
Chapter 285 - Mindbreak-part Two-

Hell city\'s asylum, words were hard to describe this place, as nobody has ever come back alive. Is was hard to get in. The asylum has two faces, the outer face was a place where nobles send their mentally sick people, it was pretty famous in all Leitol. Of course, the patients receive the utters care, after all, families paid a lot of money to them, of course, there was a reason, and that was that the asylum provided the additional service that the patients won\'t recognized them once they get in, so, in other words, families won\'t need to visit their family patients once they got in, in other words, it was a place to dispatch their garbage.

Having a mental illness was a taboo in every noble family, because, nobody could cure it, some families believed that having a mental illness was a punishment from the gods while others believed that was a message from them telling that the seed was a bad one, and they had to remove it.

That was the face of Hell\'s asylum practically everyone known…

As for the other face, well, one had to first ask himself a question. Sure, a mentally ill person was a danger for himself and the ones near him… but…

What if someone with a massive power of destruction suddenly lost his mind…

For example,… a champion.

It hasn\'t been recorded in any annal, but yes… there have been cases were a champion suddenly lost their minds.

Of course, there wasn\'t a champion that was born with a natural mental illness, or at least, that what everyone believes, after all, they didn\'t want to believe that a god could choose a champion that could potentially murder someone just because he had a disease.

In any case, a very reduced circle of persons knew this true, that\'s why a separate section of the asylum was created for this kind of champion.

It was called the non-existent\'s sick hall. The reason? Simple, this sick hall didn\'t exist, nor now, nor never. However, the legend had existed since its creation. Of course, the stories were usually told as bed tellers for bad kids.


"Where…" Alfonso woke up and the first thing he saw was a light white.

Alfonso tried to move but he discovered that his body seen to be somehow restricted. He looked down and saw why.

"Straitjacket?" Though Alfonso.

[Emergency Mission]

Suddenly, the voice of the system, who he hasn\'t heard in a while, appeared.

[Find the eight patience!

Description: You are currently in Hell city\'s asylum as a patient; however, you are not the only one, other patients are here as well, one of them will be a huge ally for you in the path of a supreme sovereign, find him before its too late

Reward: New hero, 1000 Drachmas and a one-use-only item

Penalty: The new hero will be locked forever

Hint: Only the eyes that can\'t see, can find the path]

"Eight patience?" Though Alfonso.

"Kid I am going to take your place for a while~"

"You… Are you awake?"

"So, I am switching~"

"Eh? What are you talking abou-?"

Suddenly, Alfonso spammed a little. His gaze became sharped than usual before returning to normal.

"Well, well, look that you are awake, finally" A voice interrupted his thoughts.

Alfonso turned around to look at the man in from of him, he wore what it seemed to be a white coat, he wore glasses and had purple hair, fairly slimy.

"Is the first time that we have a patient send by to us by his highness himself, I am very curious about you" Said the man.

"Where am I?" Asked Alfonso.

"He didn\'t tell you? Well, it can\'t be helped, you are currently at Hell city\'s asylum. I am the director as well as your personal doctor, the name is Mindbreaker" Said the doctor.

"Mind…breaker?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yeah, that\'s how I am known, of course, I wasn\'t born with this name… but"

The doctor smiled.

"I don\'t remember how I used to be call"

Alfonso had a bad feeling.

"Anyway, stop with the introductions, as you know, you are ill and we are here to help you get better" Said Mindbreaker.

"Ill?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yeah, you are very, very ill"

"What are you talking about, I am not ill"

"Ahh, that\'s what all ill people said, however, don\'t worry, I will help you"

"I don\'t need any help"

"Oh my, you are worse than I thought, it\'s better to start your treatment" Said Mindbreaker.

He made a sign with his hands and two people with the same outfit appeared behind him. They grabbed Alfonso by his arms.

"You little…" Alfonso tried to use the power of time.


However, something was wrong.

"Oh, don\'t think about it, this place doesn\'t have any soul particles, so its impossible to use soul power" Said Mindbreaker.

