
Chapter 448: Unusual Gathering

Chapter 448: Unusual Gathering

"That\'s not good?" Evelyn asked with a clueless expression.

"Mm, isn\'t that obvious? Let\'s do it with my arrangements. Gabriella, Evelyn, and your mother will be sharing a room. Then, Ely, Yuuki, and I will be sharing a room. And lastly, the rest I didn\'t mention will be in the guest room. is a better arrangement." Sylvia raised her index finger up to express her opinion.

"B-but..." Evelyn wanted to refute, but she couldn\'t come up with a proper sentence to defend herself. She would love to spend time with her best friend for a pillow talk. However, apparently not tonight.

"Mm, that\'s not bad. I\'ll stay with Ely. Also, if the Goddess of Light and the Goddess of Blessings come, you\'ll be sleeping on the couch." Rhea nodded as if she agreed.

"Wha-uh, um, no problem. I know in Ely\'s room there\'s a soft sofa." Sylvia didn\'t mind as if she fully understood her position. After all, she was starting to think that her friend Elysia was a Goddesses Tamer.

"Well, Ely, let\'s cook dinner together. It\'s been a long time since we\'ve been in the kitchen together." Evelyn looked at the clock and asked with a hopeful look.

"Mm, fine, let\'s go to the kitchen. What kind of cuisine will we cook on this occasion?" Elysia agreed, but she had no intention of getting up from her seat yet.

"Uhmm... Let\'s vote. That way, we\'ll know everyone\'s preferences. I can represent my grandfather and my mother. Then, Eve can represent her mother as well." Ella joined the conversation with a suggestion.

"En, yes, let\'s do that. I also want to help even though I can\'t cook." Sylvia jumped to her feet and raised her arms high.

After that, she took a blank piece of paper and a pen from Elysia\'s desk. She creates a table for a vote.

A few moments later, a voting result was obtained. With that said, it was their dinner choice.

"Elysia\'s specialty?" Elysia tilted her head slightly while looking at the voting result.

"Mm, that\'s the result of our vote." Sylvia nodded confidently. She just found out that her friend was very good at cooking and everyone\'s favorite.

"All right. But, Elysia\'s friendly reminder, don\'t blame me if my specialty doesn\'t suit your tongue." Elysia put down the shirt paper and looked at everyone.

"Hehe, you\'re such a favourite. Of course, no one will complain no matter what you cook. You have three assistants too. So, are we making Elysia\'s specialty now?" Sylvia put her hand to her cheek with a sweet smile.

Elysia was silent for a moment to send telepathy to Rhea. However, Rhea chose not to go to the kitchen. Therefore, she just got up from her seat and put Rhea there. "Okay, we have something to cook."

Elysia went to the kitchen and was followed by the three jolly girls and started cooking. It was like the main chef with three helpers. The four of them made a banquet-like dinner for everyone.

Meanwhile, Yuuki just stared into the kitchen with a reverence look. She wasn\'t good at cooking, like Sylvia. Still, she didn\'t have the confidence to stand beside Elysia to help out on this occasion.

She wanted to impress Elysia. Because of that, she had a solid intention to learn how to cook until she became a pro.

"Hm-mm, what is this delicious smell? It\'s a welcome that isn\'t bad, I like that." Nell appeared in the room as if she had just emerged from thin air.

"Wha, you surprised me, the Goddess of Blessings. Really, are divine beings so happy to suddenly pop out of nowhere?" Yuuki flinched slightly, then stroked her upper chest.

"Hum, you\'ll get used to it, Yuuki." Nell just chuckled and drifted into the dining room, then into the kitchen to check.

"Welcome back, the Goddess of Blessings. How was your day? Has the renovation of the Holy Cathedral been completed?" Elysia greeted the hungry Goddess. Ella and Evelyn also followed with their respectful greetings.

"Mm, my role is done. The workers are doing the cleaning now." Nell landed hovering over with sparkling eyes looking at all the delicious looking dishes.

Ella glanced into the living room, but she couldn\'t find anyone other than those who were already there. "Uhm, may I know where my grandfather and my mother are now, the Goddess of Blessings?"

"Hm? My mother isn\'t here either." Evelyn also glanced at the living room.

"Ah, they\'ll be here in a few minutes." Nell glanced outside with her magic vision and answered. After that, she glanced at what Elysia was cooking. "Nee, what are you cooking, Ely?"

"Elysia\'s specialty. This is eastern cuisine, kind of cuisine from my hometown. I don\'t know if this will suit your preference. Can you taste a bit?" Elysia stopped stirring the curry to look at Nell.

"Sure, give it to me." Nell nodded.

