
Chapter 179 58: I Would Do Anything For Blood....

General Schnatz stood at the head of his army. He stroked his moustache before standing on a small pedestal. His silver plate armour shone brightly in the morning sun. Behind him, the knights stood in a neat array of orderly ranks, their weapons and armour gleaming.

"Today, we march on the vampire city of Adelvania," General Schnatz declared, his voice firm and confident. "We will breach the great black wall surrounding the city and battle with the creatures within. But do not fear, my friends, for we are righteous and fight for a noble cause. We fight to rid the world of these foul beasts, to bring light to the darkness and hope to the despairing."

The knights nodded; their faces were resolute as they prepared for battle. General Schnatz unsheathed his sword, its blade glowing with holy light. He raised it above his head and cried out in a loud battle cry.

"For the honour of the kingdom!" he shouted. "For the honour of humanity! Forward, march!"

The knights let out their battle cries as they began their march towards Adelvania, their footsteps pounding the ground in unison. They passed through the forest surrounding the vampire city, the trees rustling in the wind as they passed by.

It took them several hours to reach the end of a small clearing. They stood half a mile from the two gigantic mountains of craggy rocks filled with snow—a vast, towering gate with crimson outlines, several huge ballistae, and catapults between them.

"This will not be easy…." Schnatz whispered to himself, searching for an escape.

As they approached the great black wall. General Schnatz could see the defenders atop the wall. His heart raced; they did not mention these troops in the report! The vast spikes that protruded from the gates shot out to stop the towers.

He could see countless beautiful Arachne women wearing leather and plate armour in pure black. Smaller girls ran around with long spears. They were cute lizard girls with chain mail armour and dhampir warriors.

\'Oh, goddess Mara, why do we humans suffer such cruel fates? Born in the same world as these freaks.\'

But General Schnatz did not falter. He knew that the fate of humanity was at stake, and he would not let the vampires stand in his way. With fierce determination, he led his knights towards the wall, ready to do battle with the creatures of the night.

— Inside the forest, two hundred metres from the human knights.

"Oh? It looks like they couldn\'t wait. I should have stopped slaughtering them and headed to their camp sooner."

Lucifer stood in a clearing; his arms stretched before he spun in a circle.

> Force Level - 298

He checked his current force level exploded thanks to this human food. However, the countless images in his mind broke the already insane thoughts further.

Lucifer stood in the centre of a forest clearing in his flame suit. His eyes narrowed as he focused all of his energy on his hands. The surrounding air crackled with dark thunder. As his power gathered, he felt dark energy swirl around his body and arms. Dark and evil energy flowed through his veins.

\'Oh, this is so nostalgic!\'

With a fierce cry, he unleashed the black energy ball. It was a swirling vortex of evil flames, writhing and twisting as if alive. It grew until it was larger than Lucifer, a massive orb of darkness and destruction.

Lucifer pointed his hands towards the forest, his eyes glowing with a sinister light. "Behold, my ultimate attack," he said, his voice dripping with contempt. "Feel the full power of my Magna Lux!!"

With a fierce cry, he unleashed the black energy ball. It shot through the air like a bolt of lightning, its heat and power palpable even from a distance. The trees in its path were torn up and devoured, their life essence consumed by the evil energy.

He destroyed most of the forest as the massive ball burst forward, rotating in a spiral. Its tremendous speed tore through the ground like a plough. Several knights stood watching the wall, only to detect a high temperature and energy to shoot towards them.

The black energy ball hit the ground with a loud explosion, engulfing everything in its path in a swirling vortex of flames and darkness. When the smoke cleared, there was nothing left but ashes and rubble. The knights that had stood in Lucifer\'s way were melted into a liquid and charred ash, their life essences consumed by the black energy ball.

Lucifer laughed, his laughter echoing across the battlefield. "Fools," he sneered. "You were no match for me. Now, let all who stand in my way tremble before the might of Lucifer!"

