
Chapter 341 - The Secret Behind The Fire Sword-part One-

"State the facts" Said Fernando.

"YES, YOUR HIGHNESS!" Said the soldier.

"On the second day of the month, the guards of the Terkin family found a destroyed carriage in a hidden alley, in there, the dead body of the youngest son of the Terkin family was found, after examination, the swords with the emblem of the Pentagate family were also found" Resumed the soldier.

"Is there any question by any of the parties?" Asked Fernando.

"I have one" Fedrick rose his voice.

"The representant of the west might have the word" Said the soldier.

"How did the Terkin family can be so sure that the swords are indeed from the Pentagate family and not a falsification?" Asked Fedrick.

Fernando turned to Cameron.

"Indeed, the swords could have been fake" Said Cameron

He took out the sword on his belt and show it to the audience.

"And some might have tried to inculpate the Pentagate family" He added

"But This? This can\'t be faked!" Shouted Cameron.

Suddenly, Cameron threw the sword to the ground, impaling it.

From the ground, red flames began to envelop the blade while the audience looked astonished at the scene.

"This is…!" Said Unstoppable.

"This oppressive will aura, there is no doubt about it" Said Fedrick.

"This is one of the seven swords… IGNITE!" Said Alfonso.

The sword of flame, Ignite, the only sword that survived the passage of time, well, to be more precise, the only fragment that survived, only part of the blade managed to survive, however, due to unknown reasons, the Pentagate first lord manage to produce an excellent replica of the sword, very, very close to the original.

"What is the meaning of this, Edo?" Asked coldly Fernando.

Until now, nobody knew that one of the swords that were found in the crime scene was Ignite! It seems that Cameron purposely hid this fact.

"No wonder he wanted to do the wanted to the conference in Sky arena…" Though Alfonso.

However, among everyone on the site, the most astonished of all was the very same Edo Pentagate. Whose face was so white that he looked like a ghost.

"This… this… this is impossible! This is impossible!" Though Edo.

His hands were trembling while he touched the sword on his waist.

"But that aura… those flames… there is no doubt… but… but…" Murmured Edo.

"If that is true…"

Edo looked back at his sword.

"If that is true… what the hell do I have on my waist!?" Said Edo.

"Grandpa calm down!" Shouted Lucio.

This woke up Edo, who looked at his grandson.

He took deep breaths until his breath finally stabilizes, he took out his own sword and present it to the audience.

"I don\'t know, how or why you have that sword, however, I can assure that this sword on my hand is the REAL Ignite" Said Edo.


Everyone in the room felt a sudden pressure coming from Edo!

"This is the soul pressure of a king!" Said Unstoppable.

Alfonso felt weak on his knees.

"Indeed, the difference in our powers is just too wide" Though Alfonso.

Maybe if he exhausted all of his pressure with Oversoul and his will power, he could challenge Edo\'s soul\'s pressure… however, that wouldn\'t last long.

"The worst part is that Edo isn\'t even a champion" Added Unstoppable.

"Indeed, if he was a champion… maybe the royal family would be the Pentagate family" Murmured Alfonso.

"Hmph" Said Fernando.

He frowned for a split of a second before lifting his hand and dispelling the aura of the sword.

"And my brother is also troublesome" Though Alfonso.

Despite everything, Alfonso had to admit that Fernando\'s power was something else, he was on par with the four heads of the Dragon families, he was just below his father and the queen of winds.

"Edo, I will not tolerate another disrespect" Said Fernando.

Edo looked at Fernando and didn\'t say anything.

"However…" Fernando looked at both sword and frowned.

Things were more complicated than expected.

Even Cameron was stunned by the scene.

"There are two swords? How is this possible?" Though Cameron.

"As you can see, my is the original sword of the Pentagate family, Ignite" Said Edo.

"Then how do you explain this other sword?" Said Cameron.

"You ask me but who do I ask?" Said Edo.

"The Pentagate is the only family that has a fragment of the seven swords, who knows? Maybe the Pentagate family has MORE than one fragment" Said Cameron.

Alfonso and Fredrick gasped for air as they heard the words of Cameron.

But his words, he was saying that the Pentagate family purposely hide the fact that they had a powerful weapon that could change the game in the royal family, this was a grave sin!

"Rebellion" Said Unstoppable with a mosquito-like voice.

 "CAMERON! You better watch your words before I make you!" Shouted Edo.

"Just try!" Shouted Cameron.

"ENOUGH!" Shouted Fernando.

Edo and Cameron didn\'t talk more, but they still glared at each other.

"Representant of the west, what are your views about this?" Asked Fernando.

Fedrick was put in a tight spot, he was supposed to make things difficult for Cameron, however, this has escalated a bit out of proportions, depending on whose side he chose, he could potentially become the aid of a betrayer!

"As the representant of the west... I can\'t make a decision based on the present evidence, for the moment, I will not take any side" Said Fedrick.

It was too dangerous to choose a side now. Of course, by not choosing, he could also become the enemy of two dragon families… no, he is already considering an enemy by both sides.

"But is not that relevant, we were already enemies as far as I know, however, making the Lockheart family an enemy is a different story" Though Fedrick.

"Representant of the north" An unexpected voice crossed the room.

Everyone was surprised to hear this voice. Everyone turned their head at the owner of the voice. It was no other than the fifth princess of Leitol, Susana Lockheart!

"It\'s the first time I heard her speak" Though Cameron.

It was not only him, even Edo who was far older than Cameron was also stunned. After all, it was not your everyday occurrence that Susana talked about.

"What is your decision on this matter?" Asked Susana.

Everyone focused on Alfonso, however, to their surprise, Alfonso had a pale face, like he has seen a ghost.

"Al?" Asked Unstoppable.

Alfonso was currently looking at the sword…

No, to be more specific, he was looking at the blade.

"There are characters on the blade, but that\'s not important, the important thing is the characters themselves!"

"Those characters! How!? Why!?" The mind of Alfonso was in turmoil after seeing the sword.


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