
Chapter 530: Think of One’s Sister

Chapter 530: Think of One’s Sister

I lie spread eagle after fighting a tough battle while Mistry dabs my body gently with a wet towel.

「Darling......darling......I love you......I love you.」

I don’t know if she’s whispering sweet nothings to me or if she’s simply muttering to herself.

「This place needs to be cleaned too...... aah, it smells......」

In a trance-like state, Mistry licks my juice-covered dick and wipes the sweat accumulated in my crotch and under my arms with the towel.

「Could you lift your butt? My tongue can’t reach your hole.」

「You don’t have to go that far.」

Mistry’s strong feelings of not wanting to be abandoned and of wanting eyes only for herself led her to doing acts to please men......deeds which even prostitutes would hesitate to do, and made her sad and cry when she’s done.

When I politely declined, she opened her eyes wide and started to sob.

「You don’t want to......? A-are you going to throw me away!?」

「How do you come to that conclusion?」

I know she won’t listen no matter how much I deny it so let her lick my anus.

This appearance is uncool and wretched so I don’t want anyone to see it.

With my entire body cleaned, I get up to prepare to go home.

「It’s bright outside. When I return in the morning, Nonna is going to beat me again.」

Now that it’s come to this, I’ll just say that Christoph and Mack got ensnared by women and caused some trouble.

Settling on a course of action, I kiss Mistry and turn to leave, but she grabs my sleeve.



Mistry pulls my sleeve and points to the center of the city......where the Schmidt mansion is.

「That’s the house you will return to. Let’s continue after taking a bath.」

What a surprise.

She came repeatedly to the point she couldn’t breathe and her private parts were swollen red.

I’m impressed she has the endurance to ask for more.

「I have to return home too. Sorry, I won’t go with you.」

Things will become chaotic if I go missing, and more importantly, the amount of courage it takes to revisit the Schmidt family mansion arm in arm with Mistry after what I did......although I don’t exactly lack it, I’d rather refrain from what will certainly be a bother.

「Then I will go to your inn. Let us continue over there.」

That will also be a problem.

Returning home in the morning accompanied by a woman will just get me tackled by Nonna, but bringing home the daughter of the Schmidt family on my own accord is equivalent to kidnapping.

「For now, I will go to my inn and you will go to your mansion.」

I embrace Mistry tightly and exchange a passionate kiss including the twisting of tongues before exiting the room.


She grabs my sleeve again.

「I will obediently go back home today so tell me which inn you are staying in. I will come tomorrow.」

「Hmm, I was actually planning to head straight back to my territory immediately after the banquet.」

Our eyes meet.

I better sit down and put my guard up.

「......toss me aside......you’re really going to throw me away!!」

Mistry picks up the knife on the desk.

If she’s going to attempt to stab me, receiving it might provide brief amusement.

「I’ll die!! I’ll really dieeee!!」

Shouting, she holds the knife to her own arm.

I spring forward, grabbing her skinny arm lightly to force her to drop the knife, then bind her arm behind her back.

「Let go, you traitor! Abnormally lustful idiot! Big dick! Loose ass!」

Wait a minute.

That last thing really bothers me because of all the various things shoved into me recently.

I kiss the nape of her neck and whisper into her ear as I pin her arm.

「I’m not going to abandon you.」

「Liar! Then why won’t you come to my house!? Why won’t you bring me to your home!?」

It’s because there is not only a potential for carnage in both places, all out war might break out if I’m not careful.

She’s not going to listen even if I explain it to her anyways, so I reach around and finger her sensitive spot.

Then I put my strength into getting my cock erect and press it against her ass through her clothes.


Good, she stopped moving.

「Darling......why can’t we be together? We love each other so much.」

She looks at me like I am her lover of ten years, but we’ve in fact only met yesterday.

「My house and your house are opposing forces. If we brazenly love each other, we’ll be pulled apart at once. We have to keep it a secret.」

I feel like I’ve seen a play with a similar scene not too long ago.

Relying on my vague memories, I kneel down, take one of her legs and remove the shoe she’s wearing.

「I will keep your shoe. And I will entrust you my sword. When we meet again, let us return them to each other.」

When I kiss the foot without the shoe, Mistry blushes and hugs my sword.

「It is time. I will not turn around. Otherwise, I will not be able to leave.」

I turn my back on her and walk out of the room for the third time.

「Please wait.」

She stops me again, but this time her tone is slightly softer.

「I will bring back your treasured sword without fail. Even......even if it costs me my life......」

Since I can’t have her walking around the city with the large Dual Crater in her arms, I gave her a rather insignificant sword from the reserve troops.

「I will also make an oath.」

Mistry continues as she touches my back lovingly.

「If darling abandons me or if our relationship naturally fades to nothing-」

The sweetness in her voice gradually diminishes.

