
Chapter 175: The True Potential of a Necromancer!

Chapter 175: The True Potential of a Necromancer!



What was the strongest ability of a Necromancer?

Manipulate Souls? No.

Be capable of conjuring Curses? No.

Have the power to have Undead-like abilities? No.

The strongest ability of a Necromancer was the power to raise Undead!

Frank had been thinking about this for a while.

He did not want to form an army because there would not be enough space to store them.

But now that things had come to such a battle, where hundreds of Goblins ran towards him.

He had no option.

Frank had to unleash the true strength of a Necromancer!

Pointing his claws towards the countless corpses of Goblin Scouts, Goblin Warriors, Goblin Knights, and Goblin Mages, his entire body exuded Death Attribute Mana, pouring it over all such corpses.

He manipulated a large number of souls he gathered through Undeath Bitter Harvest, and poured them back into the corpses!

And he said the magic word!


Frank\'s crimson eyes gleamed eerily with a powerful magical presence, his party and the Storm Chasers glanced at him with awe.

Although his party knew about his ability to raise Undead, they had never seen him do it on such an enormous scale!

But at last, Frank decided to showcase… his true strength as a Necromancer!

"Amazing… brat…! You make me proud!" celebrated Hades within Frank\'s mind, glancing at the army of Undeath raising behind him!

One by one, the corpses stood up, their lifeless eyes gleaming with a scarlet light, their original powers coming back to them, as new ones that only undead possessed awakened within them.

Axitl, the Goddess of Chaos that was seeing this, could not help but open her eyes wide.

She did not know about Frank\'s ability to raise Undead until now.

This was a secret that Abraddon and Thineas had kept away from her, so her jaw almost dropped when she saw this.

"This… Impossible…! This world does not have such an element! How?! DEATH… MAGIC! …Amazing! Amazing, Frank! You never stop amusing me!" she laughed wickedly.

Grandwing, Melodia, and the rest of the Storm Chasers glanced at the scene unfold.

"They are… raising back up again… Like he did with Rabrudion\'s deceased companions…" muttered Melodia.

"This… This is… the power to manipulate the element of Death… Could it be called… Death Magic?" asked Grandwing, glancing at Frank with admiration, as the young man stood in front of an enormous army of Undead Goblins, who kept raising one by one, without ceasing!



"Gyahahahahah! GYAHAHAHAHA!"

The countless zombies laughed maliciously, others roared fiercely, and some simply groaned incredibly loudly.

The goblin army suddenly stopped their track, glaring with horror.

An indescribable feeling of fear took ahold of their souls as they saw their death kin raise back up… against them!

It was something almost instinctual within their minds as if the fear of death had been materialized into these beings… their own kin getting back from the death and glaring at them with their lifeless crimson eyes!

And Frank, stood in the middle of such army, glaring at them a calm rage.

"Death Command, Death Coordination, Attack," said Frank, conjuring two Death Attribute Spells, Death Command and Death Coordination, enhancing the Undead strength, and making them even more coordinated and obedient than before!

Raising their broken swords, axes, staffs, and fist, the Undead marched!

Their bodies were all damaged, yet they were completely fine now!

They had become vessels for their souls, simple puppets rather than living beings!

The Goblin Mages gathered in one place, and began to conjure magic!

The Goblin Scouts fired javelins and arrows with incredible precision despite being Undead!

The Goblin Warriors and Goblin Knights walked, several of them were beheaded by Frank, but that did not stop them from being enormous and powerful!

"Grrakkh…" muttered one of the Goblin Warriors in front, as its chest was penetrated by a flaming arrow fired by his former companion.


Falling into the ground motionlessly, the rest of the Goblins quickly woke up from their daze, their former allies were now Undead, and they did not even care about their former companionship forged by the Goblin King\'s powers, they only obeyed their own King, the King of Death, Frank!





An explosion unfolded, as the sound of countless weapons impacting against each other was unfolded, the two goblin armies, the Undead Goblins, and the Living Goblins clashed against each other, bloodshed unfolded!

Frank\'s party and the Storm Chasers were finally given time to rest amidst such war, as they glanced at Frank fighting by using his strongest power, Raising Undead!

"Rise! Rise! Rise!"

Frank saw as the zombies died, raising them back by forcefully inserting souls inside of them!

And as he saw the enemy die, he immediately raised them back up into his side!

The Undead raised and raised back from the dead, the enemy army was falling into desperation, as the mages decided to unleash enormous magical attacks!

