
Chapter 62: The first Customer from the Demon-race

Chapter 62: The first Customer from the Demon-race

Thank you for reading this chapter at prosperous food dot com.

Please note that Translator-san will be going to a medical appointment at the hospital tmr, and all chapters will be delayed (release slightly later) or postponed tmr.

“Boss Mike, your juicy hamburger is not only tasty. It also helps me to lose weight!”

Harrison was very excited. Other than the taste of the food, he was excited because he felt that his blood is raging in his blood. This feeling is like burning the fat on his body, and is stronger than the effect he had when he was forced by his father to practice swordplay.

What does this mean?

It means that if eating this thing can help to lose weight, it is heaven for fat people like himself!

Imagine enjoying the taste of luxury food while having weight loss. This is something that all foodies love. Harrison had never heard of such a wonderful thing before.

But, right now, the fine food that he was craving for finally appeared. His blood was raging on, and the fat on his body was burning up. This is such a strong and exciting feeling. This means that the foodies can have their cake and eat it too!

Of course, Harrison knows that one bite is not enough to make him become skinny overnight. But eating a hamburger is like practising swordplay for about 30 minutes. If he were to eat several hamburgers every day, he need not practice the swordplay that he dreads anymore, and still can lose weight.

The more he thinks about this, the more excited Harrison become. He may not look down on himself for being fat, but it is great if he could lose some weight. At least, he would not felt breathless after walking several steps.

And he had several friends like himself who are in the same situation. Usually, they would often meet up and feasted together. Each of them is about the same size as himself. Harrison intends to bring them here to try Boss Mike’s food, and let them experience the meaning of Fine Cuisine in a few days time.

After trying the effect of this juicy hamburger, Harrison changed his mind. He will bring them over as soon as possible. The food here is not only tasty, but also helps him lose weight. Only a genius like Boss Mike can make this.

Michael looked at Harrison, who was perspiring heavy while the fat on his body was trembling. He smiled and accepted the compliment. At the same time, he was surprised in his heart.

Looks like fat people had a bigger effect after eating the hamburgers that he had made. This burger’s effect is quite surprising. If it could really make one lose weight, then he had hit the jackpot. Just this one point alone is enough to make the hamburger sell like hotcakes.

However, although he knew about the effects of the burger, didn’t the system says that it only affects the blood? So how come there is a fat reducing impact as well? Michael does not understand.

“Over-obesity causes the blood vessels to be squeezed by fat. After the blood accelerates, it will create a certain amount of stress on the fat in the blood vessels and on the fat around the blood vessels. Hence, it does reduce fat, but this effect will only be maintained in the blood vessels and fat around the veins and arteries. For those who are moderately obese, the effect is not as acute. The main effect of this hamburger is focused on blood stimulation, not weight loss.” The [System] voice rang out, and explained the situation to Michael.

Michael suddenly understood. No wonder Amy and him did not experience this effect when they eat the hamburger.

But this additional side effect is a blessing for very fat people. Even if they could not become skinny from eating the juicy hamburger, at least they can eat until they are moderately fitter.

“The effect of the weight loss could only help you lose weight until your body is at a healthy level. If you want to continue to lose weight after that, you need to control your food intake and exercise more.” After listening to the System’s explanation, Michael immediately informed Harrison.

Michael opted to be honest with Harrison. Although he could let Harrison assume things by himself, if Harrison found out that he could not continue to lose weight, there may be more troubles later.

Michael felt that just the taste of the food alone is worth this price. The additional side effect is more like a bonus. With the combination of taste and side effects, even if there were competitors that could make something that tastes as good as the food he made, he need not worry about his business. For the competitors could not emulate the side effects as well.

“Oh, so it is like this?” Harrison nodded his head. He glanced at the ‘mini-eyes uncle’ and saw that other than being a bit redder and more nimble, the ‘mini-eyes uncle’ did not have the same ‘burning’ fat sensation as him.

However, he thought for a quick while and immediately nodded his head, “Even if I can become normal and healthier, that is also wonderful. Right now, I find it hard to walk quickly for long, and would pant every few steps. If I can become healthier by eating this juicy hamburger, I would have gained a huge advantage! Tomorrow, I will bring my pals here. They will definitely love the taste of the juicy hamburger. Oh, yes, Boss Mike, 2 more hamburgers for me.”

“All right, please wait a moment.” Michael smiled and nodded his head. He likes this positive word of mouth advertising. Not only will it help him to complete the task of selling more hamburgers, it will also help him to get more different customers. 1,000 unique customers is not a small sum.

The other guests also helped themselves to their meal, and took a bite of their juicy hamburger. Their face revealed a lot of pure bliss as they tucked into their meal. Many of them moaned or shouted in pleasure. This taste is really superb!

“Boss, 1 more portion!”

“Me too!”

Just one bite is enough to make them order more hamburgers.

“I knew it! My Papa’s cooking skills are the best!” Amy stroked Ugly Duckling head, and gently said. Looking at the delighted expressions on the guests’ faces, Amy felt very happy and proud.

“This is a restaurant?” Outside of Mickey Restaurant, Sargeras [1], a demon, glanced at the restaurant and frowned.

Sargeras had travelled extensively, and reached the City of Sin only recently. He had forgotten how many times he had come to this city. But he not expected to find a new restaurant here. From the décor, he reckoned that is opened by a human.

Sargeras walked a few steps, and looked at the clear crystal in front. It is so clean and clear that you could peer inside. He wanted to touch the crystal, but immediately stopped his hands – these crystals should be very fragile and easily broken. It should also very expensive. Right now, he does not have a lot of money to pay for the damages.

Sargeras did not carry a lot of gold coins with him. Later, he would go to the adventurer guild to take up some higher difficulty tasks with higher rewards. Once he earned enough money, he would continue to travel.

For a demon of his strength, he could take on most of the harder tasks that would taunt most other races with ease. These tasks are not difficult for him, but the rewards are generous. Here, if he works hard, he could earn enough money in 2 weeks to meet his travelling expenses for the entire year. This will allow him to continue travelling and find a way to break through his current level.

“Looking at these people, there must be something delicious here?” Sargeras peered through the glass and saw that the humans and dwarves inside were happily enjoying something with relish. They looked very happy. He hesitated and nodded his head. “I will go in and take a look. The humans are best chefs among the various races. After breakfast, I will go to the adventurer guild.” He pushed open the door of the restaurant.

‘Ding’ The bell on top of the door rang. Michael looked up and was stunned by what he saw.

This would be the first demon race customer for the restaurant.Note

[1] 萨格拉斯 – Sargeras – No joke, the author is a World of Warcraft Fan. Enter the big bad boss demon in World of Warcraft – Sargeras.

Thank you for reading this chapter from prosperous food com.Next chapter:

If you read the description on the cover as provided by the author, you will learn that demons have to bring their own stools. You will find out why in the next chapter. It is hilarious.Disclaimer

The works translated here are works of fans of the novels, and are not in anyway associated with the authors of the novels, Qidian and Qidian International. Readers are encouraged to support the author of the novels using the links in the novel page.

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