「I will die. I will hang myself in the courtyard of the palace...... don’t forget.」


When I leave the inn, Celia is walking around in front and sniffing the air.

I guess she was looking for me.

「Sniff sniff......sniff sniff.」

Celia, who closed her eyes to concentrate on picking up my scent, bumps into me.

「Fuh! Ah, found you!」

「Sorry. It’s all Mack and Christoph’s fault for getting too excited.」

「Mack came back naked just now. I’m told he lost consciousness after entering an inn with two dark-skinned beauties and lost his clothes and wallet.」

That idiot, he fell for a badger game.

「Also, Christoph was dragged back by the neck by Zillia-san.」

Damn, useless. Now I can’t use them as an excuse for returning home in the morning.

As I’m thinking about a possible excuse, I hear a horse’s neigh and the hurried galloping that cuts through the clear morning air.

「Move it, move it! Lowlifes, do you want to get run over!!?」

The one running through the city while screaming is......Reval.

Trailing behind him are ten armed knights.

They are lined up in a wide formation that disregards their surroundings and are running at full speed.


「Watch out!」

The supplies of a man who is stocking for the morning market gets knocked over and pushes a child to the ground.

An elder who is late to move out of the way is grazed by the leg of a horse and faints in agony.

It seems they don’t intend to slow down in the slightest.

「How reckless of them to travel full speed on a public road! They must view the citizens as nothing more than weeds!」

Celia becomes enraged.

I’m more concerned about Reval’s expression.

He’s yelling abusively and acting like he has no time to spare.

It’s like he is searching for something precious......

「Sister, answer me! Reval has come to get you. Please answer ――!」

「We’re hiding, Celia!」


I push Celia into a narrow alleyway.

Celia is stuck in a difficult position between the wall and my body, but she looks somewhat happy.

「She isn’t in this district either? ......don’t you guys have any ideas!?」

Reval shouts at his knights.

「We are also searching the western sector but haven’t found her yet!」

「We questioned the head of the market in the east but he said he hasn’t seen her.」

A distressed Reval clutches his head.

「My sister is not deterred by suspicious establishments......if a sleazy man does anything to her...... kuuuh, examine every single inn! Throw out all the guests! Cut them down if they resist!」

The knights rush into the nearby inns one by one.

「That was a close call. A second later and we would have been discovered.」

I don’t want to imagine how Reval would react if he walked in during the time Mistry was licking my asshole.

「What is the commotion?」

She must have finished dressing.

Mistry emerges from a cheap inn with a disgusted tone.

Reval’s face relaxes.

「Aah, sister......you are safe. Thank goodness.」

「It’s been so loud all morning and very irritating. I’m not a five year-old girl, I can go home without you looking for me.」

Mistry reacts coldly to Reval’s actions.

Despite the cruel reception, Reval lets out a sincere sigh of relief and orders his knights to withdraw before jumping off his horse and walking over to Mistry.

「This lowly inn is not the kind of place sister should be staying in. If you are going to stay overnight outside of the mansion, at least choose an inn suitable for nobles and have guards accompany――」

「Where I go is none of your business!! Quit bothering me!!」

She screams back, interrupting him with a slap to the face.

Reval, unfazed as if it is a normal occurrence, simply holds a hand to his cheek and takes one step backward.

「Don’t get so upset......I am only worried about you. The common folk are savage and vulgar...... and consist of people like Hardlett...... what happened to your shoe? And what is that sword you are carrying......?」

「Don’t touch it, this sword is mine!」

Another slap discourages Reval from touching the sword, who then proceeds to lift the single-shoed Mistry onto his horse, but she doesn’t comply.

Seeing her unwilling to budge, Reval removes his own shoe and tries to put it on Mistry’s foot.

「He gives off a totally different impression. I thought he was a more arrogant person who values himself over everyone else.」

Reval’s personality didn’t mellow out.

That much is clear from how little he cares for his citizens and how ruthless he treats the knights serving him.

「No, this is......」

「I’m hungry, Reval. Bring me that over there.」

Mistry points to a street stand.

The face of the vendor immediately turns pale.

「A-at once, sister! You, hand it over now!」

Reval doesn’t order one of his subordinates, he springs forth himself with his sword drawn and seizes the food from the stand.

When Reval sees Mistry put the food to her lips, a rather creepy smile forms on his face.

「That damn Reval is in love with Mistry.」

He doesn’t view her as family.

His eyes are looking at Mistry as a woman.

「After eating a little, I feel even hungrier. Has breakfast been prepared yet?」

「How long has it been since my sister has eaten breakfast...... hey, report to the mansion and have them cook up a proper breakfast right away!」

If it’s true, then I’m really glad he didn’t see us.

Seeing the woman you love lick the asshole of another man would cause you to lose all reason and fly into a rage.

As for me, it would naturally be bad if I beat up Reval.

