound, the five old men immediately ready their swords and observe the source of the sound calmly. Oz couldn’t see anything inside the chamber as he’s camouflaging with the balcony’s wall.

The figure that barged into the duke’s resident with such a flashy way slowly came out from the duke’s chamber. His attire is an attire that every assassin would use, the only unusual thing is the fedora that’s as black as the attire that he’s using.

“You seem to have a lot of enemies, duke Baldwin,” Said one of the old men to duke Baldwin.

“Sadly, you’re right. So? Who are you? Do you think you could leave this place alive after making such a big mess?” Asked the duke arrogantly.

The fact that the duke’s answering arrogantly and that the five old men aren’t showing any sign of fear makes Oz tilt his head.

(Judging from the mana color, that assassin must be at the sword saint rank, but why do these old men could still stay calm even though they knew it?)

(Are they idiots? Or….)


All of the five old men unleash a mana aura that didn’t inferior to the assassin’s mana, Oz could see that the assassin’s surprised when he saw their mana. Not only the assassin but even Oz himself is also surprised seeing the spectacle.

“I don’t know who you are, but you’ve made a mistake coming here,” Said the duke while he shoots a beam of light to the sky.

(Shit! He’s signaling for reinforcement!)

Duke Baldwin snorted.

“Nice guts, to not waver when facing five sword saint rank at the same time, who are you?” Asked him arrogantly.

But the assassin remains silent, he waved his hand a little, and blue particles suddenly appeared from the thin air and gathered at his right hand. The particles gathered and it changed to a sword, when the sword appeared, the temperature seems like it got lowered for a multiple Celcius, making Oz feel some chill at his back.



Not only Oz but even the five sword saint facing the assassin also wavered when they saw the sword appearance, a sword as white as a snow, and a sword that brings an everlasting chill.

“T-the legendary class sword, ‘Endless Cold’!” Duke Baldwin exclaimed with a surprised face.

“Hmph!” One of the sword saints snorted and dashes to the assassin.

*Sound of swords colliding*

(A tie… No, the assassin is a little bit stronger…)

Judging by the mana cultivation rank, the assassin’s rank is still at the first tier of the sword saint rank, but the sword saint attacking him is already at the bottleneck of the sword saint rank.

When their swords met, the assassin shows some superiority in power, furthermore, the sword saint’s slowly froze because colliding with the ‘Endless Cold’ sword. But the other sword saints including duke Baldwin don’t stay idle, they rushed to aid their comrade and attacked the assassin from various angles.

(Seems that my throwing knives won’t be useful here, it’s been a long time but, I’ll be needing to use the magic cards again)

Oz withdraws his throwing knives and ready his magic cards, four number ’10’ cards, and four number ‘9’ cards are ready at both of his hands. after enveloping them with mana and qi to boost the power, Oz waited for the right timing.

(Now the question is, should I kill the assassin too or not, moreover, his sword is very alluring to steal)

When the sword saints attacked the assassin at the same time, the assassin muttered a word: “Disperse!”

Cold mana force gushed out from the assassin’s body with great power, making the sword saints got bounced back because of the powerful force.

“Shit…” Cursed Duke Baldwin.

(Hm? It seems that it’s not a normal power that the assassin used…)

Their body that contacted with the cold force started to freeze, even though their sword saint mana is powerful, but they still couldn’t dispel the curse from the legendary sword ‘Endless Cold’.

*Sound of a lot of footsteps*

(Shit! Reinforcements are coming!)

Oz started to get uneasy as he’s still waiting for the right moment to kill his target. Fortunately, the bodies of the sword saints started to freeze more, their movement got numb, and they’re still trying their best stand up.

The assassin walked slowly to duke Baldwin, his eyes are as cold as his sword, Oz felt a deja vu when he saw those cold eyes. Duke Baldwin’s body had frozen, but it doesn’t restrict him from moving, the assassin took the bait and let himself to be at duke Baldwin’s striking range.

All of the sword saints, including duke Baldwin, rushes and strikes the assassin once more. But their movement is not as swift as before because of their frozen body.


Oz threw all of the cards to the sword saints, four number ‘9’ card to duke Baldwin’s head, and the remaining cards to the remaining sword saints. The assassin manages to block one of the cards with his sword but got pushed back because of the great force, the remaining cards cleanly pierce duke Baldwin’s head.

*Sound of blood splattered*

(Mission success)

Seeing Duke Baldwin and the other four sword saints successfully killed, Oz unleashes his mana and qi in full power and retreat with full speed. Oz’s full speed is very quick, but he could feel that a presence is following him at the same speed as him.

(Following me, huh. Let’s see what you got)

Oz wanted to immediately report to the old man Kyron about the mission’s success, but he decided to change course.

The assassin keeps on following him. But when they arrived at the magical forest of Everdeen, the presence of the man he’s chasing vanished. The assassin cautiously observes and searched for the mysterious man that suddenly stole his prey and killed all of the sword saints spontaneously.


*Sound of sword unsheathed*

A figure suddenly appeared behind the assassin following with a terrifying murderous aura, making him jolted because of surprise, but he couldn’t retreat as two swords had already pointed at his neck.

“So? I wonder what kind of face hiding behind that mask, would you be so kind as to show me your face?” Asked Oz with neither kind or cold voice.

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