
Chapter 183: There is no Hero but a Devil

Chapter 183: There is no Hero but a Devil

Dylan sent a message to some of his trusted intel in this town for information about his daughter to speed up the search process. Sylvia\'s Swype only received the delayed message at the time, but that only added to his worries.

He had tons of intel on the Human Continent, from the devil in disguise to humans who betrayed their own race for personal gain. So, at least one of them had most likely seen his daughter walking somewhere.

Whatever happened, he should know where the last time his daughter was seen.

A message came shortly after, about his intel saw two girls buying snacks on the street food. One of the girls was a girl similar to the girl in the picture Dylan sent. The Intel did not know much and did not know why the girl was wanted by Dylan. Even so, he only reported to his Devil Emperor boss without delay.

"The street food? That was about twenty to thirty minutes ago? What were they doing..." Dylan grunted and opened the window to jump out of there.

He jumped from building to building in the dark night while scanning the surroundings like a shadow ninja looking for his target.

It only took a matter of seconds to get to the street food in question. Dylan looked from the top of the building and saw that there were indeed many street vendors selling snacks. It was just, his daughter and that human girl were nowhere to be seen, just as he expected.

However, his daughter\'s faint energy aura was slightly visible from an alleyway. He could see that thanks for their bloodline connection. As long as his daughter used magic and the trail she left had not yet passed a full day, he could detect it and track her down.

Dylan\'s eyes became characteristic red without disguise as soon as he channeled magic energy into his eyes to trace the trail without missing any slightest bit. Then, he jumped into the hidden alley where his daughter used her magic.

The faint trail could be seen more clearly, and he knew it was a trace of his daughter\'s magic energy. Unfortunately, when Dylan had just stepped forward with great speed to catch up and search for his daughter, the Swype that he put in the inner pocket of his robe shook a little.


"Tch." Dylan clicked his tongue and stopped in his tracks. He took his Swype to check the message that had just arrived.

The worried Devil Emperor suddenly calmed down a little. The message that just came was from his daughter. However, he frowned again as he read the contents of the message.

[Father, your beloved daughter, and her friend were kidnapped by two bad guys who seem to have a grudge against you. Please help us! We are in a dire situation. They want to talk about reasons and clauses with you.]

\'Kidnapped? You two? You and your human friend were kidnapped with such power? I might believe it if it was just my daughter alone, but this time with that Human Emperor girl! Who could kidnap that kind of human if she could give me great pain with a light blow!\' Dylan exclaimed in his mind as if he couldn\'t believe it was for real.

\'What game is she using this time. It\'s been the twelfth time she\'s been kidnapped, but it\'s always been just playing around so I can spend more time with her... She is already good at using our bloodline connections to trick me. Fortunately, I\'m two steps ahead of her, and she doesn\'t know much about the secret behind my bloodline.\' Dylan muttered while thinking fast. He thought this time was another trick from his daughter.

At that time, another message came to his Swype. It was a message that Sylvia sent using a timer before her Swype was hidden in her Space Bag. However, Dylan didn\'t know that. He just read that message right away.

[Father, come quickly. Your beloved daughter\'s virginity is in danger. If you don\'t come in a minute, maybe your little girl will be raped as a woman tonight! Ais and I are in-->

Dylan read the last message with an expression of annoyance and anger. He didn\'t think anymore if it was right or wrong, trick or real... There was only one thing in his mind at that time, only Sylvia\'s husband had the right to claim her virginity, and it must pass his blessing! Only the best of the best was worthy, and it should at least match his strength, the Devil Emperor!

\'And this! Why in this message contained details of the location where she and her human friend are being held!?\' Dylan shouted in his mind one more time as he read the last part of the message. He quickly typed a few words to question something.

\'Dammit, my message just went into delay! She put her Swype in her Space Bag.\' Dylan grumbled harshly and accidentally grabbed his Swype tighter.


"Tsk, easy to break as usual." Dylan put his cracked Swype back in his inner pocket. It could be fixed later, now he must catch up with his daughter.