「Fufufu, it’s a secret, a secret.」

「Um, Aegir-sama?」

Celia takes out the shoe from my pocket.

「Also, the sword that woman is holding has our escort’s emblem on it.」

「It’s a secret, a secret.」

I lift the bashful Celia onto my shoulders and return to the inn.

Central Plains Southern Region – Hardlett Territory: Developing City Zwei Elfie.

The newly created city was full of life.

But it wasn’t from the laughter of children or the friendly chatter of girls, the energy within the city was far more savage and sinister.

「Gahahahaha!! I got 50 gold just from finding one cave, I’m never going back to that crappy job!」

「That’s why we have to let them know about the nest of goblins underground......wait, someone reported it first? Dammit, who spilled the beans!!?」

「Hey man, you won’t get any work done if you don’t build up muscle with meat. 50 copper for a heap......you say it’s too expensive? Then go pick some grass to eat. We’re not interested in guys who have no money here, throw them out!」

The land was overrun by insects and anybody would find it difficult to see traces of the country that once existed in the south.

In the center of such a wasteland sits the city of Zwei Elfie, where a group of ruffians have gathered.

The reason for that is simple: the feudal lord hands out rewards for various discoveries.

Whether it is a hidden mine that has not been marked on a map, a jewel bed, or the underground nest of a pesky monster that escaped annihilation, the locating of anything that holds potential profit or threat will result in gold being given.

After the war, mercenaries who had nowhere else to go, bandits who were no longer earning enough money, knights who couldn’t show their faces because of their disgrace, and all sorts of other scum gathered together and were assigned the beautiful name of adventurers.

To top it off, following those scum into the city were crooked merchants who solely prioritized money and prostitutes confident in their skills to have men wrapped around their finger.

Zwei Elfie has turned into a city of vices and the elves, who the city was named after, would be furious to learn that.

「I told you we’re doing an even split! I’ll kill you!」

「Bring it on, sucker. Let me teach you why you’re getting the lesser share.」

It’s not uncommon for brawls to break out on the street or even murder to happen.

Guards are present, but they only crack down on an extremely small number of incidents such as riots and arson, and they don’t bother with thorough investigations on fights or killings.

Notorious pieces of trash had an easier time living in the city, while it was hell for everyone else.

A certain young man walks into a district in that hellish world.

「So this is Zwei Elfie......what a horrible city.」

That man’s name is Gido.

He once fought bravely in the army under the direct command of the feudal lord but went on a journey after losing something precious to him.

Thugs hanging around the area keep an eye on Gido as soon as he enters the city.

「Hehe, check it out. This guy’s got a pretty face.」

「This city doesn’t need handsome men.」

「L-l-let’s get rid of him!」

The men crowd around Gido and draw their swords to intimidate him.

「......what is the meaning of this?」

Gido asks, placing a hand on the handle of his own sword.

In a regular city, unsheathing one’s sword in broad daylight would cause a large fuss.

However, no one in this city would say anything about it.

Individuals who have free time grin as they distance themselves enough to not get involved, prostitutes whose operating space was taken curse, and guards click their tongues before changing their patrol route.

「Kekeke, I thought it would be nice of me to teach a newcomer like you how this city works.」

「You can’t kill if you don’t resist. Let me just carve some welcoming words on that face.」

「Y-y-your ass will get pounded too!」

The three men tighten the circle to prevent escape, smirk when they see Gido hasn’t drawn his sword, and charge in.

Something makes a cracking noise.

A similar comparison is the sound of a thin dead tree being split by a nata knife.


One of the men grabs his neck.

A second later, blood squirts out like a fountain, and the man falls forward to the ground, dead.

Curious onlookers cheer and gasp.

Gido flicks his bloody blade to the side of the downed thug and assumes a battle stance.

「Y-you killed him......」


Three strands of hair fly as Gido intercepts the approaching man.

The right wrist of that man drops to the ground.

「U-uwaaaah!! Uwaaaah!!」

Gido watches the man run off in a frenzy, spilling blood everywhere from where he lost his hand.

「S-so strong――! I was wrong! Let me go――」

Gido’s sword stabs into the eye of the last man before his sentence can be completed.

After pulling his sword out and swinging some of the blood off his blade, Gido calmly walks into the city.

Spectators scatter as the outcome of the battle is decided.

Everybody resumes their activities like normal without caring about the corpses, as people mercilessly step over them, and the bodies are eventually kicked to the side of the road to clear the space for business.

A shadowy figure watches the scene unfold from the second floor of an inn.

「Fufufu, an interesting man has arrived. I better greet him.」

The towering presence grins.

A woman wearing heavy makeup hugs the large man from behind.

「Not to mention, he’s good looking. It’s making me tingle with excitement.」

「I know where people who come to this city for the first time will go. I’ll head over after another round.」

The imposing figure pins the woman like she is a doll and forces himself on her.

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