\'Heh… I still got my chuni powers!\'

"Oh… There are so many…"

He stood alone at the centre of a ravaged forest as the few hundred people\'s life force entered his body. His body buffed out, bones creaked, and organs boiled. A desire to fight filled him as his wings sprung out.


However, the moment he was about to shoot out and start the slaughter. Something happened and ruined his fun.

"Do not fear these foul creatures! Our goddess will protect us!"

"For the goddess!"

"For our kingdom!"

General Schnatz rallied his knights. His own eyes looked back with a desire to escape. He pretended to charge forward. The human knights charged towards the great black wall that surrounded the vampire city of Adelvania. They were determined to breach the wall and battle with the creatures within. They trusted the general with all their hearts as they readied their weapons.

But a colossal blast hit them as they approached, sending them flying through the air. They tumbled to the ground, dazed and disoriented.

\'I have to escape!\' General Schnatz thought to himself.

Above them, standing atop the wall, was a group of female Arachne, lizard girls with shimmering chain mail armour and sharp fangs. Dhampir warriors joined them, their eyes glowing with a sinister light.

The Arachne and dhampirs let out guttural shrieks as they loosed arrows upon the knights below. As arrows rained down from the sky, each one found its mark with deadly accuracy and tore apart the poor human knights. Many knights cried out in pain and despair, their bodies writhing as the arrows struck them. But even as they fell, they knew they had given their all in the service of their kingdom.

Many of the Arachne and Dhampir inside the city let out triumphant cries as they watched the knights fall, their victory complete. They knew they had defended the city of Adelvania and protected their kind from the humans\' assault.

They knew they had to breach the wall and battle with the vampires within, no matter the cost. But the knights still needed to be defeated. Despite their wounds and suffering, they struggled and charged towards the wall once more.

The Arachne and dhampirs let out fierce shrieks as they prepared to meet the knights in combat once more. They knew this battle would be violent and bloody, but they were determined to defend their city and their kind to death.

Both sides clashed in a brutal battle. The humans fought with all their might, their weapons flashing as they struck down their foes. The Arachne and dhampirs fought with equal ferocity, their fangs and claws tearing through their enemies.

The battle raged throughout the day, with both sides taking heavy casualties. But even as the humans fought with all their might, they knew they were fighting a losing battle. The vampires were too firm and knew they could not win.

As the sunset, the humans retreated, their numbers depleted. The Arachne and dhampirs emerged victorious, their fangs and claws dripping with blood. They cried as they watched the humans retreat, their victory complete.

The vampires knew that this battle was only the beginning. More actions would come, and they would have to be ready to defend their city and their kind. But for now, they revelled in their victory, knowing they had supported Adelvania and protected their type from the humans\' assault.

Lucifer stood in a daze, the battle and glory. He got nothing… The moment the two sides fought, his thrill and desire for battle fizzled. He looked towards the wall and only saw a few dark marks and nothing serious.

"Hah… I fell robbed…."

"Why are my little maids and the troops so damn efficient!"

Emura stood atop the walls of the vampire city of Adelvania, gazing out at the battlefield below. The bodies of the human knights lay scattered across the ground, their armour dented and stained with blood.

A fierce sense of pride rose within Emura as she looked at the scene of her victory. She had fought with all her might, using her dragon-like powers to unleash a rain of fire upon the enemy. And now, they lay defeated at her feet.

"Lucifer would be proud," Emura whispered, a smile crossing her lips.

\'Stupid Emura is too good at her job… I wanted to be them… Where are my human knights to slaughter…!\'

She knew her beloved master, Lucifer, would be pleased with her for getting rid of the enemy. Her troops also suffered low casualties. He always valued efficiency and strategy. Emura had proven herself to be a skilled warrior.

"It looks like I was wrong… But why does he sound like a child who didn\'t get to play with his toy figures?"

A shadow fell across her face as she stood there, lost in thought. She turned to see Lucifer standing beside her, his eyes glowing with a sinister light as he dropped with a thud.

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