
Chapter Volume 15 2.2

Rong Hu’s expression darkened.

Luo Deng had earlier suspected their attackers may bepirates, but he certainly did not consider that they would be the infamous DanLin pirates. However, if Rong Hu is right about their identity, then the chancethat Zi Yan has met with misfortune is high.

But at this moment, their situation is already hanging by athin thread. Informing Duke Ming about his concerns would only add more to hisworries. The most important thing right now is to look for an opportunity forDuke Ming to get out from this perilous predicament.

FM: “Rong Hu, it’s possible that Zi Yan is already…”

LY: “Young Master, what predicament are we in right now? Doyou think it is the best time to be worrying about matters that are unrelatedand not as important?”

Luo Yun interrupted Feng Ming mid-sentence with his cold andruthless words. Despite being younger than Feng Ming yet he has seen much moredeath than him. So, when it comes to the matter of life and death, Luo Yun wasmuch more calm and prepared.

“Young Lord!” Luo Deng, who had been holding in his breathwhile observing the events, suddenly called out.

‘Young Lord, come quick! The enemy’s main ship is startingto move!”

Turning to look in the direction Luo Deng pointed at, sureenough the sinister enemy ship was slowly moving. On board, a figure could beseen waving the ship’s banner towards their other ships as a silent command.Even though they couldn’t understand what the command meant, they could see allthe other ships slowly make their way towards the main ship, creating a formation.

Luo Deng, who has experience as a fleet captain, beganmaking a prediction based on the movements of the ships.

“The enemy seems to be abandoning their assault on us.”

FM: “What?”

The expression on Feng Ming’s face changed to one ofdisbelief from hearing Luo Deng’s words.

We are already nearbeing defeated, and the disparity between our strength and theirs is great.Wiping us out completely wouldn’t be a problem for them if they wanted to, sowhy would they all of sudden stop their assault on us now?

Five of their ships had been utterly damaged by the pirates.The Xiao Family’s men all had similar suspicions that the enemy’s retreat wasjust a trick in their calculated strategy. The enemy ships that were currentlyretreating were still within attacking distance. Everyone was on alert lookingout for a sudden attack towards them.

Appearance wise, the other side really seemed to beretreating, but during the whole process, both sides continued to be vigilant.

However, if the pirate’s leader truly gave the command towithdraw, the Xiao Family, who was on the side of near defeat, was not stupidenough to stir up any further conflict.

At this very moment, both sides were in the middle of astrangely quiet and deadly situation. Just a few moments ago, they were killingand fighting each other to the point where blood would flow down the ship andmix with the water in the river. But now, unexpectedly, they are simply passingeach other on the river without any fighting.

Feng Ming gripped his sword and quietly held in his breathas he looked on at the unbelievable scene occurring before his eyes.

Eventually, the two enemy fleets separated from one anotherwith each fleet on a different side.

Suddenly, Rong Hu said, “Duke Ming it seems like their mainship is heading in our direction.”

Everyone looked in the direction of the enemy. The shipheading towards them was most likely where the mastermind of the attack was,along with the enemy’s most powerful fighting force.

The Xiao Family’s main ship was certainly large, but by now,two enemy ships had already crashed into it and the guardrail had beencompletely destroyed. The ship’s sail had been burnt down by the flame arrowsthat were shot by the pirates, and the bottom of the ship was continuouslyflooded by the water. At this rate, the boat could sink at any given time.

In contrast, the enemy ship had not participated in thebattle and was completely undamaged. As it approached, those of the Xiao Familyfelt a sense of oppression that was hard to describe.

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