
Chapter 620 Master Wong Finds Some Help

Chapter 620 Master Wong Finds Some Help

  Master Wong saw Mi Luan standing idly as other shadow guards arranged the tent with the thick clothes that had been laid out in the sun for the entire day.

  He could sense that Gu Li had a soft heart for Mi Luan and he would not be able to refuse him if he insisted that he wanted to leave.

  "Little Ru…I mean Little Luan."

  Master Wong shook his head as he bit his tongue to stop himself from uncovering the lies Mi Luan had told Gu Li. He was actually a little grateful and relieved that his little disciple had told Gu Li nothing about him from which even if they ran away from here, Gu Li would be able to find him.

  He didn\'t need to have any fear of such a thing because Gu Li didn\'t have any sort of information regarding the little disciple that could help him in finding him out.


  Master Wong came out of his trance on hearing his little disciple\'s soft voice and immediately spoke in a low voice.

  "Little Luan, we should leave tomorrow morning, alright? Your father still doesn\'t know that you had been missing. Those two women bodyguards that you had brought with you…Master had stopped them from telling your father with great difficulty. Master lied to them that you had been sent somewhere by Master to collect some sort of magical herb and you will be back soon. If we didn\'t return, then …then your father…"

  Will have my head.

  That\'s what Master Wong had on his tongue but what came out of his mouth was

  "will be worried."

  He can\'t let his little disciple know that he was afraid of his father. What dignity and face he will be left with if his little disciple came to know of such a thing.  

  Mi Luan, however, looked calm as he looked at Master Wong. Compared to his panic and worry-filled eyes, his eyes were very calm as he said

  "Shifu, I want to learn martial arts from them."

  Mi Luan\'s eyes were firm and his fists were clenched. He was determined to learn this time so that he would not have run in the future when he would get attached again.

  He knew that this was his last chance and if he missed then he would not get such a chance in the future ever.

  For this, even if he made his father worry for a few days then he didn\'t care much because learning to protect himself and the people around him was his greatest priority right now.

  His father didn\'t know yet but this was not the first time he had been attacked. Every time he had stepped out of the Li Manor to go to some small village or to his shifu, he would be attacked directly or indirectly. It had been sheer luck until now that he was able to save himself every time somehow. 

  Master Wong looked helpless when he saw his little disciple\'s determined face.

  "You….little ancestor, please try to understand this shifu of yours. This place is not good for you. Th…"

  Master Wong had just finished this and was about to continue but he could never do so as a cold voice interrupted him and he instantly felt chills running down his spine.

  "And why so, Master Wong?"                      

  Soon a pair of cold and sharp eyes bore hole into his and he swallowed nervously. Smiling sheepishly, he didn\'t answer Gu Li\'s question as if he never said anything or he was never the person Gu Li was asking the question. However, Gu Li was not going to let him go just like that.

  How dare he fills his Xiao Luan\'s ears against him and his organization! 

  Master Wong\'s smile disappeared and from his expression, it looked as if he was about to cry.

  "That…Mister Gu Li…I …just…"

  Master Wong didn\'t even know how he should defend himself though, inside his heart, he knew very well that he was right.

  "Elder Brother, what is in dinner tonight?"

  It was at this moment, Mi Luan spoke to Gu Li successfully diverting his attention away from his shifu. Master Wong heaved a sigh of relief. Though Gu Li could see through his little trucks, he pretended as if he didn\'t and said calmly.

  "We will go to the forest to pick fruits for you."

  Mi Luan nodded his head and soon he and Gu Li disappeared behind the dense forest. Master Wong didn\'t want to leave his little disciple alone with Gu Li so he tried to follow them silently. However, one sharp glare from Gu Li stopped him amidst his steps.

  His little disciple spoke to him again

  "Shifu, Mi Luan will bring fruits for you as well. You should have some rest here."

  So Master Wong could only sigh helplessly and stand there as his little disciple disappeared from his sigh with Gu Li.

  Inside his heart, he was crying aggrievedly. 

  \'Little ancestor, why did you have to meet someone from Youxio only!\'

  He could only wish for some sort of miracle t9o happen so that Gu Li would willingly let Mi Luan leave from here. Because form what it looked like, that man was too attached to his little disciple even though he didn\'t seem to bear any kind of bad intentions.

  Still, he couldn\'t leave his little disciple with him.

  And Gu Li would not leave his little disciple at all.

  Master Wong had a low spirit as he looked around at the shadow guards who were making tents and some who were cooking the meat.

  Suddenly his eyes paused on someone and he seemed to remember something. With hope-filled eyes, he walked to the man.

  It was only he who could help him in this situation and handle Gu Li. 

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