Even though it looked fake, fake, tricky, and ridiculous… Dylan didn\'t wait for another second and turned himself into a black mist. He was traveling with incredible speed as a shadow darted quickly to the location stated in the message earlier.

While Dylan was sprinting with great speed down the alleys, Elysia and Sylvia managed to get the two lame kidnappers to wait a minute.

"Heh, let\'s see what you can do in this short time." Yaro snorted with an expression like a person without morals. Then, he took the white Space Bag on the table.

"Hey, Bob, let\'s give them a minute. In the meantime, let\'s see what\'s stored in this fancy Space Bag. These two girls look like rich royals, and there must be a lot of valuables here." Yaro invited his friend. Bob seemed to be considering the girl\'s crap.

The invitation from the fat man managed to attract the attention of the thin man. Bob approached quite curiously. They hadn\'t checked the Space Bag for some reason and worry on the way here.

"Eww... What is this? There are only two packets of snacks? And one of them is only one candied apple? This is a fifth grade Space Bag, but there are only two snacks in it? Rich people\'s behavior is different..." Yaro took out two snacks while shaking his head. As it the only contents inside the Space Bag, the rest was just the void of an empty room...

"Hey, that\'s our snack! The waffle looks delicious, and we haven\'t tried it. That apple candy belongs to my sister. You can\'t have it." Sylvia protested in displeasure.

She considered her friend as her sister since the two kidnappers misunderstanding. After being spoken, it was surprisingly pleasant to hear.

It was like two men getting along well and finally calling each other brothers. Sylvia and her friend were two girls, then they were sisters!

Elysia just rolled her eyes because of that. She got another sister unconditionally. Her half-friend called her a sister. Maybe, someday there would be a man who called her by the name of a sister... Or perhaps, she was asked to call him a brother...

At that moment, no one realized other than Elysia, Elena had already put out the incense that gave off a strange smell like aphrodisiac or lust medicine. That way, everyone would be safe, and these two lousy people would follow Sylvia\'s plot.

"Hou? This is yours? Look at how we ate this! Well, I\'m a little hungry." Yaro scoffed and then devoured the waffle with a big chew. Bob also ate it with his friend.

In retrospect, they skipped lunch and dinner. When Yaro and Bob were just out for dinner, they were running this whole operation instead. Night activities for the unspeakable things require nutrients and calories. Their stomachs started rumbling as if they were protesting for food.

"Aa, you bad guys eat it... It should be one of the menus at our little night food party." Sylvia pouted somewhat at a loss. The waffle dish was missing from the list...

One minute passed so quickly, Elysia and Elena simply let a minute of Sylvia\'s play. If Sylvia\'s father didn\'t come, then Elysia only had to take care of all this. Clean up these two kidnappers in a fast way and escape safely, then everyone would be happy.

"Hehe... Now your waffle has filled our nutrition for tonight\'s activities. Don\'t think the two of you can sleep tonight because you have to satisfy our lust. Keke..." Bob wiped his mouth with a lewd smile.

Then, he took off his clothes in a hurry. Yaro did the same. One minute had passed, and these two girls were foolish to give them one minute to eat.

"Look, a minute has passed, and your father has not come to save the day. No hero will save the princess from harm like in the story. You have to realize that the real world is very different from fairy tales." Yaro walked over to the bed as if ready to enjoy fresh meat all night long.

"We\'ve given you enough hope, now is the time to drop you into despair, hahaha!" Bob jumped up and climbed onto the bed.

Sylvia glanced at the flicker of black mist entering the room, then she smirked for a moment, but it disappeared soon after. She quickly put on a scared expression, but she looked like she was about to laugh.

"Kyah! Sister, our fate is so unfortunate. Take it easy, I will accompany you, sob, sob..." Sylvia pretended to be a frightened girl and immediately burst into tears.

Elysia just rolled her eyes one more time. She saw Dylan emerge from the black mist and stand right behind the two kidnappers who had just climbed onto the bed.

"Yeah, there are no heroes these days. Unfortunately, the one who will save the princess is the devil." Dylan spoke with such an oppressive tone and an intimidating aura. Then, he grabbed the head of two men who were about to jump and ate his daughter and her human friend.

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