However, the Goblin Mage Zombies did so as well, generating large magic circles and unleashing a meteor shower against a thunderstorm!


Chaos unfolded, both sides were blasted away into explosions of fire and thunder, and Frank simply smiled.

"Ginseng, keep absorbing their Mana! Rise! Rise! All of you, it still not time to sleep yet!" roared Frank, as Ginseng drained the Mana of the Goblins around and used it to conjure Undead Transformation, converting even the bits of flesh into Undead by using Undead Combination and forming grotesque masses of unliving flesh!

"Fight! Tear apart your enemies, don\'t leave anyone stands across your path!" roared Hades at Frank\'s side, getting a bit inspired by the army of Undead raising back and back again!

Frank\'s party and the Storm Chasers had finally managed to recover a bit of their strength and mana, and immediately joined back up, unleashing wide-range magic spells!

Slicing Emerald Winds, Blazing Blasting Explosions, Distorting Black Holes, Freezing Icy Winds, and more!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!


The Goblin began to fall into despair, as the Undead army never fell, they kept raising, even if they burned, sliced them, or smashed them into bits!

Even more grotesque each time they came back, the monstrous army of Undead kept advancing, devouring, and tearing apart the life out of their former comrades!

Frank quickly joined his army, advancing furiously through the last remnants of Goblins, slicing them up, burning them with Purgatory Flames, freezing them with Nether Ice, and poisoning them with his corrosive Dracolich claws and his Poison Synthesis and Poison Magic!

Frank\'s claws extended like grotesque shadows, crushing his foes, and feeding his Undead army with more corpses!

After several minutes of incessant slaughter… it was over.

The Undead army prevailed, standing up, lifeless, yet incredibly loyal.

Frank decided to raise all the corpses in here as more Undead, and took a small break to rest and eat something, his undeath hunger was raising more and more as he used his powers, it was hard to contain.

"Frank, that was amazing! I have never- Eh?" asked Grandwing, as he saw Frank tearing apart the head of a corpse and eating the fresh brain out of it like a monstrous zombie!

"F-Frank?" he asked.

Frank kept devouring the brain until nothing was left, then he began to tear apart the hard muscles of the Goblin Warrior, its arms, legs, everything was being devoured as if it were a delicacy…

After five minutes, Frank had almost completely eaten an entire Goblin Warrior corpse, which was over 3 meters tall.

"Hahhh… I was… quite hungry…" sighed Frank, cleaning the blood with the Water Palm Technique off his mouth and claws.

"Frank… you\'re…" muttered Grandwing, glaring at Frank\'s chest, it was covered in white bones, and his chest seemed wide open, being only protected by this enormous ribcage… inside, a clear blue light gleamed eerily.

Grandwing and Melodia alongside the rest of the Storm Chasers noticed Frank\'s entire body filled with horrible scars as if he had been stitched together several times… just what has he gone through?

"I am sorry… I… I couldn\'t contain myself…" apologized Frank, as politely as he could.

"No… it is okay… I can see that you are… not really a human… Are you a species of Demon?" wondered Grandwing.

"Demon… I guess you could say… I am something like that now…" sighed Frank.

"Onii-chan is not a demon, he\'s a human! Like me!" said Kamei, reaching Frank as she offered him some soup with horned rabbit meat.

"Now that you\'re done eating that why don\'t you eat something warm?" asked Kamei.

"Kamei… It smells delicious, let\'s go eat a bit before continuing…" said Frank, as he walked back to the small camp with the rest of the Storm Chasers.

"That was amazing, Frank! I never thought you were capable of doing something so crazy!" said Gwendolyn.

"You got your own army at this point…" said Cathyl.

"Well, it isn\'t nothing much… This was just part of my Death Magic. I knew for some time that I could do this… But well, I never tried it out until… now, where the opportunity was finally given," said Frank.

"Nothing much?! It\'s insane! Death Magic is such a big cheat!" said Vheslia.

"With such an army you could conquer a small country!" said Grandwing.

"Indeed… and such power is called Death Magic, is that it?" asked Melodia.

"That\'s right… This power I have was something I acquired. It was not originally part of me before… Well, it also came with this appearance… Although these changes happened a bit later," said Frank.

"How\'s the soup, nii-chan?" asked Kamei.

"It is good, can I get seconds?" asked Frank gently.

"Impressive… he\'s such a terrifying being on the battlefield… but as a person, I can\'t help but feel like he\'s a gentle and nice brother," said Grandwing.

"Well, that\'s Frank for you," said Gwendolyn.


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