
Chapter 124 - GreenHat And The WhiteLotus Part 2

"Wait a second!" GreenHat yelled back. He made sure he was far enough away that the two of them could talk privately. He gently put her down only to receive a slap in the face as he did. He did not get angry, in fact, he smiled as she said: "Happy? Now listen to what I have to say." 

"Humph! Hurry up. I do not got all day. I need to get up soon." WhiteLotus snorted as she turned away from him, not wanting to look at the fool.

"I just want you to know that I love you.  If… If it came down to me needing to use my power to save you, I would in a heartbeat no matter who was around. I mean that. My way of thinking was too narrow minded. I grew up being told to not reveal the secrets of the Evergreen family being beaten into me. Please forgive me. I do not want the girl I love to become a lesbian and make me wear a green hat for real!" GreenHat\'s eyes showed a look of desperation which combined with his words, made WhiteLotus want to laugh out loud.

She bit her lip, trying to hold back her laughter. But as she thought about how he did not chase after her when she first left, she felt gloomy again. "Why didn\'t you chase after me?"

"Huh?" GreenHat couldn\'t really hear WhiteLotus due to her speaking too softly. 

"I said why didn\'t you chase after me, you bastard!? The girl you say you love walked out on you, and you didn\'t even think to fucking chase after me!? Are you fucking stupid!? Where did your family genes go!? Your dick!?" WhiteLotus yelled out as she began hitting GreenHat.  She had tears in her eyes as she beat him. She just wanted him to chase after her. Why was it so hard?

It was now that he understood why WhiteLotus did not contact him. He couldn\'t understand the reasoning before. He first thought it was because of his narrow outlook on things. But now, he fully understood that was not the only reason. He had only gotten to talk to her once since then, and at that time, she told him off and yelled something about becoming a lesbian and that he was going to make him really wear a green hat. He let out a sigh as he stood there taking the beating. He deserved every hit. 

When WhiteLotus finally finished hitting him, he pulled her into a hug and held her tightly. From there, she broke down and cried as she hugged him back. She was in love with his fool. They had been together for a short time, but she loved him nonetheless. "I\'m logging out and coming home. You will need to make up for everything you have done."

"Tell me where you are, and I will come pick you up. It is still not even light outside.." GreenHat said as he kissed the top of WhiteLotus\'s head.

"At Rose\'s house. You got fifteen minutes to get here." WhiteLotus said as she pinched GreenHat. 

"No problem, I will be there in ten." He gave WhiteLotus a kiss on the lips before quickly logging out. White Lotus walked over to Rose and told her she was logging on because GreenHat was coming to get her and thanked both Rose and Violet for everything.

Once WhiteLotus logged out, it was only Chi, Rose, and Violet left. "So tell me did she join you guys?"

Rose and Violet both grinned as Violet answered: "GreenHat now officially lives up to his name."

"Pfft! Hahahaha!\' Chi burst out laughing. She laughed so hard she had tears in her eyes. "Serves him right!"

While things were settled on Chi\'s side, Ryu had finally settled all the guards he needed for the properties. Each guard was only a stage one fortification realm expert, but for a starting village, that should be more than enough. 

"Now then, time to head back to Roland!" Ryu was happy things were settled here. He only had to wait for things to be complete before returning to this town. But just before he was about to leave town, the same familiar cat girl suddenly appeared in front of him again.

"Stop right there! I am someone who always gets what they want. I will not allow you to just threaten me and leave. You will become my man whether you like it or not! Trust me. If I want something, nothing can stop me from getting it!" Beauty\'s tone had completely changed. After a relaxing licking from Yuyu, she had cleared her thoughts and now understood she had to do things her normal way.

Ryu frowned but still put a smile on his face as he asked. "Your name?"

"Beauty! What is your name?" Beauty asked back, feeling happy that the handsome man finally asked her name. She knew she should have done things like this in the first place.

"My name?" Ryu thought for a moment before his smile widened. "BurningToast!" 

After saying this, Ryu used his movement technique and disappeared from Beauty\'s sight. A minute later, a notification was heard.

[The Mercenary Guild has just placed a new bounty out on player: Beauty. All mercenaries take up arms and help fulfill this bounty! 100 gold for each kill!  Up to 10 kills! Get your kill in to secure that 100 gold before it is too late.]

Beauty stood at the entrance in a daze. Not only did this handsome man disappear before her eyes, now she suddenly had a bounty on her head. Before she knew it, the handsome man returned, but now he had a sword in his hand. "I said this before I would kill you if you bothered me again.  So now that I can freely kill you, I will!" 

Before Beauty could say a word, she was ruthlessly stabbed right in the chest. All she saw was the face of the handsome man that was as cold as ice and void of emotion as he stabbed her right in the heart.

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