
Chapter 181 - A Sorrowful Death And Gustav's New Resolve



The Infernal General of Resilience received a powerful Elemental and Spiritual Cannon right into his chest!

And to boot, it came charged with Telekinesis Energy too, breaking through his armor and shattering it all!


The Infernal General of Resilience looked with horror as his chest was suddenly pierced by this powerful impactful beam, his flesh burnt through as the beam easily pierced his body, leaving a giant hole in the middle of his torso…!

His Infernal Core was shattered into pieces.

His eyes flickered as his consciousness began to black out.


His memories surged through his mind as he began to recall his people, and the tyranny that he had protected them against…

His family.

Not even sorrow for his own death, but sorrow that he wont be able to see them ever again, nor he would be able to protect them…

The Infernal General of Resilience looked at the golem\'s golden eye, the summons inside suddenly fell silent.

"Ah… P-Please… Protect… What I\'ve left behind…"

His eyes suddenly closed, as he died.

His consciousness dived into eternal darkness, as within the darkness, bubbles of memories appeared.

"Zadun! Zadun!"

The voice of a little girl called to him within such memories, as the Infernal General of Resilience looked down at the little orphan demon girl. Her skin was red and her eyes fiery orange-colored, small ores grew around her skin.


"Will you become an Infernal General?"

"I have to… It is to protect you all…"

"But will you leave us after that…?"

Zadun gripped his fists, his large body was perhaps 5 times the size of the little girl, but her words really impacted him.

"I… I will come back."

"Don\'t die…" the girl muttered, as she hugged him.

"I won\'t… I will come back for you and everyone… I am your big brother after all."

Zadun\'s consciousness began to fade away…

His last thoughts were filled with regret.

And his last words were holding up into a delusion over the empathy that complete strangers might feel for him.

"I am sorry…" he thought, as he faded into nothingness.

A bittersweet feeling shrouded the four summons, what they thought was an evil-doer run-of-the-mill demon wasn\'t really like that?

Wasn\'t he an enemy? Then why? Why would he ask them to protect what he left behind?

His lifeless body rested over El Dorado, motionlessly.

They slowly descended into the ground, and put his body to rest over the ground, his size slowly going back to normal, his soul was also gone, his power devoured it all…

Items slowly began to emerge around him, but this only made things worse.

"Did we do the right thing?" wondered Vudia.

"Why did he asked us to protect what he left behind? Aren\'t we, his enemies?" wondered Ervas.

"I don\'t understand…" muttered Erubas.

"I don\'t know why but… when he looked at us like this… I felt a bit of his emotions… So much regret… Perhaps… he was grasping whatever hope he had for our empathy over his circumstances." Said Anna.

"To protect what he left behind… His soul is gone too, master cannot ask his soul this either…" said Ervas.

Vudia looked at the brave demon she fought; her heart felt a bit doubtful of their own actions.

But deep down, they knew that they did what they had to do to protect their own world, the world of their master.

Gustav looked at the scene from afar, his eyes seemed expressionless. He seems to have heard him, and even saw his soul slowly fade, his last words within his consciousness as well.

As a Necromancer, seeing the true nature of souls wasn\'t hard, even more when they all faced the death of their body, or of their very soul, entering into complete nonexistence.

"Protect what you left behind? We are enemies yet you ask my summons to help your people? What is exactly going on in the Demon World?" wondered Gustav, as he looked over the red tower.

What was Gustav? He was certainly not a hero. Nor a human anymore. He was evolving and transforming so much over such a short amount of time that he usually felt very different from how he used to be.

But he often asked himself… "What would my previous self have done in such a situation?"

He looked at the battlefield as the swarm of mindless demons continued to emerge, these creatures… were they sentient?

He began to analyze them in more detail, they seemed like wild beasts compared to the Infernal Generals. Could this swarm of chaotic demons be but something similar to wild monsters?

Meanwhile, there were higher castes of demons with advanced intelligence not different from humans. They were fighting for a motive, although some of their members were actual sickos that just wanted to slaughter others, the Infernal General of Resilience seemed different, he was a true man, and one that seemed to have been fighting for necessity and to protect his people.

He was no different than a soldier fighting to protect his country and to bring victory to it, so he and his people can continue to prosper.

At the end of the day, this was an apocalypse, a battle royale of sorts between all dimensions. But Gustav simply couldn\'t understand something.

Why? Why were people from all worlds going according to this apocalypse?

Perhaps it sounded selfish, and maybe insane… But why wouldn\'t they team together, countless dimensions, and fight back against the one that is seeing them all as an ultimate source of entertainment?

Perhaps they knew that it was impossible to fight against the Great One Above All Creation… it was like trying to fight against a fact, something that exists above you and which you will never reach, no matter how hard you try.

A being capable of manipulating dimensions to their liking.

Is there even a way to fight such a monster?

A new resolve emerged on Gustav\'s mind, one that perhaps was influenced by the last will of the Infernal General of Resilience…

Unify the dimensions…

Grow stronger…

And fight back against the real enemy.

However, for such an insane dream, Gustav will need to fight many battles.

And one of them was approaching, as the Infernal General of Might glared at him…

"Great One Above All Creation, you should had never given me a System." Said Gustav, as he glared at the heavens!

The Great One Above All Creation overlooked countless dimensions through his incredible interdimensional senses.

He looked at Gustav at the same time as countless other beings.

He stopped looking at other dimensions as he heard his words.

A feeling of excitement surged from within his entire being.

A lowly bacteria said it would defeat him one day?

How amusing!

He couldn\'t help but rub his chin and smile.

His entire presence which twisted Dimensional Fabrics of Reality and absorbed endless cosmos constantly, couldn\'t help but feel admiration towards the insanity of this character.

"Defeat me? I had never considered that one of them would even consider this as an actual option. Interesting… Let\'s see how far you can go, and let\'s see if we\'ll ever get to see face to face, Gustav, wielder of the Supreme Summoner System… I am expecting great things of you, don\'t disappoint me!"


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