Seeing that, Elysia fetched a small bowl of spice-rich curry and gave it to Nell. "Here. Please tell me how you think it feels, the Goddess of Blessings."

Nell inhaled the curry\'s aroma, then scooped it up and ate it. For some reason, she got some stares from everyone as if they were waiting for her comment.

"This is delicious. Not only does it taste delicious which can make my appetite seem to increase, but the spices in it also give warmth to every bite. This seems very suitable for an indulgent dinner after a tiring day. You are indeed good at cooking, Ely. But, this is one of the main dishes, right?" After saying her comment, Nell scooped up the curry again and ate it.

"Yep, this is one of the main courses. I\'m glad this spiced curry suits your taste buds." Elysia smiled happily and continued her cooking business. Everything was almost done.

"Hm, but, it\'s not spicy enough!" Sylvia commented with a small bowl of curry in hand.

"Not everyone can tolerate spicy like you, Sylvi. For spicy lovers, add this." Elysia handed a small bright red bottle to Sylvia.

"Wow, is this chili powder? It\'s fiery red as if to give it an extra spicy feel." Sylvia sprinkled some of the \'chili powder\' into her bowl.

Seeing that the curry wasn\'t red enough, she sprinkled some more.

"No, it\'s similar, but please just sprinkle a little because-" Elysia reminded, but she stopped mid-sentence when she saw it was too late.

"Nom." Sylvia scooped up her curry and ate it with a satisfied look. However, it only lasted for a short while before her expression turned rosy with a hint of sweat.

"-It will get super duper spicy if you sprinkle too much." Elysia continued her unfinished reminder.

"Fwah, haah! Really super duper extra spicy! Why didn\'t you remind me earlier, Ely. Fwah, water, ice, anything... Ugh, my tongue is burning, my tongue is on fire, aah!" Sylvia rushed to the refrigerator storage box and gulped down a bottle of cold drink.

"Ufufu, mff, hff..." Nell muffled her laughter so it wouldn\'t look rude.

The others just looked at Sylvia with a look of amusement. That was the price to pay for not waiting for Elysia to finish her sentence.

"Here, try drinking this. This milk will help neutralize the spicy taste." Elysia gave a bottle of milk to Sylvia.

"Fwuuh, enghh..." Sylvia accepted it and gulped it down. For some reason, the excruciating spiciness subsided but didn\'t completely disappear.

"Ufufu, see? That\'s the result of not waiting for Elysia to finish her sentence." Yuuki giggled and covered her mouth.

"Ugh, I\'ll keep that in mind." Sylvia sat limply on the floor. "Thank you, Ely. You are my saviour."

"That\'s okay. Are you still feeling the spiciness?" Elysia asked worriedly. She simply ignored a particular guardian angel who was laughing heartily in the Soul Realm.

"It subsided. I can handle it." Sylvia loosened her shoulders and nodded slightly.

Seeing that, Elysia returned to the kitchen and finished her meal. With the help of Ella and Evelyn, they served it all to the dinner table.

Just as all the dishes were beautifully served, Lucia, Isabelle, Alexander, Arthur, and several other familiar guests arrived.

"Oho, you lovely girls have cooked your own dinner? I\'m honored to come here." Arthur laughed to see his arrival was timely.

"Ah, welcome. Come join us for dinner." Ella greeted warmly.

"Hahaha, sure, sure. If one of you became my son\'s bride, I\'m sure he would live a blisful life." Arthur laughed as he patted his son on the back.

"Father..." Theo muttered softly in embarrassment. Those lovely girls were ideal wife material indeed. But that didn\'t mean it could be added to a joke like that!

"Hmph! You\'re a thousand years too young to try to get my granddaughters, boy." Alexander snorted softly to glance at the crown prince.

"I didn\'t even say anything about it." Theo felt helpless to be caught in a dilemma.

"Haha, what are you saying, old man. My son will become an old man like you if he is added a thousand years." Arthur laughed casually as if not taking Alexander\'s words seriously.

"Well, that\'s true. What I\'m saying is that your son doesn\'t stand a chance. Try your luck with another girl." After saying that, Alexander just walked closer to his granddaughters.

Theo just took a deep breath and sighed. He already knew that, but it still tasted bitter on the tongue. He glanced at Ella for a moment, then at Evelyn and finally at Elysia.

After a few moments of pause, he realized that there was a seven-tailed fox girl and a red-eyed girl in the room. And again, a huge dragon-like man too! Several people behind him also just realized it.

\'What\'s with this unusual gathering!?\' Theo and several people behind him shouted with the same thing in mind as if they had the same shock.

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