"A place without soul particles!? Impossible!" Though Alfonso.

"Let go!" Shouted Alfonso.

However, nobody answered him.

The guards took Alfonso to a room where he put him on a weird wooden chair, Alfonso looked at the chair and he felt his back turning cold.

"This… this is…!"

"Hoh? Did you recognize this chair? It seems that you quite knowledge" Said Mindbreaker.

The guards put Alfonso on the chair and they secured him with a belt.

Then, they put in his head to what seems to be a metal object on his head.

"Wait… wait…" Said Alfonso.

"You see, the first step towards your recovery is to dull your senses so we can let you see the world as it is and not what your mind thinks that is it" Said Mindbreaker.

"We call this electric treatment, is the first step to your recovery!" Added the doctor with happiness.

"No…please…" Said Alfonso with desperation.

"So, let\'s get started!" Said Mindbreaker.

Alfonso looked at the doctor while he grabbed the handle that was nearby the chair.

"Stop!" Shouted Alfonso.

"Here we go!"



Alfonso felt a pain that he hasn\'t felt never in his life.

The pain was so intense that he wished to kill himself, right there.


Despite the screams on pain, Mindbreaker only stopped after twenty or more seconds have passed.

"Ha! Ha!" Alfonso gasped for air.

"Please… please…" Said Alfonso.

"You are sick" Said Mindbreaker.

"No… no… I am… not…"

The doctor heard Alfonso and lifted the Handle once more.


Like this, the torment for Alfonso continue for who knows how many hours


"You are sick"

"Yes" Said Alfonso soullessly.

"Repeat it" Said Mindbreaker.

"I am sick"

"Once more"

"I am sick"

"Good!" Said Mindbreaker.

The guards released Alfonso whose body was without force.

"Bring him back to his room" Said Mindbreaker.

The guards grabbed Alfonso and throwback in his room.

Alone, in the white room, Alfonso\'s mind was empty.


He looked at the ceiling, without noticing that some spit was coming from his mouth.


Hours passed like seconds and seconds passed like hours. Alfonso closed his eyes and slept.

"Wake up"

Alfonso woke up from the sound of the doctor. Alfonso quickly retreated like he was seeing a ghost.

"Don\'t be afraid, it\'s time for your lunch" Said MIndbreaker.

However, was so scared that he backed up every time the doctor talked.

 Mindbreaker smiled by Alfonso\'s reaction and left the food in the ground before leaving.

Alfonso waited for some minutes before approaching the food.

"It smells good" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso took a bite and then started to eat until the plate was empty.

"I am hungry"

However, Alfonso seemed to be possessed by a hunger ghost, he even licked the plate, however, the hunger wouldn\'t go away.

"I AM HUNGRY!" Shouted Alfonso.

He run towards the entrance.




He began to smash his head towards the door.

The doctor looked through the false window of the room.

"The herb is more powerful than expected a lower dose is required" Though the doctor while taking notes.

"Guys, go and prevent him to kill himself" Said Mindbreaker while signaling at the guards.

The guards entered the room and grabbed Alfonso and put him on the ground.

"I AM HUNGRY!" Shouted Alfonso.

Alfonso tried to bite off the guards who quickly dodged and he quickly punched Alfonso on the face until he fainted.

This continues for three days without rest.


It was night, and Alfonso was lying in the white room with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, his eyes opened.

"Hahahaha, man, it\'s been years since I felt this alive" Said Alfonso with a smile.

"You are sick" A voice in his mind said to him.

"You see that idiot satisfied face when I said, \'Yes, I am sick\', haha"

Obviously, the voice was Alfonso real conscious and the one who know had the control was Chronos.

"He calls himself Mindbreaker? Ha! If he thinks that this is torture then he is just too cute to call him stupid" Said Chronos.

"What do you mean?"

Chrono smiled.

"I mean…That he doesn\'t meet a real…\'mentally ill person\' before"

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